Navigation Flashcards
What is the operating frequency of VOR?
108.0Mhz - 117.95 MHz ( 50 KHz spacing)
What are the first 4 Mhz of the VOR frequency band shared with?
What is the purpose of the localiser?
Gives reference to horizontal steering located at the END of the runway. Left 90Hz Right 150Hz
What is the localiser frequency band?
108.10 - 111.95 Mhz all odd 1/10Mhz steps (40 channels)
What is the purpose of the glide path?
Reference of vertical steering at an angle of around 3 degrees. Located at the BEGINNING of the runway. Above 90Hz Below 150Hz
What is the frequency range for Glide path?
329.15 - 335 Mhz
How is the ILS receiver tuned?
Via the control panel or MCDU, in automated flight decks FMS executes an automated tuning before the beginning of approach.
As well as tuning the ILS frequency what must also be tuned?
The course selector
DH > 200 and RVR > 300 is?
Cat I
DH 200-100 and RVR 300 is?
Cat II
DH and RVR = 0
What navigation system works by providing bearing information from the difference between two phases transmitted by a ground station?
What is the usable range of VOR?
100-300 NM
What signals is a VOR transmitter radiating?
Two modulation signals, reference and phase that differ in their phase position according to which direction they leave the station.
In the VOR system the ………. signal is a FM signal constant in all directions?
In the VOR system the ………. signal is an AM signal and the phase difference changes depending on the direction it leaves the station?
Explain Doppler VOR?
To Increase accuracy of the navigation today most stations work as Doppler-VOR. Doppler effect means rising of the reception frequency if the signal source approaches or decreasing frequency if the source moves away.
What is 1 dot deviation in a VOR system?
5 degrees
In VOR what is the TO-FROM indicator showing?
Whether the aircraft is in the TO or FROM area of the selected VOR station
What is the frequency of a marker beacon?
75Mhz with A2 Modulation
What are the ranges of the marker beacons?
1000ft, 3500ft and 4.5 Miles
What are the 2 types of beacons in a marker system?
Z-Marker and Fan Marker
What is the purpose of a Z marker?
Coned shaped vertical beam to mark a crossing point of airways, or fill the cone of silence over a NDB
What is the purpose of a Fan-Marker?
Fan shaped beam to mark important positions along airways and give distance to threshold info on approach and landing.
How does a receiver distinguish different markers that it is overflying?
The audio modulation of 400, 1300 or 3000Hz goes through audio filters, if the audio tone is present it closes a switch.
What is the principle of how a radio altimeter functions?
Transmit a FM signal from the aircraft to the ground and receive the ground reflected signal after a certain delay.
What is the operation frequency of RA?
4.3 Ghz
What is decision height?
DH is a specified altitude or height in approach at which a Missed Approach must be initiated if the RVR has not been established.
What is automatic callout?
Below 400ft, the radio altitude is announced by a synthetic voice generated by the FWC.
What is the purpose of the GPWS?
Aural warnings for when the aircraft is in a dangerous position relative to the ground. 7 modes
what are the most important inputs for GPWS?
Radio Altimeter (most important) but will also use ILS, Flap and Gear Positions and ADC
Why does the GPWS system use discrete from the Gear/Flap positions
To make sure the aircraft is in the correct configuration for distance from ground
What does the EGPWS incorporate over GPWS?
Terrain and altering display functions.
How does EGPWS determine a dangerous position?
It uses geographic position, aircraft altitude and inertial ref system to predict potential conflicts between aircraft flight path and terrain.
What is the purpose of the weather radar?
It allows the detection and display of severe weather areas so the pilot can avoid. and also provides ground mapping.
How does a weather radar work?
Radar Emits microwave pulses through a directive antenna and picks up the return signals.
What is the weather radar operation frequency?
9.4 Ghz
What do the different colours of the WXR mean?
Green - 1-4mm/hr
Yellow - 4-12mm/hr
Red - >12mm/hr
Magenta - Turbulent
What are the operational modes of the WXR?
WX = normal mode WX/TURB = Turbulant areas shown in magenta if in 40NM and MAP = Ground Mapping
The turbulence and windshear principle is based on?
Pulse waveforms show that echo frequency difference from TX pulse. caused by the Doppler effect impairing the motion via droplets
What does the DME system provide?
A digital readout of the aircrafts slant distance from a selected ground station.
What is the frequency of DME?
Around 1Ghz, 252 channels paired with VHF Nav Frequencies
What is normally at the same loacation as a VOR station?
What are the different frequencies for the ground and aircraft interrogator TX?
1025 - 1150 Mhz Aircraft and 962 - 1213 Mhz Grond
The frequency of the ground station TX is always …… above or below the interrogator frequency?
63 Mhz
In DME how does the aircraft recognise its own pulses?
The sent signal varies its repetition rate at random and gives the DME a unique repetition rate.