NAV-1 Reviewer Flashcards
It’s a geographic information system used for nautical navigation. It complies with International Maritime Organization (IMO) regulations and serves as an alternative to paper nautical charts.
Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS)
It’s the global standard-setting authority for the safety, security and environmental performance of international shipping.
International Maritime Organization (IMO)
It’s an intergovernmental organization representing hydrography.
International Hydrographic Organization (IHO)
What are the two main types of ECDIS?
Electronic Navigational Chart (ENC)
Raster Navigational Chart (RNC)
It’s a device that emits radio waves to detect objects by analyzing the reflected waves. It helps determine the position and speed of objects such as ships and land features.
RADAR (Radio Detecting and Ranging)
What is the primary purpose of radar?
To detect objects and their position and speed by analyzing reflected radio waves.
The development of radar initiated with ___________ experiments in the __________ demonstrating that radio waves reflect off metallic objects, eventually leading to its adoption for maritime use.
Heinrich Hertz’s and 19th century
Name the two types of radar.
S-band Radar (long-range) and X-band Radar (better resolution for smaller targets).
Primarily designed to aid in collision avoidance by automating the plotting of radar targets.
Automatic Radar Plotting Aid (ARPA)
Enables investigators to review protocols and guidelines leading up to an incident to determine its cause.
Data Collection Unit (DCU)
Data Recording Unit (DRU)
Sensor interface unit
Essential bridge equipment used to measure the ship’s speed through water and the distance traveled.
A system for transmitting navigational warnings and weather forecasts from designated coast radio stations.
NAVTEX (Navigation Telex)
The helmsman manually controls the steering without mechanical assistance.
Manual Steering
A system that maintains a predetermined course without human intervention.
Adaptive Autopilot (ADPT)
PID (Proportional Integral Derivative Control):
What is NAVTEX used for?
Transmitting navigational warnings and weather forecasts from coast radio stations.
Steering modes:
Directly connects steering input to rudder movement.
Follow Up Mode
Steering modes:
It allows for direct and immediate control of the rudder without the steering control device being proportional to the rudder’s position.
Non-Follow Up Mode
What is the main purpose of Automatic Radar Plotting Aid (ARPA)?
To aid in collision avoidance by automating the plotting of radar targets.
What role does a Voyage Data Recorder (VDR) play?
Aids in accident investigation, comparable to an aircraft’s black box.
It’s a critical tool used in maritime operations primarily for measuring water depth and ensuring safe navigation by detecting underwater obstacles such as rocks and reefs.
Components of an Echo-Sounder
Pulse Generator
allowing operators to control the vessel’s direction and maintain its course safely and efficiently.
steering control system
Key Components of a Steering Control System
Steering Wheel or Joystick
Control Panels and Displays
What are the two types of autopilot systems?
PID (Proportional Integral Derivative ) and Adaptive Autopilot (ADPT).
These systems use hydraulic fluid to transmit power from the steering wheel to the rudder.
Hydraulic Steering Controls
What is Autopilot?
A system that maintains a predetermined course without human intervention.
What is ECDIS?
It’s a geographic information system used for nautical navigation.
It’s an advanced tracking system designed to enhance maritime safety by automating the exchange of key vessel information.
Types of AIS
Class A: Required for all vessels over 300 Gross Tonnage (GT)
Class B: often used by recreational boats.
Types of Echo-Sounders
Multibeam Sonar
Information Transmitted by AIS:
IMO number
Ship name and call sign
Dimensions of the vessel (length and beam)
Type of ship
Location of the position-fixing antenna
Maritime Mobile Service Identity (MMSI) number
What does GPS enable ship crews to determine?
Exact Location, speed, direction, and time.
Information Transmitted by AIS:
Dynamic Information (varies with speed and course):
Current position with accuracy
Timestamp of position (UTC)
Course Over Ground (COG)
The NAVTEX receives the following messages:
A= Navigational Warning
B= Meteorological Warning
C= Ice Report
D=Search and Rescue Information
E= Meteorological Forecast
F=Pilot Messages
Types of Speed Log:
Electromagnetic Log
Pitometer Log
Doppler Log
Impeller Log
A safety system on ships designed to ensure that the crew remains alert while navigating.
Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm System (BNWAS)
Steering Mode
Three Operational Modes
Automatic Mode
Manual On Mode
Manual Off Mode
Importance of BNWAS
It ensures constant monitoring of navigation activities.
An interconnected system of various equipment and controls on the ship’s bridge, allowing centralized access to navigation and command information for efficient vessel management.
Integrated Bridge System (IBS)
It’s an international communication system that ensures maritime safety by enabling quick information exchange between ships and shore stations during distress situations.
Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS)
GMDSS consist of the following:
Search and Rescue transponder (SART)
Emergency Position-Indication Radio Beacon
International Maritime Satellite Organization (Inmarsat)
It’s a advanced tracking system designed to enhance maritime safety by automating the exchange of key vessel information.
Types of AIS:
Class A:Over 300 GrossTonnages
Class B: Recreational Boats
How does it give and receive Information of a ship
AIS uses transceivers installed on ships to automatically send and receive information.
Information Transmitted by AIS:
Static: Maritime Mobile Service Identity (MMSI) Number
IMO Number
Ships Name and Call Sign
Type of Ship
Current Position with accuracy
Timestamp of Position (UTC)
Course Over Ground (COG)
Destination and Estimated time of Arrival (ETA)
Route Plan with Way Points
Ship’s Draft
Uses hydraulic fluid to transfer the steering force to the rudder or outboard motor, allowing for smoother and more precise control, especially in larger boats.
Hydraulic Steering Control System
What is the purpose of the Automatic Identification System (AIS)?
To enhance safety by automating exchange of key vessel information.
What does an echo-sounder measure?
Water Depth and Detects underwater Obstacles
What is the function of the steering system in a vessel?
To guide the ship along its intended course.