Nature Vs Nurture✔️ Flashcards
People disagree about whether human behaviour is the result of: (2)
Nature - we are pre-programmed.
Nurture - environmental influences.
Although humans possess the same needs, how do we satisfy those needs?
It varies - people handle things differently and this could be because of the society/culture you are in.
Although all people have a sex drive…
People satisfy it in different ways e.g. monogamy, serial monogamy, celibate.
Although we have a drive for self preservation…
People still self harm, risk their life’s in war / commit suicide.
Women are said to have a maternal instinct yet…
Some abandon or abuse their children.
If our behaviour was really natural and pre-programmed then how would society be?
Everyone would be the exact same.
Sociologists argue that variations in our behaviour is because of learning e.g..
Culture and sociolisation plays a part.
Culture includes…
All the things a society regards as important such as language, customs, norms and values.
What are norms?
Specific rules that govern behaviour in particular situations.
What are Values?
General principles we have.
Sociologists argue that…
We are not born with culture! There is Socialisation - where we learn culture.
Primary Socialisation…
Family life at home - babies are only exposed to their parents so they mimic them.
What is Secondary Socialisation?
The process that carries on as our social life develops e.g. constant with school, social media etc.
What is Status?
A position in society which you must comply with the obligations.
What is Role Conflict?
Where the demands of various social roles clash or cause strain.
Explain what happened with Isabelle and her mother:
They had been kept shut by the family in a darkened room for years & according to Davis, their behaviour to strangers was like a wild animal.
What kind of impact does the environment you’re exposed to have?
A very big one - you are influenced by your surroundings.
How do Sociologists think gender roles are determined?
By culture - if it was natural, their role would be constant but it has changed over time e.g. women are no longer just housewives.
What did Margaret Mead do?
Studied 3 tribes in New Guinea and found:
One tribe had both genders who were aggressive and hated children.
One tribe both genders were gentle and passive - men would lie with their wives to help share the pain of childbirth.
One tribe men took responsibility for cooking, wore makeu band were dancing & women usually went around with shaven heads and aggressiveness.