Nature Of Nursing-ch4: Legal Aspects Of Nursing Flashcards
(Legal) A written response made by the defendant
An attempt or threat to touch another person unjustifiably
Examination of the body after death to determine the cause of death and to learn more about a disease process
(Legal) The willful or negligent touching of a person (or the person’s clothing or even something the person is carrying), which may or may not cause harm
A standard of care that is expected in the specific situation but that the nurse did not observe; this is the failure to act as a reasonable, prudent nurse under the circumstances
Breach of duty
The duty of proving an assertion
Burden of proof
A fact that must be proven that the harm occurred as a direct result of the nurses failure to follow the standard of care and the nurse could have or should have known that failure to follow the standard of care could result in such harm
Deals with the relationship between individuals in society
Civil action
The body of law that deals with relationships among private individuals; also known as private long
Civil law
The body of principles that evolves from court decisions
(Legal) The document filed by plaintiff
A written or verbal agreement between two or more people to do or not do some lawful act
The enforcement of agreements among private individuals or the payment of consumption for failure to fill the agreement
Contract law
Duty of care established by the presence of an expressed or implied contract
Contractual obligation
Vary among practice settings; may be as an independent or employer – employee relationship
Contractual relationships
A physician who is authorized by the county or other government agency to determine causes of death under unusual circumstances
The process of determining and maintaining competence in practice; includes licensure, registration, certification, and accreditation
An act committed in violation of public (criminal) law and punishable by a fine and/or imprisonment
Deal with disputes between an individual and the society as a whole
Criminal actions
Deals with actions against the safety and welfare of the public
Criminal law
If malpractice caused the injury, the nurse is held liable for damages that may be compensated
(Legal) outcome made by a judge
(Legal) a communication that is false, or made with careless disregard for the truth, and results in injury to the reputation of another
(Legal) person against whom the plaintiff files a complaint
Transference of responsibility and authority for an activity to a competent individual
(Legal) pretrial activities to gain all the facts of the situation
The nurse must have or (should have had) a relationship with the client that involves providing care and following an acceptable standard of care
The act of painlessly putting to death persons suffering from incurable or distressing disease
One who has special training, experience, or skill in a relevant area and is allowed by the court to offer an opinion on some issue within the area of expertise
Expert witness