Nature of God Flashcards
What is the Apostles creed?
An early statement of Christian beliefs
What is the Bible?
Christian holy book
What is the cosmological argument also known as?
The causation argument
What is the cosmological argument?
A belief that the universe had a cause and this is God
What does creation ex-nihilo mean?
Creation from nothing
What does creator mean?
Someone that starts something - Christians believe that god is the creator of the world
What does deity mean?
What does eternal mean?
Lasts forever
What does God mean?
A divine supreme being
What does Gospel mean?
A teaching or doctrine of a religious person
What is the Holy spirit?
The element of God that is within all Christians
What is immanence?
The idea that God is within us
What is incarnation?
It means “in flesh” it relates to the belief that Jesus was God “in flesh” or human form.
What are the Laws of nature?
A regularly occurring or apparently inevitable phenomenon observable in human society
What is a miracle?
A unexplainable act that breaks the law of science
What does numinous mean?
A feeling of being in the presence of something bigger than yourself
What does Omni benevolence mean?
That god is all loving
What does omnipotence mean?
God is all powerful
What does omnipresence mean?
All around/everywhere
What does omniscience mean?
All knowing
What is the ontological argument?
The argument for the existence of God in where if you believe God exists, then He must exist being you can think it
What is a paraclete?
The holy spirit
What is the Pentecost?
The seventh Sunday after Easter, commemorating the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples. Also called Whitsunday
What is a prayer?
Communication with God usually through words
What does it mean to repent?
To be truly sorry for what you have done
What is resurrection?
“rising again” the belief attributed to Jesus as he died and came back to life
What is the supernatural?
Some force beyond scientific understanding or the laws of nature
What is the teleological argument also known as?
The design argument
What is the teleological argument?
The argument for the existence of God that states the world is too complex to be an accident therefore it must be designed - Paley’s watch
What is transcendence?
The belief that God is above us all. (more important)
What is the trinity?
The belief that God is 3 in 1 (father, son, holy spirit)
What are the 4 things that describe God?
The omni-s
What does immanent mean?
The idea that god is within us
What does deity mean?
Describe Jesus
He is personal, the human part of the trinity, he understood suffering, he was selfless
Describe the holy spirit
Non-physical, within everybody
What are the four types of miracles?
Raising the dead
Give four examples of miracles
Healing a blind person
Turning water into wine
Curing someone of a life threatening disease
Walking on water
What was the greatest miracle?
When Jesus rose from the dead
What are the two ideas for the reason for the Earth being created and therefore the existence of God?
The teleological argument
The cosmological argument