End of life Flashcards
What is the soul?
Spiritual and immortal part of a human being
What is heaven?
A place where you go after you die. A place of perfection with God where your soul will stay eternally if you are good in your life on earth.
What is hell?
A place believed to be where wicked people go when they die
What is purgatory?
Place or state of temporary suffering. Place where souls of the dead undergo punishment before being admitted to heaven
What is judgement?
An opinion reached after careful thought
What is suffering?
Going through pain reluctantly
What is spirituality?
Communication with the dead
What is a creator?
A person or thing that brings something into existence
What is the original sin?
When Adam and Eve at the fruit from the tree of knowledge
What is salvation?
Fact or state of being saved from harm or the consequences of sin
What is redemption?
Free from sin, liberation from Jesus to go to heaven
What is death?
Permanent end of life in a person or animal
What is a funeral?
Ceremony or burying or cremation of a dead person
What is sin?
An act of disobedience against the rules of God
What are funeral rites?
The things you do at a funeral celebrating, respecting and remembering the life of a person.
What is a burial?
An action or practice of burying a dead body
What is eternal?
Lasting or existing forever, without end
What is sacred?
Connected with God or a god or dedicated to a religious purpose
What is resurrection?
The rising of Christ from the dead
What is ascension?
The ascent of Christ into heaven on the fortieth day after the resurrection
What is immortal?
Living forever, never dying or decaying
What is Dante’s inferno?
A telling of the journey of Dante through hell
What is purification?
The act of cleaning by getting rid of impurities
What is a doctrine?
A belief or set of beliefs held and taught by a church
What does it mean to judge?
To pass judgement on, or to determine the result of something.
Also God is a judge
What is confession?
A formal statement admitting that one is guilty of a crime. A statement setting out essential religious doctrine
What is an epitaph?
A phrase or form of words written in memory of a person who has died, especially as an inscription on a tomb stone
What is a eulogy?
A speech or piece of writing that praises someone or something highly especially as a tribute to someone who has just died
What is the committal statement?
“Ashes to ashes, dust to dust”. What is said when someone’s body is being committed to the ground
What is absolution?
Formal release from guilt, obligation or punishment
What are last rights?
The last prayers given to many Catholics when possible shortly before death
What is a wake?
A watch or vigil held beside the body of someone who has died
What is logos?
The word of God
What is thymos?
A Greek word expressing the concept of ‘spiritedness’. Physical association with breath or blood. Also used to express the human desire for recognition.
What is pathos?
A quality that evokes pity or sadness
What do Christians believe happens to us when we die?
We either go to heaven or hell (or purgatory if you are a Catholic)
What do Hindus believe happen to us when we die?
Our body dies but our soul is reincarnated and moves on
What do some Atheists think happens to us when we die?
Nothing, our body dies, we are gone, that is it
What is dualism?
The idea that we have a body and a soul and they are two separate things. The body is mortal and the soul is immortal. When the body dies the soul moves on to an eternal life in heaven
What do people believe about the soul and the body?
That in earthly life they are connected but in the afterlife they a seperate
Give two characteristics of the body
It is mortal and it is perishable
Give two characteristics of the soul
It is eternal and non physical
What evidence is there for the existence of the soul?
The Bible Jesus Near death experience Ghosts MacDougal's weight of the soul experiment
What are funeral rites?
They are entitlements that you get at a funeral
e.g. burial/cremation, prayer, eulogy
What is said when the coffin is wheeled into the church at a funeral?
I am the resurrection and the life, he who believes in me shall live forever
What is the committal statement and what does it mean?
“Ashes to ashes, dust to dust”
It says that we are nothing more than ash and dust, our body is not important in life, the soul is the important part. How we behave on earth and treat others in what is important.
What does God do when you die?
He judges you and decides whether you go to heaven or hell?
What does the Lord’s prayer say about forgiveness?
“Forgive us our sins for we forgive those who sin against us”