Good and Evil Flashcards
What is absolute morality?
Applying the same level or morality, regardless of the situation
Who were adam and eve?
The first two humans according to genesis
What is a conscience?
The inner sense of what is right and wrong in your own conduct
Who is the devil?
The supreme spirit of evil
What does eternal mean?
Something lasts forever and is never ending (also refers to the soul)
What is evil?
Something that is morally wrong, the opposite of good
What is faith?
A belief in something without requiring proof
What is free will?
The ability to decide your own actions/beliefs
What is the Genesis story?
A Christian account of creation
What is Good?
Something that is morally excellent, right or positive
What is the story of the Good Samaritan?
Part of a parable in the bible which highlights doing the right thing
Who is Lucifer?
Another name for the devil/Satan
What is moral evil?
An action by a human that is really bad and can cause suffering
What is natural evil?
A natural disaster which causes suffering
What is the original sin?
The first sin committed by Eve when she ate the fruit from the tree of knowledge
What is a prayer?
Communication with God usually through words
What is the problem of evil?
The challenge that if God is all loving and all-knowing then why does He let evil and suffering happen
What is redemption?
The act of redeeming or state of being redeemed
What is relative morality?
Applying a different moral code dependant on the situation
What is sacrifice?
The surrender or destruction of something valued for the sake of something having a higher purpose/reasoning
What is salvation?
To save or protect something
Who is Satan?
Another name for the devil
Who are sinners?
Those who commit bad acts
What is suffering?
People/things that are in pain or at a loss morally because of a natural or moral evil
What is the Bible?
The holy book for Christians
What is the Fall?
The story of Eve taking the fruit of the tree and thus bringing evil into the world
What is the problem of evil triangle?
If God is omnipotent and omni benevolent then why does evil still exist?
What are the two kinds of evil?
Moral evil and natural evil
Give three examples of moral evil
Child abuse
Give three examples of natural evil
What other names are there for the devil?
Fallen angel Satan Beelzebub Lucifer Prince of Darkness
What three times is the Devil mentioned in the Bible?
The story of the fall
Jesus in the desert
The story of Job
What does Jesus’ suffering show?
That God knows human suffering
How to deal with suffering
What was Jesus’ suffering an act of?
What does salvation mean?
To be saved
What does redemption mean?
To be redeemed
Why do Christians believe Jesus died?
To redeem us from our sins
What was the first bit of evil?
The fall of man (original sin)
What do Christians believe God did when he created everything? Give a quote to support this!
They believe he created everything good!
“God saw all that he had made, and it was very good”
Where is the story of how the devil came to be found in the Bible?
It isn’t! Trick question
What does the tradition state happened to the Devil?
That Lucifer was created good, he became proud and refused to bow down to Adam
He was cast out of heaven
And Jesus himself says “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven”
What do some Christians believe about the Devil?
That only good is omnipotent and the Devil only has limited power
What do liberal Christians believe?
That the Devil is not real and that he is simply the personification of evil.
What are the consequences of Adam and Eve eating from the tree of knowledge?
They realise they are naked and are embarrassed
Work becomes a curse
Eve will experience labour pains
Death enters the world
What did Irenaeus believe?
That God allowed people to suffer and experience evil so they they became better people and learnt from their experiences.
What did Augustine believe?
That evil was a lack of Good
What do Christians believe about suffering?
Some believe that it is part of God’s will and no one knows the mind of God :
“God works in a mysterious way”
Many pray for God to help them when they are suffering
Others believe that Jesus is able to empathise with us
At the time of Jesus, what did people believe suffering and pain was caused by?
They thought they were punishment for past sins
What do Christians look to the Bible for?
Guidance on how to live their lives
What are the 10 commandments?
- Do not worship any other Gods
- Do not make any idols
- Do not misuse the name of God
- Keep the Sabbath Holy
- Honour your mother and father
- Do not murder
- Do not commit adultery
- Do not steal
- Do not lie
- Do not covet
What are the two main commandments that Jesus propheted?
Love God
Love neighbour
What is the ‘golden rule’
“So in everything do to others what you would have them do to you”
What does Jesus teach about obedience to God?
That it will win eternal salvation for the whole of humanity
What would Christians say that their conscience was?
The voice of God telling them what to do