Nature Of Allah Flashcards
Life after death, you either go to
Heaven or hell
Life after death
Waiting period
Barzakh quotes
‘On the day he will call you’
‘And he will surely test you with something of fear and hunger’
Day of judgment quotes
‘If you should believe in Allah and the last day’
Heaven quotes
‘Beautiful mansions in gardens of everlasting bliss’
‘Final home’
‘As for those who believed and carried out good deeds, they will be delighted in paradise’
‘Pleasant life’
‘Almost bursting with fury’
‘As for those who disbelieved… those will be bought forth in punishment’
Study of the end of time
The oneness of Allah
There is only one true God, and that is Allah.
Tawheed is made up of 3 things
Allah is the creator of everything and controls and rules over everything
Allah has the best names and qualities. No one else has these qualities
Allah is the only one who had the right to be worshipped
Tawheed quote
‘All acts of worship are to Allah’
The one thing Allah will not forgive us for
Worshipping others along with Allah
To give created beings and things Allah’s names and attributes
To believe that others share Allah’s control and rule over the creation
Examples of shirk
Statues The sun Kings and queens Celebrities Fire
Shirk quote
‘Surely Allah will not forgive the association of partners (shirk) with him
Tawhid quotes
‘Worship Allah and avoid Taghut’
‘Originator of heaven and earth’