Core Beliefs Flashcards
Six articles of faith
- Belief that Allah is the one and only god
- Belief in angels (MALAIKAH)
- Belief in prophets (RISALAH)
- Belief in Holy books (KUTUB)
- Belief in judgment
- Belief in fate (QUADAR)
Belief in one god quotes
‘He is Allah, the one and only’
‘All praise is due to Allah’
‘It is you we worship’
Angel quotes
‘There is a watcher by him ready (to record)’
‘Made the angels messangers’
‘They celebrate His praises night and day, nor do they ever slacken.’
Prophet quotes
‘We have sent to you a messsnger’
‘And if they believe in what you believe, then they are rightly guided’
Holy books quotes
When describing the gospel- ‘guidance and light’
‘And we have revealed to you (O Muhammad) the book in truth’
When describing Torah ‘guidance and instruction for the righteous’
‘Teaching them the book and wisdom’
Judgment day quotes
‘As for those who believed and carried out good deeds, they will be delighted in paradise’
‘On the day he will call you’
‘The day that all things secret will be tested’
Fate quotes
‘And we have already created man and know what his soul whispers to him’
‘No soul will ever die unless it is allahs will’
‘The length of each life is predetermined’
‘Guide us to the straight path’
Five roots of faith
Al- Tawhid : belief in oneness and unity of Allah
Al- Adl: belief in divine judtice (free will)
Al- Ma’ad: belief in day of resurrection
Al- Nubuwwah: belief in prophethood
Al- immah: belief in imams
Why are inmans so important
- they are their teachers
- they believe they are descendentes of Muhammad
- they rule justly
- they can interpret the Qur’an and Shariah law without fault
- people need divine guidance to know how to live correctly
- preserving and explaining the divine law takes places through imams
Imam quote
‘Certainly we have sent into every nation a leader’
Sources of authority
- Qu’ran
- Sunna
- Hadith
- (Shari’a)
What do U always have to put after Muhammad
Why is Muhammad considered the seal of prophets
Because he was the last one. Also because he provided the final revelation to his people in the form of the Qu’ran
Holy books
- Qu’ran
- Sunna
- Hadith
- Torah
- Bible
- revealed to Muhammad in Arabic, unchanged.
- people used to memorise it before books
- 114 chapters
- not in chronological order
- over 40 translations but these are regarded as untrue
Qu’ran respect
Immense respect
Cannot speak, eat or drink when reading it
One god
Many gods