Muhammad Flashcards
When Mohammed died in 632CE Muslims could not decide on who to be his successor. One group wanted it to be Abu Bakr because they felt he would be the strongest and the best leader, however, another group wanted it to be Ali, because he was Muhammad’s cousin and had lived in his household.
Abu Bakr argued that he was Muhammad’s good friends and was one of the first people to convert to Islam, winning the majority of the Muslims and forming a group called the sunnis
However Ali felt he wasn’t given a fair chance to make his case because he was planning Muhammads funeral at the time. The remaining Muslims formed a group called the Shias.
From that day onwards, the sunnis were lead by the Caliphs and the Shias were led by he immams.
When did Muhammad receive the first verses of the Quran
The night of power- occurred during the last ten nights of Ramadan.
What did Muhammad do
He preached publically, sharing the words he believed Allah revealed to him.
When was Muhammad born
570 CE
When did Muhammad die
632 CE
muhammads views
took on poor behaviour/excessibe drinking
believed in monotheism