Nature Conservation Legislation (Theme) Flashcards
What do RAMSAR sites protect and which convention was it?
Convention on Wetlands (1971)
What is the Bern Convention?
The convention on the conservation of European wildlife and natural habitats (1979)
What is the Bonn Convention?
The convention on the conservation of migratory species and wild animals (1979)
What does CITES stand for and what year was it held?
Convention of International Trade of Endangered Species
flagship legislation
What year was the UN World Charter? What are some issues with it?
Somewhat of a desk exercise, fairly little actual action
No leading principles have come from this
Does SDG 14 consider the environmental to be of intrinsic or of anthropocentric value?
‘Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development’
What are the primary drivers of biodiversity loss, as stated in the targets of SDG15?
Habitat Loss
How many species are on the IUCN red list? and how many are threatened with extinction?
Where did the Aichi Targets come from?
CBD (1992) (from Rio Summit)
Summarise Target 15.9 from the SDGs.
That by 2020 biodiversity and ecosystem values will be integrated into all aspects of poverty alleviation, development and local planning
Which convention did the Birds Directive (1979 revised 2009) and the Habitats Directive come from?
Bern Convention 1979
What type of protection areas are associated with the Birds Directive?
What type of protection areas are associated with the Habitats Directive?
What does the Habitats Directive promote and protect?
Habitats and species of European importance
What do Annex 1 and Annex 2 list within the SACs?
Annex 1 lists Habitats
Annex 2 lists Species
What is Natura 2000?
The largest coordinated network of protected areas in the world
18% of EU territory
6% marine territory
What are the 5 acronyms for protected areas under Natura 2000?
Why is the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 a good piece of legislation?
Stood the test of time, few amendments
Can lead to prosecution
Clear guidance
What is a critique of the National Parks accreditation?
Attracts tourists, which cause environmental damage e.g The New Forest (2005)
The Gower Peninsula not one to avoid this
Which act created the Environment Agency?
The Environment Act 1995
Which Directive lead to the the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017 UK legislation?
(amended from numerous other regs 1994)
Habitats Directive
Why are the Environmental Damage (Prevention and Remediation) Regulations 2009 important?
puts pressure on organisations to be able to prove they have taken steps to prevent damage of any environmental medium
What are LNRs and AONBs?
Local Nature Reserves
Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty
Which Acts enforce NNRs?
Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981
National Parks Act 1949
What is a Heritage Coast?
1 mile+ of coastline with exceptional fine scenic quality, substantially undeveloped containing features of special significance and interest
What are MCZs?
Marine Conservation Zones
They protect nationally significant species and habitat
Originally 1 site (Lundy Island)
As of 2016 there are now 50
What are MPAs?
Marine Protection Areas
Zones where marine wildlife is protected from damage and disturbance
25% of UK waters
From the CBD and Marine Strategy Framework Directive
Holistic Approach
What are some key point of UK Environmental legislation?
bats and roosts protected, even empty roosts
offence to disturb or harm protected species
offence to damage any structure used as shelter
all wild birds eggs protected (dead or alive)
What are some key points of EU environmental legislation?
offence to deliberately capture/kill/injure/disturb any animal or bird species under EU law
offence to pick/uproot/collect/cut/destroy plant species
animals/plants must not be kept/transported/sold/exchanged/advertised for sale
What was the amendment to the Wildlife and Countryside Act in 2004?
Illegal to be in possession of wild bird eggs collected from 1954-1981
Case: Dodsworth 1000+ eggs 2006 swot team 100 hours community service
What was the amendment to the Wildlife and Countryside Act in 2012?
Vicarious Liability Offence 18a
made landowners and employers proactively responsible for wildlife management
Case: Ninah Stewart fined £675 for the actions of Peter Bell who killed a pheasant using poison which later went on to kill a Buzzard. No evidence was found that Ninah had taken reasonable steps to ensure her staff were informed on proper procedure and did not execute due diligence
What are some points of guidance for Industry?
Impact of any changes to activities or potential development must be considered
awareness of conservation designations in business are
awareness of legislation changes in regards to the practice of the business
Name 3 government bodies for conservation law?
DEFRA EA Natural England Natural Resources Wales Scotland natural heritage