nature and nurture interplay Flashcards
nature and nurture of language development
- Both genetic and environmental influences are important for language development
- Genetic influences are not static: heritability of language ability increases during development
- Multiple genetic factors have been identified (e.g., FOXP2), suggesting that language ability is a multifactorial trait
- Genetic and environmental factors do not act in isolation, but co-act, to influence child language development
nature and nurture
- do genes and environment contirbute independently to a specific trait?
gene environment interplay
- epigenectis = E -> G
- gene environment correlation = G -> E
- gene environment interaction = G x E
- Genetic material (DNA) is passed on from parents to offspring (vertical genetic transfer)
- Human genome is built with 3 billion nucleotide base pairs (3,000,000,000)
- There are 20-25,000 genes in the human genome
- More than 99% of the DNA sequence is the same for everybody; ~ 1% of the DNA sequence is variable (the source of individual differences)
gene expression
- process by which the DNA sequence of a gene is converted into functional protein structures
- Genetics (i.e., DNA sequence) determines what specific proteins are synthesized.
- Epigenetics determines how much of the proteins is made, and where and when it is synthesized
- DNA Methylation - methyl groups attach to DNA compacting it and preventing its code from being read or made into proteins
maternal licking and offspring behaviour
- High-nurturing mothers raise low anxious offspring (b) and low-nurturing mothers raise high anxious offspring (a).
- The nurturing behaviour of a mother rat shapes her pups’ epigenomes: in offspring of low-nurturing mother (a), glucocorticoid receptor gene (Nr3c1) is switched off and leads to higher level of stress and anxiety.
- The epigenetic pattern that mom establishes tends to stay put, even after the pups become adults.
nature via nurture
- The environment is not independent of the person: humans select, modify and create environments in line with their genetic propensities.
nature via nurture - gene environment correlation (rGE)
- When individuals with a genetic propensity for a trait are in environments, choose or create the environments, that support expression of the trait
three types of GE correlation
- Passive:
- Parental genes influence parental behaviours that play a role in determining the kind of rearing environment that they provide
- Evocative:
- Child genes influence child behaviours that play a role in evoking different types of responses in other people
- Active:
- Child genes influence child behaviours that play a role in determining how children shape and select their environments
three types of gene-environment correlation
- passive = parents and siblings
- evocative = anybody
- active = anybody or anything
passive GE correlation
· Parental genes influence parental behaviours that play a role in determining the kind of rearing environment that they provide to their children
· Examples:
- Parents of high IQ provide genes and enriched rearing environments
- Children with genetic vulnerability to antisocial behaviour is exposed to family maltreatment
evocative rGE
· Genes influence people’s behaviours that play a role in evoking different types of responses in other people
· Examples:
- Children with genetic risk for behavioural problems evoke a negative type of parenting or negative reaction from peers
- Children with positive personality (high extraversion) evoke more positive responses from parents/peers
active rGE
· Genes influence people’s behaviours that play a role in determining how people shape and select their environments
· “rich get richer” effect
· Examples:
- Athletic individual seeks out athletic endeavours
- Antisocial person seeks out antisocial peers
rGE across development
· The relative importance of the three kinds of rGE effects changes with development:
· The influence of the passive rGE declines from infancy to adolescence, whereas the importance of the active rGE increases over the same period
· The degree to which experience is influenced by individual’s genetic factors increases with development
· Two possible mechanisms:
- new genes become important (genetic innovation)
- individuals select their own experiences (genetic amplification)
nature by nurture - gene-environment interaction (GxE)
· Genetically influenced sensitivity to specific environment
· In this case, genetic influences on a trait depend on the environment
· Specific environments and genetic susceptibilities to these environments predict a trait
· Nature (genes) and Nurture (environment) do to act in isolation, they correlate and interact – Gene-Environment Interplay
· Epigenetics is an important mechanism of how the environment can control our genome/gets under the skin
· Genetic factors can influence the environment – Gene-Environment Correlation (passive, evocative and active)
· The effects of the environment can depend on genetic factors– Gene-Environment Interaction