🟠✅Natural Hazards - Seismic Hazards Flashcards
Earthquake definition
Shaking of the grounds surface (violently). There’s a sudden release of energy in crustal rocks - plate boundary - movement (sticking) can lead to build up in pressure and when that’s released shock waves release large amounts of energy.
Seismicity meaning
Refers to frequency type and size of earthquakes expericed by an area over a period of time
Seismograph / seismometer
Apparatus that measures/records vibrations within the earth and of the ground eg. Force/duration.
System of monitoring - the degree of dispersion of weight is whats measured. The greater the degree of dispersion (movement) the greater the lines.
Measured the type of energy / shock waves.
Focus vs epicentre
Focus - point where the rocks break
Epicentre - point on the surface of the earth above an earthquake
Shock waves
When two plates move side by side, friction builds up and pressure increases; this pressure is stored as potential energy, it cannot move so it just builds up. When the pressure becomes too much, the plates eventually move.
All of the energy that has been built up must go somewhere, so it is transferred into kinetic energy, which is released and vibrates throughout the ground. The further away from the focus, the weaker the shockwaves, as the energy is transferred into the surroundings.
Body waves
Primary = 4-8km/sec in earths crust / shake the ground propagating direction / compressional wave / can travel through liquid and solids / longitudinal
Secondary = 2.5-4km/sec / shale the ground perpendicular / can only travel through solid / transverse
Surface waves (love waves)
Transverse / Perpendicular to the direction of energy
Very damaging to buildings
Can only travel though solids
Surface waves (Rayleigh)
Elliptical / rolling motion or circular motion
Can travel through solids and liquids
Ridge push
Gravitational sliding away from a spreading ocean ridge.
As fresh magma wells up at mid-ocean ridges to form new young, oceanic lithosphere a higher elevation is formed at spreading ridges.
The new oceanic crust gradually cools down and thickens and is pushed downhill (gravity) as new magma emerges from the active zone of divergence behind it.
Slab pull
The weight of the denser oceanic plates material sinking into the mantle at the deep ocean trenches and pulling the rest of the plate slab with them as gravity causes them to slide down.
Each plate moves at its own rate.
Heat from the core generates thermal convection currents in the asthenosphere. Lighter / less dense molten rock rises towards the crust and spreads before cooling and shrinking.
This circulation of magma moves plates, new crust if formed at constructive zones and old crust id destroyed at subduction zones
Destructive C+O
Denser oceanic plate subducts below the continental.
The plate subducting leaves a deep ocean trench.
Fold mountains occur when sediment is pushed upwards during subduction.
The oceanic crust is melted as it subducts into the asthenosphere.
The extra magma created causes pressure to build up.
Pressurised magma forces through weak areas in the continental plate
Explosive, high pressure volcanoes erupt through the continental plate, known as composite volcanoes.
Destructive O+O
Heavier plate subducts leaving an ocean trench. Fold mountains will also occur.
Built up pressure causes underwater volcanoes bursting through oceanic plate.
Lava cools and creates new land called island arcs.
Destructive C+C
Both plates are not as dense as oceanic so lots of pressure builds.
Ancient oceanic crust is subducted
slightly, but there is no subduction of
continental crust.
Pile up of continental crust on top of
lithosphere due to pressure between
Fold mountains formed from piled of continental crust
Constructive O+O
Magma rises in between the gap left by the two plates separating, forming new land when it cools.
Less explosive underwater volcanoes formed as magma rises.
New land forming on the ocean floor by lava filling the gaps is known as sea floor spreading (as the floor spreads and gets wider).
Constructive C+C
Any land in the middle of the separation is forced apart, causing a rift valley.
Volcanoes form where the magma rises.
Eventually the gap will most likely fill with water and separate completely from the main island
Between any crust, the parallel plates move in different directions or at different speeds. No plates are destroyed so no landforms are created. When these plates move, a lot of pressure is built up. On oceanic crust, this movement can displace a lot of water. On continental crust, fault lines can occur where the ground is cracked by the movement.
Intra Plate earthquake
Caused by stresses within a plate.
Since plates move over a spherical surface, zones of weakness are created. Intraplate earthquakes happen along these zones of weakness. The earthquakes may take place along ancient faults or rift zones.
Earthquake hazards - ground shaking
tructures like buildings, bridges, dams can be severely damaged.
Cliffs and sloping ground can get demolishes.
Debris from these may fall and injure people.
Earthquake hazards - tsunamis
Long wavelength oceanic waves generated by the sudden displacement of seawater by a shallow earthquake, volcanic eruption or submarine landslide.
A number of waves may be produced and they can travel long distances at high speeds to flood far-off shores.
The height of a tsunami varies and may be affected by the sea floor depth and shape, and other factors.
Eg. New Zealand is susceptible to tsunamis originating from distance sources around the Pacific Ring of Fire as well as from very close to our coastline. Near source tsunamis will allow for very little warning.
Earthquake hazards - landslides and rockfalls
Ground shaking due to earthquakes destabilises cliffs and steep slopes, causing landslides and rockfalls as a significant side-effect. Heavy rain and unconsolidated or fractured rock are exacerbating factors.
Earthquake hazards - liquefaction
Liquefaction occurs when waterlogged sediments are agitated by seismic shaking. This separates the grains from each other, reducing their load bearing capacity.
Buildings and other structures can sink down into the ground or tilt over, whilst underground pipes and tanks may rise up to the surface.
Spatial distribution
Along all plate boundaries.
The Ring of Fire accounts for 90% of the world’s Earthquakes (shown in the diagram as the Circum-Pacific belt).
The Alpine-Himalayan belt accounts for 5-6% of the world’s earthquakes.
Magnitude - logarithmic Richter Scale
Measure of the strength of seismic waves
Magnitude - modifies mercalli intensity scale
Rate of destruction caused.
Unlike the Richter scale, the Mercalli scale has a definite end at 12 (XII as it is in roman numerals). The Mercalli scale is subjective, meaning sometimes it is disputed as it is dependent on human development being present rather than the strength of the seismic waves.
What’s the magnitude of an earthquake also dependant on?
Depth of focus. Conservative boundaries have the shallowest boundaries, meaning they are closer to the epicentre and the seismic waves are stronger.
Destructive boundaries usually have deeper focuses, meaning the seismic waves are spread over a larger area before they reach the epicentre. This is dependent on the earthquake.
Earthquake frequencies
Earthquakes are frequent around the world and occur every day at boundaries. Hundreds of smaller magnitude earthquakes that cannot be felt by humans occur every day, whereas the larger earthquakes are less frequent.
They are random and follow no pattern. There’s irregularity between events.
Earthquake predictability
Earthquakes are almost impossible to predict. Microquakes may give some indication but the magnitude cannot be predicted as how strong they are is random.
Hazard management - prevention
Majority of earthquakes cant be prevented and these (and tsunamis) will occur regardless.
Liquefaction of soils can be presented through soil stabilisation (gravel columns can be put in the ground).
Avalanches can be prevented through controlled explosions.
Hazard management - preparedness
Earthquake prone areas (eg. Japan) have extensive awareness stratifies such as “drop,cover,hold.”
Earthquake warning systems and tsunami warning systems after an earthquake.
Evacuation plans and training.
Earthquake proof buildings - aseismic design, building the buildings on springs so that when an earthquake occurs the building does not absorb all of the energy and collapse.
Hazard management - mitigation
Search and rescue, immediate emergency, evacuations (short term).
Demolishing older, unsafe buildings.
Tsunami wave breaks and sea walls.
Hazard management - adaptation
Move away from risk area.
Capitalise on opportunities, such as encouraging tourism.
Insurance if living in risky place.
Changing lifestyle choices (eg. Moving valuable items so they cant fall).
Earthquake proof buildings.
Case study - Christchurch physical impacts
Ground deformation / vertically and horizontally
Huge energy releases
Liquefaction 400,000 tonnes silt
Cliff collapsing
Case study - Christchurch social impacts
185 killed
4,000 injured
Physiological impacts
1293 died in aftermath
Outmigration of 1/3 of popualtion
Case study - Christchurch economic impacts
Pine court / CTV buildings fell down and older building with no steel reinforcement fell
Church fell down completely
£40 billion total repair costs
Rugby World Cup effected
Schools shut
Peoples money was lost and they faced financial problems as they couldn’t work / homes destroyed
Decrease QOL
Case study - Christchurch environmental effects
Roads fractured
Debris and rubble
Water pipes and telephone lines stopped working
Bridges broken down
80% pipes and sewage couldn’t work
Roads filled with debris and silt making movement hard and difficult for help services to enter
Case study - Christchurch primary responses
Rescue crews and firefighters
Survivors helping find other survivors
Emergency services flown in and searching for possible survivors
Government declaring a national emergency
First aid doctors helping those who needed it
Media and news
Farmer army clean up
Case study - Christchurch secondary responses
Community groups providing mental support
Structural engineers coming to examine the damage and provide information (red/orange/green/white zones)
Temporary housing built
The mayor of the city and prime minister provide support
Reconstruction / rehabilitation
Case study - Kathmandu, Nepal
11:26am 25 April 2015
Magnitude = 7.8/7.9
Case study - Kathmandu physical effects
7.9 magnitude
2 very strong aftershocks (6.7 / 6.6 magnitude)
Earthquake caused avalanche on Mt Everest and Langtang valley
Case study - Kathmandu social effects
1.7 million children driven out into the open
9,000 died
20,000 injured
20 people killed Mt Everest and people went missing
250 people killed Langtang Valley
3.5 million homeless
Case study - Kathmandu economic effects
600,000 buildings fell
Sacred temped destroyed that effected tourism
7000 schools destroyed
Business had a loss of income and livelihood
Harvest lost for the rest of the year
£10 billion damage costs
Case study - Kathmandu environmental effects
Cracked concrete roads and pavement / building walls
Debris along roads
Accessibility to surrounding villages is difficult
Communications lines suffered and delayed
Avalanche further blocked roads
Case study - Kathmandu short term responses
Oxfam helped provide clean water
Survivors with bare hands trying to ave trapped people
Emergency centres - first aid
International rescue teams provide people / equipment and expertise
Indian helicopter provide food and water to hard to reach area san carry injured people out
Military army (90%) sent out to help
Use of social media to find worst hit areas
Case study - Kathmandu long term responses
Aid was donated by huge number of countries, UK gave £73 million (£50 million to the public)
People being educated about earthquake drills
Asian development donated £3million
Case study - Sumatra 2004 causes
9.1 magnitude earthquake
25km below the Indian Ocean floor off NW Sumatra
Subduction of the Indo-Australian plate under the Eurasian plate
Case study - Sumatra 2004 local impacts
Killed 130,000 in Indonesia
Bridges and railway lines damaged
Local economies damaged so unable to feed
Despite the enormous human cost, the insurance industry estimated that the disaster cost less than $5 billion.
People werent able to feed themselves
Case study - Sumatra 2004 global impacts
Killed people in 14 different countries
Damage to coastal communitcations
Killed 300,000 in total
Case study - Sumatra 2004 local response
Bodies were buried in mass graves to help prevent spread of cholera and dysentery
5 million people had to be relocated into temporary refugee camps
These people were then relocated straight into new homes
Case study - Sumatra 2004 global response
Warning system was set up among the countries that border the Indian Ocean (UN)
Over $7 billion was provided by government and NGOs in aid
Lots of foreign aid from Western Europe
Case study - Tohoku 2011 causes
9.0 magnitude earthquake 70km offshore
Build up of energy as the pacific platter subducted under the Eurasian plate
Case study - Tohoku 2011 local impacts
16,000 deaths
6,000 injured
2,500 missing
300,000 people displaced
A huge amount (300,000) buildings damaged
Case study - Tohoku 2011 global impacts
Tsunami waves ran across the pacific to North and South America
In Chile the tsunami created waves 2m high
Disrupted supply chains and trade with industrial production dropping sharply in the following months
Case study - Tohoku 2011 local responses
As the the Fukushima nuclear power plant was damaged, people within 20km of the facility had to be evacuated
Japanese government responded by sending in specially trained people such as the self-defence force
Japanese Red Cross reporting $1 billion in donation
Prediction was made just 3 minutes after major earthquakes giving people 20 minutes to get to safety
Buildings in Japan are also designed to cope with earthquake
Case study - Tohoku 2011 global responses
Many countries such as UK sent search and rescue teams to help survivors
The Catholic Agency for Overseas Development, also known as the CAFOD for short, is an international development charity and the official aid agency of the Catholic Church in England and Wales. They went and taught women and children how to swim
Earthquake hazards - ground rupture
An earthquake can push and pull the ground, tearing the surface and pushing the ground apart and upward. These are known as “surface ruptures.” A surface rupture may occur suddenly during an earthquake, or it can happen more slowly—in either case, surface ruptures often happen along preexisting faults.
Earthquake hazards - shockwaves
The shifting masses send out shock waves that may be powerful enough to alter the surface, thrusting up cliffs and opening great cracks in the ground.
A shock wave is an area of very high pressure moving through the earth.
Earthquake hazards - fires
The earthquake causes the ground to shake and move, which can crack gas pipes and damage power lines, electrical wiring and household appliances. This damage can ignite fires. Liquefaction, where some soils, particularly silt or sandy soils, turn into a muddy liquid, can cause damage to pipes and buildings.
How can insurance help with earthquake effect mitigations
Earthquake insurance covers some of the losses and damage that earthquakes can cause to your home, belongings, and other buildings on your property.
How can aid help with earthquake effect mitigations
Food, water and healthcare can be provided almost immediately to survivors and injured.
Secondary - temporary shelters can be set up, hygiene products distributed, constant supply of food and water until fully recovered.
How can tsunami protection help with earthquake effect mitigations
Boxing Day tsunami - earthquakes trigger tsunamis and a majority of the Boxing Day deaths occurs from the tsunami rather than the primary effects of the earthquake.
Improving evacuation routes / tsunami resistant structures / limiting development in tsunami prone areas / protecting and strengthening existing structures.
🟢Case Study - Haitis Vulnerability Essay
Vulnerability is the conditions determined by the physical, social, economic and environmental factors which increase the susceptibility or sensitivity of a community to the impact of natural hazards. An example of a country that’s vulnerable to tropical storms is Haiti.
The location of Haiti is in the Caribbean. It is regularly bartered by strong tropical storms, floods and earthquakes as it lies on a ‘storm track’. Natural disasters often occur with no or little warning meaning the preparation is limited, especially because Haiti isn’t as technologically advanced as other countries it means they can afford reliable equipment to inform them about the next tropical storm that will hit them. Furthermore the physical geography of Haiti makes them vulnerable as it’s a young volcanic island with steep slopes which promotes rapid runoff and increases the flooding risk. Many of the homes are attached to these steep slopes making them exposed and very ill supported, these homes are likely to be destroyed in even a more minor tropical storm.
Haiti’s frequent flooding is also due the change of the environment over the years. Haiti used to be covered in over 75% forest but due to deforestation as of 2008 its now covered in less than 2%. This makes Haiti extremely vulnerable to natural hazards as trees and forests provide shelter from strong winds / rain, which reduces the damage to infrastructure and in turn reduces deaths from infrastructure collapsing, and also absorb water and slow down the rate at which water can run down slopes which decreases likelihood of flooding.
Economically, Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere with the per capita income around $US 750 and has suffered decades of political instability, corruption and violence which has left the infrastructure in an extremely poor state. This means people have limited money on what they can spend to reinforce their housing so are left with flimsy and unsuitable housing to cope with the natural disasters that repetitively effect the people of Haiti, resulting in large disruption to people lives and a large death toll to many of the natural disasters that have occurred on Haiti.
Due to Haiti’s location and lack of money, during storm season storms repeatedly hit Haiti and they have extremely little time to recover and improve their infrastructure before the nest storm hits. For example in 2008 Hurricane Gustav occurred only 10 days after Tropical Storm Fay. As the storms were so close together it means the country has little time to adapt and reinforce their already weakened and damaged infrastructure resulting in a high death toll.
Socially, Haiti has a very young population, 42% of their population is 14 years of age or younger, this makes the population of Haiti extremely vulnerable to floods. Additionally the healthcare in Haiti is very limited and in the case of a natural hazard its likely any hospitals will be heavily damaged and will be unable to function properly, resulting in the injured not being able to access healthcare, which is already a struggle for people in Haiti especially those who live in rural areas. This often occurs in a high death toll which could’ve been easily prevented if the infrastructure of the hospitals was better alongside the staff training, equipment and accessibility.
In conclusion Haiti is a very exposed and vulnerable country to tropical storms due to the young population, weak infrastructure, political instability, low income, position globally (in a storm track), environment of the place (steep slopes and little forest) and the frequency of the storms that hit Haiti.
How’s seismic movement caused
When the plates ate stuck, the convection currents in the asthenosphere continue to push, which builds up pressure.
It builds up to the extent that it cant be sustained the plates eventually give way and all of this pressure is released in a sudden movement causing a jolting motion.
This causes seismic movement and causes seismic waves that produce tectonic movement.
Pacific ring of fire
90% of the worlds earthquakes
Alpine-Himalayan belt
Accounts for 5-6% of the worlds earthquakes
What are shockwaves caused by?
Seismic hazards
When 2 plates move side by side, friction builds up and pressure increases, this is stored as potential energy. When the energy becomes too lathe its transferred into kinetic energy and vibrates through the ground.
Tsunami formation
- Oceanic crust is jolted during an earthquake, all of the water above the plate is displaced.
- The water travels fast but with low amplitude (height).
- As it gets closer to the coast, the sea level decreases so there is friction between the sea bed and the waves.
- This causes the waves to slow down and gain height, creating a wall of water that is on average 10ft high but can reach up to 100ft.