NATOPS Chapter 4 Flashcards
Eng Starter Limits
<16 C
16-52 C
Engine Motor (ignition OFF)
<16 C
First 3 cycles -60 seconds
4th cycle- 30 minutes
16-52 C
1 cycle- 60 seconds
2nd cycle- 30 minutes
2 min ON- 5 min OFF
2 min ON- 30 min OFF
(Times are cumulative within 5 minutes)
Hovering Limitations
- Prolonged rearward flight and downwind hovering should be avoided to prevent fumes in the A/C
- Hovering turns at a rate in excess of 30* per second
- Dipping sonar operations at altitudes other than 70 ft
- Do not tow the transducer in the water above 8 KGS with array folded and 4 KGS with array unfolded
(towing is defined as the cable contacting the funnel)
AOB limits
Above 10000 ft DA -30
Either PRI Servo light- 30
Boost off flight- 30
0-102.2%, continuous, green
102.2%-106%, 2.5 minutes, red
106-107%, 12 seconds, red
Max 107%
Gross Weight Limits
Max - 23,500 lbs
Aviation ships - 23,500 lbs
air-capable ships/amphibious assault aviation ships - 22,500 lbs
Slope limits?
6 nose down
9 nose up
12 cross slope
APU operating limits?
Either eng and rotor operating
- 30 min with a temp of 43 C and above
Eng and rotor not operating
- APU and eng continuously operating up to 51 C
0-810, continuous, green
810-851, 30 min, yellow
851-878, 2.5 min, 10 min FCF only for max pwr/limiter checks, red
878-903, 2.5 min, red
903-949, 12 seconds, red
949, max, red
Engine Oil Px
1 note
22 psi, minimum, red
22-26 psi, precautionary, yellow
26-100 psi, continuous, green
100-120 psi, precautionary, yellow
120 max
Idle range is 22-55 psi
APU Limitations (Uses)
The APU is not intended for routine in flight use. Operation in flight shall be limited to essential operations only, including:
Single engine training
Practice autos
Powering ECS during extreme conditions
Transmission Px
20 psi, minimum, red
20-30 psi, idle & transient, yellow
30-65 psi (45-60 psi in lvl flight), continuous, green
65-130 psi, precautionary, yellow
130 psi max
<96%, avoid, red
96% - 105%, continuous, green (yellow above 101%)
105% - 117%, 20 sec, yellow
117% - 120%, 12 sec, yellow
120% max, red
Avoid 20-40% and 60-75%
Max touchdown speed
75 KGS w/ locked tailwheel
20kgs w/ unlocked tailwheel
Dual engine TQ > 80kias
+ note
0-106%, continuous, green
106-127%, 10 seconds, yellow
127%, max, red
Dual engine TQ limits apply when both engines are above 65%
Transmission temp
-50-105 C, continuous, green
105-120 C, precautionary, yellow
120 C max red
Dual engine TQ <80kias
0-120%, continuous, green
120-144%, 10 seconds, yellow
144%, max, red
Starter cycle is defined by?
Backup Hyd pump limitations
33-38 C
24 min ON
72 min OFF
39-60 C
16 min ON
48 min OFF
Engines are limited by what 5 things?
Oil px
Oil temp
Rotor brake limits?
Max 76%
30-50% for regular stops
180 psi
Temp limits
Temps below -40C or above 60C are prohibited
Transmission Oil pressure limitations
Shall me documented on a MAF:
During Transient Pitch or steady-state nose-high attitudes:
- Steady pressure outside 45-60 psi but within the normal limits of 30-65 psi
- Fluctuations not to exceed a range of 10 psi, within the normal limits of 30-65 psi
- Transmission oil pressure fluctuations (including momentary fluctuations below 30 psi and transient drops below 20 psi for up to one second) are acceptable.
- Operating with pressure fluctuations below 30 psi shall be limited to 30 min
Vne -180 kias Sideward/rearward- 35 knots Autorotation- 100 kias Boost off- 140 kias 2 SAS in IMC- 125 kias PRI SERVO PRESS- 125 Search light other than stowed- 160 kias Search light transition- 100 kias Cabin door opening or closing- 60 kias Dome at or above trail (cable extended 10 ft, dome approx 6 ft below a/c) - 70 kias, 45* Dome below trail - 70 kias, 15*
Icing Conditions
- Helicopters equipped with operable anti-ice and blade deice equipment are permitted flight into forecast or known trace or light icing conditions
- all installed anti-ice/deice equipment shall be operational prior to flight.
- Helicopters not equipped with operable blade deice equipment are prohibited from flight into forecast or known icing conditions (ambient temps of 5*C or below in visible moisture)
- Flight into forecast or known moderate or severe icing conditions is prohibited
<96%, avoid, red
96-101%, continuous, green
101-120%, precautionary, yellow
120, max, red
123% max for FCF auto
127% overspeed latch
Rate of descent for a/c landing above 19500 lbs? Below?
Sloped terrain?
480 fpm
720 fpm
360 fpm
Ng (sys config 16)
0-102.2%, continuous, green
102.2%-106%, 2.5 minutes, yellow
106-107%, 12 seconds, red
Max 107%, red
Prohibited Maneuvers
- Aerobatic flight
- Practice full-autorotation landings
- Intentional approaches into or inducement of retreating blade stall
ENGINE TQs over 150% are displayed as
Any time a limited is exceeded so much that is displays XXX, land as soon as practicable
Single Eng TQ
0-135%, continuous, green
135%-144%, 10 seconds, red
144%, max, red
Max taxi speed?
40 KGS with shimmy dampener
20 KGS without shimmy dampener
Engine Oil Temp
-50 to 135 C, continuous, green
135 to 150 C, 30 min, yellow
150 C max