NATOPS Ch14 Extreme Wx Ops Flashcards
When should the aircraft be hangared?
If hangar space is available, aircraft SHOULD be kept in a heated hangar when OAT is forecast below 0°C (32°F)
What is the approved method to remove ice?
SHALL never be done by scraping or chipping
Remove ice by applying heat or approved deice fluids
Why may the PCL Hard to move in cold weather?
May be indicative of frozen PAS or PAS cable
Do not force PCL movement as this may damage the PAS cable
How will oil be affected during Starts in Extreme Cold (-40°C)
Oil pressure may remain at 0 for about the first 20-30 seconds after initiating the start. Abort start if there is no oil pressure within 1 min after initiating a start
Once oil pressure begins to rise it will rise to the 100psi limit quickly, as temperature increases pressure will decrease. Do not advance PCL to FLY until oil pressure is indicating normal.
Describe the Oil Bypass
Indicator has thermal lockout below 38°C preventing PDI from popping OIL FILTER BYPASS may appear during cold starts–disappears above 38°C
What are some considerations when executing an Engine Start after a Cold Overnight?
Watch for rise in TGT within 40 sec. If no TGT rise is evident, prime the engine and attempt another start
If there is no overboard fuel flow, inspect for ice in the sumps and filters
Engine starts on an Icy Surface
Recommended to use no-rotor brake start procedures to avoid rotation from rapid increase in torque
Warmup and Control Exercise for starts below -17°C
-17°C to -31°C
Warm up engine at idle for 3 min; during warmup position cyclic control 1in forward of neutral and move tail rotor pedals alternately 3/8in
-31°C to -40°C
Same, but position cyclic 5/8in forward, gradually moving to 3in forward; move each tail pedal 1/8in gradually moving to 1/2in
How do you Taxi in Cold weather?
SHOULD NOT be accomplished until all engine and system pressures are within normal limits
Slow speeds, wide radius turns, Do not exceed 15kgs
How long to power up the MD/FDs in Cold?
When powering up MD/FDs in temps of 0°C or colder, the displays will illuminate within 15 seconds but up to 15 minutes may be required before full performance is available
How long before full use of the Transducer in Cold?
What is indicative of a battery failure?
For in-air temps >5°C, normal charging time before unfolding or transmitting is approx 10 min after mission power applied (ST/R powered on); in-air temps of <5°C may take up to 45 min before successful array unfolding or transmissions
If battery doesn’t reach at least 60% within 1 hr of applying power for temps above 5°C or 1 1/2 hrs for temps less than 5°C battery may be unable to support normal ops
The inability of battery to consistently reach a charge of 60% may indicate a battery failure (typical codes include 1111 or 1174 and DOME PING ABORTED) TIME TO PING not decreasing indicates failure to charge (execute procedure); if doesn’t fix charge, battery pack may have failed and dipping ops must be suspended
What are some precautions for ops in snow?
Horizon/loose snow/visible moisture
May have no visual horizon over large expanses of snow
Avoid loose, powdery snow to minimize visibility restrictions
Takeoffs into fog or low clouds when temp is at or near freezing could result in engine air inlet icing–climb speeds should be higher than normal under such conditions
How do you execute Snow Landings?
Running landings are recommended on loose snow
Maintain enough airspeed to remain ahead of snow cloud but not be over approx 15 knots at touchdown
Be ready to takeoff immediately if a wheel should hang up or break through crust–do not reduce power until it is positively determined the aircraft will not settle
When shutting down on icy surface, advisable to let the rotor coast down to avoid possible aircraft rotation by a rapid application of rotor brake
How much torque does ECS Hot use? How much gas will you lose?
Max torque available may be reduced by approx 5% per engine
Fuel flow will increase approx 45lbs per hour per engine
What should you do before leaving aircraft if its going to be cold?
- Protect wheels from freezing to ground by towing/taxiing onto planks or sandbags
- Leave parking brake off–chock and chain
- Open scuppers on cockpit windows
- Drain moisture accumulation from sumps and strainers
- Install engine inlet plugs after shutdown to prevent accumulation of ice and snow in engines