NATO Flashcards
Origins and establishment of NATO
- established by 12 states (US, Canada, Western European countries) in 1949
- military alliance to counter threats of alleged military power of UdSSR
- today: 30 members (recently North Macedonia), former Soviet countries joined from 1999 on, Baltic states in 2004
Main objectives in 1949
- ensuring own territorial integrity and political independence
- protect the entire North Atlantic area
Membership conditions
Art. 10 NAT:
- country must be a European state
- willingness and ability to contribute to security of North Atlantic area
- ALL current members must confirm
Structure of NATO
- North Atlantic Council (within civilian structure actually)
- civilian structure
- military structure
North Atlantic Council
- main decision-making body
- consists of all MS
Civilian structure
- Secretariate (staffing etc.)
- Defence Planning Committee (i.e. ministers of defence)
- Chairman of the NAC, Nuclear Planning Group, …
Military structure
No NATO army, but integrated military structures:
- Allied Command Operations (SACEUR + SACLANT)
- > still under national command unless NATO is victim of armed attack or deployment of operation outside NATO territory
- Allied Command Transformation: responsible for induction of new MS’ forces into NATO + its trainings
- Military Committee: highest military authority (directing ACO and ACT, but under authority of NAC and DPC)
Decision-making procedure
Consensus decision-making, equal treatment of MS
Other institutional aspects
- financing through compulsory contributions of MS
- expenses for military operations to be covered by MS
- NAT amenable (art. 12 NAT), never has happened
- immunity for NATO headquarters in Belgium
Basic principles of NATO
Art. 1 NAT:
- peaceful settlement, refrain from threat or use of armed force
Art. 7 NAT: rights and obligations under UN Charter not affected
Art. 5 NAT:
- notion of collective self-defence
- MS will maintain and develop their resistance capacities
NATO policies during and after Cold War
During: armament and defence of sovereignty
After: expansion to Eastern Europe
Enlargement of activities:
- Art. 5 operations
- Non-Art. 5 operations (out-of-area operations)
-> enforcement operations under Chapter VII UN Charter) and non-enforcement operation (consensual agreements, e.g. Macedonia)
Invocation of Art. 5
- 2001: by US after 9/11
Invocation of Art. 4
- 2012, 2015: by Turkey (regarding Syria)
- 2014: by Poland (regarding Ukraine)
Relevance of NATO in the world
- NATO has become a global player in contribution to peace and security in the world
- NATO still needs the authorisation of UN SC for enforcement measures, but would never refer to Chapter VIII
- > sees it self not as a regional organisation and would not want to be restricted by UN SC authorisations
- on the other hand NATO is ready to step in without authorisation/overstep a mandate (e.g. Kosovo/Serbia, Libya)
Analysis of NATO’s Kosovo mission 1999
- revolution in Kosovo after claimed independence from Serbia in 1995/96 -> revolution
- Art. 2 (4) UN Charter as a starting point
- Individual self-defence as justification? -> no
- Chapter VII authorisation by UN SC? -> no, but several resolutions (arms embargo, respect for agreements)
- Tacit approval? -> for some experts no valid reason
- Intervention on grounds of humanitarian reasons?
- > when gross human rights violations occur
- > Customary International Law applicable? (persistent state practice; opinio juris: believe in existence of law)
One opinion: NATO’s actions were legitimate, but not justified.
Analysis of NATO’s Libya (2011) measures
- Arab spring reached Libya -> protests against Gaddafi
- first UN SC Resolution condemning the use of force in Libya + Art. 41 measures
- second resolution: Chapter VII authorisation for protection of civilians and enforce no-fly zone over Libya
- > NATO started military attack, incl. occupying Libya and fighting regime
Protection of civilians was definitely in scope of the mandate. Airstrikes against regime were out of scope of the mandate and illegal.
New “Concept of Responsibility to Protect” (territorial state is unwilling/unable to protect its own population) was first and never deployed after this incident.
Strengths of NATO
- strong military capacity
- integrated and decentralised military structure, clear command structure
- high acceptance level of consensus decisions
- fairness and acceptance due to equal treatment
Weaknesses of NATO
- consensus decision-making might take time
- legal basis for out-of-area operation on UN
- undermining UN SC in previous operations
- reliance on financial contributions of MS for operations
- sometimes not perceived as impartial
- no experience and capacity in non-military tasks