Native Americans Flashcards
Sand Creek Massacre
- Cheyenne and Arapaho massacred by Colonel Chivington’s Colorado volunteers
- The cause was the long conflict for control of the plains of eastern Colorado
Transcontinental Railway
Great Sioux Reservation
- established by Fort Laramie
Indian Appropriation Act
- wards of the US government
- “no tribe would be recognized as an independent nation…with whom the US should contract with treaty”
- Meant all previous treaties made with the government invalid.
Battle of Little Bighorn
- NA victory
- Confirmed for many whites that NA were savages and dangerous
Carlisle Boarding School / Boarding Schools
- purpose was to civilise NA
- couldn’t speak native language at school
- Tribes rations were suspended if they refused to send their children to the school
Indian Rights Assocaition
- Group of white social activists dedicated to helping NA
Code of Religious Offences
-restricted the religious practises of and ceremonies of NA
Crow Dog
- Supreme Court ruled that Crow Dog would only face tribal punishment because the act of murder against another NA occurred in NA territory
Major Crimes Act
- In response to Crow Dog
- Congress passed the act drawing certain crimes under federal jurisdiction
Dawes Act
E - 160 acres of land allocated to each male head of the family
E - 2/3 of NA land lost, 90 million acres
S - Matriarchal tribes disrespected, tribal leadership and communal living changed
P - given citizenship but unable to vote
Curtis Act
- land allotment process for the 5 civilised tribes
Wounded Knee Massacre
NA lost the battle but gained white sympathy
- 300 Lakota massacred
Lone Wolf v Hitchcock
- Ruled that any treaty made with NA could be overturned
Cherokee v Hitchcock
- Ruled that congress had the power to modify or terminate any treaties with NA without their consent
Muskogee Convention
- Attempt of the 5 civilized tribes to create a NA state
Society of American Indian
- 50 NA formed the group
- formed to address issues such as NA healthcare, education and Civil Rights
Indian Citizenship Act
- Gave NA citizenship
American Indian Defence Association (AIDA)
- Formed by John Collier
- fought to protect religious freedom and tribal property for NA in the US
Dance Order (Leavitt BIll)
- This bill threatened to remove the right of Pueblo Indians to perform some of their traditional dances in New Mexico.
However, AIDA was able to block the bill successfully.
Bursum Bill
- Allowed non-NA to retain any NA land they had previously squatted on
- The Bursum Bill of 1922 posed a threat as it would authorize the acquisition of Pueblo lands
- AIDA was able to successfully block the bill
Meriam Report
- Report investigating the condition NA faced
- Found that the government was failing to look after NA
- Influenced future policy on NA
Indian Reorganization Act (IRA)
- John Collier is responsible for getting it through BIA
- gave NA recognition as a sovereign nation and allowed them to contract with the congres
- Ended the Dawes allotment policy
- restored some NA land that had been lost
Urbanization - S - NA drawn to cities lived in ghettos and spoke tribal languages
E - improve the economic status of individuals
- 1945 NA salary was £2500 double what they earned in 1940
S - NA fought with whites, and used tribal languages to communicate as a form of code taking.
- recognition for their bravery and military talent and tactic