Native American Flashcards
aboveground houses made of heavy clay called adobe that were built by Native Americans
cone-shaped shelters made of buffalo skins used by Native Americans in the Plains region
a dome-shaped hut or tent made by fastening mats, skins, or bark over a framework of poles, used by some North American Indian peoples.
Who was part of the Iroquois League? What was their function?
The Iroquois League was established by the Cayuga, Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, and Seneca. They waged war and made peace with non-Iroquois people, and their motive was to strengthen the alliance against invasion.
What is a totem and what function did it serve for American Indian people?
Totems were ancestor or animal spirits on tall, wooden poles. Totems had religious and historical significance, solely used to honor these spirits.
What were the Three Sisters and why were they important to the American Indians?
The Three Sisters were the three main agricultural crops in many Native American Tribes, such as the Iroquois. These crops included CORN, BEAN, AND SQUASH. The Three plants are grown together to maintain each other and the soil and its fertility. These were the Iroquois’ main source of food.
What were the two reasons for the fall of the Aztec Empire?
One reason for the fall of the Aztec Empire were diseases. When Hernando Cortes landed on Mexico, one of his crew members, acquired smallpox. Thus, the disease spread, and killed many Aztecs. Another reason for the fall of the Empire was the executions by Cortes and sacrifices made by the Aztecs. When Cortes arrived, he and his crew killed off many Aztecs, including the emperor.
Who used pueblos?
Who used teepees?
Who used wigwams?
What was one religious practice that THE SIOUX used?
The Sioux performed many ceremonies yearly, which were usually hosted by the medicine man, which you would see in every tribe. Each ceremony was meant to honor one spirit at a time.
What was one religious practice that THE OLMEC used?
The Olmec performed human sacrifices, such as autosacrifice. They would then pray for their supplies or good luck.
What was one ARTWORK that THE OLMEC had?
The Olmec had a jade stone mask which was believed to be associated with growth, renewal, and rejuvenate after death.
What did the CHEROKEE WEAR?
Women wore Skirts & poncho-like blouse that were made out of deerskin or woven fiber. Men wore breech cloths and leggings. Both wear moccassins for shoes.
What is an ORAL TRADITION that THE SIOUX had?
It talks of one mouse collecting the beans and kernels of corn for winter. However, the mouse’s cousin decided to not do the work and when autumn was about to end he asked for a snake pouch skin to stuff his beans and kernels of corn he will collect before winter arrived when he could have done it months ago. This story told of hard working and spending your time wisely when instead you could have regretted not doing it long ago.
What was a RELIGIOUS PRACTICE that the PEQUOT performed?
They performed a PowWow, which is when you dance and pray to the spirits.
What was something the IQORUOIS WORE?
clothiing made from animal fur and hides, and wore leggings and breech cloths. Women wore heavy robes to keep them warm. Moccassins were worn by all genders.
Burning tobacco to communicate with gods.