Nationalism and Industrial Revolution Vocabulary Flashcards
Toussaint L’Ouverture
-Was a skilled general
-Previously enslaved African leader of the slave revolt against their French masters
-Won the revolt, took control of whole island and freed all enslaved Africans
-Was accused of planning another uprising so was then enslaved by French army of 30,000 and sent to French prison where he died April 1803
-Were Spain-born people at the top of Spanish-American society
-Formed less than 1% of population
-Only ones who could hold high office in Spanish Colonial gov.
-Spaniards born in Latin America
-Ranked lower than Peninsularies
-Could rise in armies/military but couldn’t hold high office in gov.
Simon Bolivar
-Brilliant Venezuelan creole general of the South American wars
Jose de San Martin
-Argentinian creole general of the South American wars
-Wealthy, property owners, nobility
-Were for protecting traditional monarchies of Europe
-Mostly middle-class business leaders, merchants
-Wanted more power in the parliament but for only educated / landowners to vote
-Favored drastic change
-Wanted to extend democracy to all
-Believed in practicing French Rev. & Enlightenment ideas
>”Liberty, Equality, Brotherhood”
-The belief that people’s greatest loyalty shouldn’t be to a king or empire, but to a nation of people whom which they share a common culture or history.
-The name a nation receives when it attains an independent gov.
-Defends the nation’s territory, way of life, and represents the nation to the rest of the world
-Bonds that create a nation state:
>Culture: a shared way of life (food, dress, behavior, etc.)
>History: a common past; common experiences
>Language: different dialects of one language; one dialect becomes “national language”
>Territory: a certain territory that belongs to the ethnic group; its land
>Nationality: belief in common ethnic ancestry that may / not be true
>Religion: a religion shared by all or most of the people
The Balkans
-The region of Europe including (today): Greece, Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, and former Yugoslavia
-All controlled by Ottoman Empire
-Important for future nationalistic revolutions
Giuseppe Garibaldi
-Bold, visionary Italian leader of a small group of French revolutionaries / rebels
-Focused on uniting Piedmont-Sardinia
King Victor Emmanuel II
-Sardinia’s king in 1852
Camillo de Cavour
-King Victor Emmanuel II’s prime minister
-Cunning statesman who tried to get control of Northern Italy for Sardinia’s benefit
-Provoked a few quick wars to gain Northern Italy
-Secretly helped nationalist rebels in Southern Italy
Red Shirts
-The nickname Giuseppe Garibaldi and his followers gained for always wearing red shirts when going into battle
Otto von Bismarck
-Conservative Junker, Wilhelm’s (German) prime minister, associated w/ realpolitik
-Would become one of the commanding figures of German history
-Ruled without consent of parliament and without a legal budget, went directly against constitution
-blood and iron
-“The politics of reality”
-Describes tough-power politics with no room for idealism
Seven Weeks War
-The conflict between Prussia and Austria in 1866 regarding border issues
-Prussia humiliated Austria and gained control of Northern Germany with the victory
Franco-Prussian War
-French vs. Prussia
-Started by Bismarck accusing the French ambassador of insulting the Prussian king
-Prussia won w/ German coalition armies
-Distraction of the war allowed Bismarck to complete final stage of German Unification
Wilhelm I
-Prussia’s king
-Crowned kaiser (emperor) after South Germany finally accepted Prussian leadership
-Major movement in art and ideas that reflected deep interest in nature and thought of the individual
-In literature and arts, showed life as it was, not as it should be
Agricultural Revolution
-Rich landowners began buying farmers’ land and farming methods improved
Industrial Revolution
-Greatly increased output of machine-made goods
-Began in England mid-1700s
-Wealthy factory owners bought small farms, sent farmers to cities, and made these larger farm fields
Crop Rotation
-Method used by farmers to improve crop efficiency
-Switching which crops are planted and when to use/restore nutrients
-Process of developing machine production of goods
Factors of Production
-The resources needed to produce goods / services that the Industrial Revolution required
-Land, labor, and capital (wealth)
-Large buildings where machines worked
-Ran on waterpower, so they were frequently built near bodies of water
-A person who organizes, manages, and takes on risks of a business
-City building and movement of people to cities
-A social class of skilled workers, professionals, business people, and rich farmers
-An economic system in which the factors of production are privately owned and money is invested into business ventures to make a profit
-Theory by Jeremy Bentham
-Stated that people should judge ideas, institutions, and actions based on how useful they are
-Also stated that gov. should only promote the best for its people
-An economic system in which factors of production are owned by the public and operate for the welfare of all
Karl Marx
-German journalist who introduced the world to Marxism, which was a radical type of socialism
Communist Manifesto
-A manifesto written by Mark & Engels
-Argued that human societies have always been divided into warning classes (Rich, middle, poor)
>The rich controlled production while the poor struggled with hard labor
-Conflict arose bc of treatment difference
-The “have-nots” of workers
-A form of complete socialism in which the means of production would be owned by the people, no private property, everything is shared
Collective Bargaining
-Negotiations between workers and their employees
-Refusal to work