MWH Unit 1 Flashcards
Thomas Hobbes
Wrote Leviathan, had social contract idea (strong ruler is necessary for law and order), government is good
John Locke
Wrote Two Treatises on Government, believed people could better themselves, said everyone is born with life, liberty, and property, citizens can overthrow gov if it fails to protect their rights
Wrote Candide, used satire + had a sharp tongue, fought for freedom of thought, expression, and religion
Wrote On the Spirit of Laws, all about separation of power within government, modern checks and balances
Wrote The Social Contract (only good gov was a direct democracy controlled by citizens), civilization corrupted natural goodness
Wrote On Crimes and Punishments, abolishing torture/unjust punishments, believed punishments should be scaled based on crime
Wrote A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, disagreed with unequal education between men and women, women should work in male dominated industries
Mary Astell
Wrote A Serious Proposal to the Ladies (lack of education for women)
A new intellectual movement that stressed reason, thought, and the power of individual thinking/problem solving
The Renaissance
Was a period of advancement in Italy regarding arts, literature, architecture, etc.
The Protestant Reformation
Was the reform of religion, started with Martin Luther publishing 95 Theses, monarchies took power for themselves bc they didn’t want to lose theirs, churches tried to form new orders, change policies, and stop the protestant teachings
The Scientific Revolution
Replaced the church’s explanation for things with reason/science, vaccines were implemented, eyeglasses + microscope were made, science contradicted church’s ideas + weakened them, less people turned to church and began to think for themselves, Copernicus (heliocentrism), Galileo (astronomy), Galen (medicine), Jenner (vaccines), Janssen (eyeglasses + microscope)
Monotheist, Jesus Christ, the Holy Bible, god saves from sin if you ask, teaches resurrection + salvation
Monotheist, Yahweh, Moses, Torah, only one god, must pray once a day, honor your parents, can’t lie/kill/steal, must live among + spread god’s word, equality, care for less fortunate
Monotheist, Allah, Mohammad, Qu’ran, only one god, daily prayers, share w/ less fortunate, promote equality + friendship, ramadan
Niether mono/poly, Buddha, meditation to better yourself, finding Nirvana, be happy with what you have, wanting more is greedy and ruins the spirit, eighthold path
Polytheist, Brahma, Vishnu, Shira, karma + dharma, ultimate goal escape rebirth, offerings to gods/prayer
Thomas Hobbes
The Social Contract
On the Spirit of Laws
On Crimes and Punishments
A Vindication of the Rights of Women
Mary Wollstonecraft
The Theory of Moral Sentiments
Adam Smith
Two Treatises on Government
John Locke
Social gatherings held by wealthy women in large drawing rooms where philosophes, scientists, etc. gathered to discuss politics and ideas.
A grand, ornate design used in architecture and art during the 1600s and early 1700s
The newer more elegant style used for architecture and art during the late 1700s.
Enlightened Despots
Monarchs that agreed to rule justly based on the philosophes’ requests
A large collection of works/books written by Denis Deridot that was used by scholars to write essays/etc.
Louis XVI
Was a king of France who spent lots of money for jewelry, gold, personal items as well as assisting French soldiers in the American Revolution.