Nationalism Flashcards
Nationalism qualities
Organic community
Smith- chameleon ideology
Politicla organisation
Governing a territory with boundaries
Soverignty essential denan
Issues laws- have considerable power over its poelp
Can be multinational- two or more nations can exist within
State can be created
Territory- people gov- soevirgnty
Population with similar culture, ideals
May be rormed by factors- race religon lang territory history culture
Territory not essential requiremnt
Nation dooesnt possess strong powers- backed by emotional and morla powers
Nation cannot be multinational
Evolve gradually
Psycho-political construct- subjective
Organic community
People are naturally divided into a collection of nations with distinctive characters and identity
Believe higher loyalty to the nation- instinctual
Critics- nations not organic- hobsbawm nations based on invented traditions, nationalism and device for ruling classes to prevent social rev
Traits of a nation
Lang- herder
Lib nat ocntext
Oldest form- enlightenment 18thc
Rousseau- popular soverignty influenced french rev
19th century- popular self gov linked with principes- empires that nations fought over tend to be autocratic and oppressive
Mazzeni- italy inder a- unite
Beliefs of lib nat
Self determination-
Civic nationalism
Lib internationalsim
Self determination
Oppose all forms foriegn domination opression
Free nations colonial enslavement and democratic
People are capable of reasoned. Thought and are able to make logical decisions for themselves
Civic natinalism
Common pride in values of a nation
Larger state with independance- scotland catalonia
Active participation of its citixens
Joining a nation is straightforward and quick, not based on previous experiences
Ideas that morve towads improving society
Lib internationalism
Soveriegn nations should coopp and create a level of interdependency to avoid international conflict= free trade, eu
All nations respect sovereignty of other staets
Fear powerful states left unchecked may try to dominate weaker ones
Suprnational organisation- un and nato- police international policy
Critics of lib nat
Too rominatic and naiive
Ignore effective power of some forms of nat
Nation state not key to peace- wilson www1 yugoslavia mix ethnicityies led to more conflict
Invasion iraq 2003 usa and uk not respect soveriegnty, bypass un suprnational organsiation
Conservative nationalism qualities
Inward looking
Exclusive nat
May feel threat suprantional orgnaisatioon- nat identity
Integral nat
Inward looking
Little interest self determination
Lead to military expansionsm- mayrras
Exclusive nat
Asserts it takes time to become part of the nation as mermberhsip based on shared history and laws eg brexit
Benefits of nat for social cohesion, patriotyism, national unity-disraeli
Rathwe than civic
Can be more than ethinic
Not using reason and logic- acting on emotions
Herder- volksgeist
Ideas seek to reverse society to former less advanced state
Integral nat
Denies identity of the individ in favour of interests of who is ruling
Critiscs of con nat
Extrene- hostile- bnp uk
Increased fascism ger and italy
Chauvanism- nation is superior to others, threat to survival
Excessive patriotism
Intense emotional attachemnt to symbols like flags or anthems
Nation exploited- consciprtion
Colonise a territory first should recieve preferential treatment
Usa 19thc
Expansionist nat
Agressive and militant- scarmble for africa late 19thc, empire, 20th century ww1 and ww2, ger italy jpn
Chauvanism and cultural superiority- axi against jews
Used to justify exclusion, not self determinaism, racialist
Irrationa nd integral nat- indivd swept awayu on tide of intense patriotisn, make any sacrifice for good of ation
Maurras- trye nationalist places his country above eberything
Imperialism colonial
Extention of control by one countyr over another by settlement and econ domination
Anti colonial nat
Desire self determination, indigenous pop opposes illegitimacy suppression of colonial power
Type of lib nationalism- desire self determination- civil
Emergence pan arabism- one arab nation
Eg ghandi india, ho chi minh vietnam
Worsoned colonial powers treid to abadon own cultures, trad
Increased posyt ww2
Post colonial nat
Experiences of a nation after self determination has been achieved
May turn to socialism/one party state
China nk vietnam cambdoia
Often associated with anti western sentiment
Eg us libya- overthrow ghaddafi instability
Linked black nat garvey
18th century
Major intellectual influence- father modern nat
The social contract- democracy based on general will
Gov based on collective will of tyhe community rather than absolute power of a monarch- self determination and popular soveriegnty
French rev- french people citizens not subjects of the crown- nation natural politcal community- nation state
Romantic idea of the state, people owe an alligence- binds them together
Influenced american constitution
19hyt c
Nationhood people could express themselves only via their nation- ation state
Patriotism as a duty- nationalism as a precedent over all other causes
Founded- young italy movement for self determination- active in 1848 rev
Romantic revisionist- forces bind peple together- ‘god and people’- god whom divides into nations
Guerilla warfare founding- small sections wage attack against those in power
Inspired later movements such as south aemerica
Sentiment of love, sense of fellow populatino, which binds togethers the sould.
‘The brptherhood of peple’
Not democratic
Cultural nat- each nation union culture
Volksgeit- sprit of the nation, a force that uite peeople and give sense nat
Lang and cultue-e has a nation anything dec9ever than the speech of its fury
Lib nat- cautious civic
Independent cultures
Didnt accep natioons based on racial disticntions
19th and 20tyhc
Believed fr lost greatness after abandoning monarchy and embracing democracy= decreased respect for state, more patirtisn and trad values needed
Xenophobic blamed jews for declien in fr former greatness
Ultra conservative nat hark back to bygone age
Integral nat comple eobedience to ideology of nat- some of hese ideas influence fascism
Miliytarism when honor of nation at stake lives of ordinary citizens becomes unimpritent
Nation popualr- le pen franch
Reject individualsim
French spuerior chauvanism
20th century
Jamacan political thinker and actvist- when jamaca british colony
Pan africanism
Believed in equality didnt seek to create a hostile atmosphere between races- separation empower balck peole and enable to find itenty
African people one race- scatered across world by slavery, divided within africa bby cokonial rule
Black nationalism- many balck pepole in the usa and west indies are descendents of slaves obought uhp in a culture than demanded subserience
Black pride- should be proud of their race
Influenced later movements- 1960s black power, malcom ex
Balck conscoiuness- black people look beyond white culture and rediscover cultural rooots in afric
Econ intro natioinalism
No common econ view
Diff economic systems under nationalism exist
Econ- lib nat internationalist
Nation state has control over own country
Lib nat and international assume that independent nation states will want to cooperate economically- peacfil and prosper as wolrd of multicultural dependent nation state where depsites the resolved nation
Outward looking progressive nat will support globalisation and free trade- supportive of supranataional bodies- eu and wto
Mazzini- econ frreedom consequence societal freedom
Natavist view of econ
Con and regressive- direct opposition view lib internat
Natavism- original inidgeonous pop has superior clash to rationality compared to more recent arrivals
Belief these original groups should have priority- fomr of exclusive nat
Nativism often linked hostility immigrants
Maurras- hierarchy of states, leads to econ natins of stronger nations oevr weaker nations
Prtectionsim- trade barriers introduced to protect a nations econ from international cooperation, trump against globalisation
Anti and post colonial econ
Anti colonial - desire to end colonial rule often associated with econ exploitation and repression
Garvey black state lead to a system that benefits its people and combines econ dominance of interacial coop
Socialist internta- capitalist and globalist as econ exploit porcess of western weirkd0 aim to promote econ progres,s indepndenltly from ex coloial ruler/western balues
Cuba- castro desire to be free from the influence of usa led to rejectioin of capitalism
State- anti v expanisonist
Anti nat state only legit form of gov- want freeodm from oppresion, imperialist domination and oppression for nation s to shape own destinty- gov return to indigenous pop, garvey afircan nat- blaci power should unite eto form black state
Expan- maurras state mechanism dominate others
Weaker nat accepting as colonisers of more powerful nat
Integral nat- state dominates all aspects of society and individ los identity iwthin al powerful nations- totalitarian
State nat disagree
Anti v expan
Lib v con
State lib v con
Lib- nation rule themrselves
Roussue nation is basis in any legit state- critic aboslute monarchies
Mazzini- nation only free when expresses over own state- state romantic experesion for unity and peple
Self determination- woodrow wilson, sturgeon
Con0 chuavanism, only some superior nations can benefit from natio nstatenood, states unite nation patritism
Herder roole of state preserve nation and culture, states only legit if based ideas of a people who share common language and culture
Internationsalism on state
Lib internta- indepndent nat states regulated by suprnational bodies such as eu and un- brings greatest chance of peace
Con- hostile supranational
Trump dipsute with nato and un
Twe all agree nat inclusive -agree
Agree- society shares identity and culture, diff nations diff
Shared balues
Herder volskgeuist
Garvey all africans
Twe all agree inclusive nat- disagree
Lib v con
Lib multinat, scot laws win, religion, civic
Con- exclusive- cultrue, volksgeist herdeer
Expanisonsism v all others
Expan- chauvanism- superiority, empire
All other anti and post colonial self control
Human nature nat points of clash
Rational v irrainal
Inclusive v exclusive
Civic v cultural, ethnic and racial
Self determination v expansionist
Human nature rational v irrational
Libs ration- r- gov based on consent of people= make choices out of free will
Con- irrational emotional, herder collective identity on cultrual group with a chommon lnag and history- emotional attachment histoyr
But mazzini- people have romantic perceptioon of nation and desire libertyq
Human nature- inclusive v exclusive
Inc open and tolerant, naoyone can join a nation as long as share in nation core values
Lib nat- happy to encourage diff cultures
Exclusive- supsicious multicultrualism takes time to beocme part of a nation, ideally shared history, immerse yoruself in nations cutlture
Monoculturalsim- against immigration, ukip farage, le pen, front nat fr
Human nature- civic b culural ethnic racial
Civic- rational logical approach
Members of a nation muyst support the values of society and aim for a nation where all citizens participate equally
R individ can live and work togetehr with shared values form a nation
Romantic nat sentiment- love and uflfilment- m
Cultural- memer nation emotional link
Shared values lang cultrue trad- herder volksgeist
Ethnic natyre- irrational shared heritage and ancestry, racial purity, diff races innate qualityies
Human nature- self determination v expansionsimq
Self determination rousseau- self determinatioon best way to protect natioon rights- rational- lib anti post, internat coop i
Expansionsit- chauvanistic, colonise weaker nations as a result of their superiority
Irrational-integral nat- maurras indivdi absorbed into nation
Militariasm and conquest used to create a sense of national unity
Society nat
Intro- all natioonalists believe that society issues held together by widely held ideology,principles
Lib v con
Civic v cultural
Inclusion v exclusion
Society- nat lib v con
Lib progresisve- society advancing and imporving, supports practise diff culture, multiculturalism , diversity and pluralism
Con regressive bind soctety together as one nation, backwards looking maintain past memeory- trump make america great agian, nostalgic and regressive
Monoculturalism- to maintain storng cohesive, uniqeueness of nation, new cultrues and had not integrated- shoudl abandon culture of home nation
Lib internat v con nat- inward loking
Lib demoracy better moderl, internat coop promite peacem restriaint conflict and promote lib democrayc
Society nat- civic v cultural
Civic - lib- community shared vision where civic loyalty helf
Society requires peoples action spatricipatin- r
Shared values>culture
Pride in political constitution/institution- uisa uoung age encouirage learn and respect constitution
Cultural- garvey black society free of white supresion allow balck race to thrive
Based on people shared cultural values in society
May diff nation and society- ethnicity
Herder- society sociallly constrained by a people who share nat heritage
Maurras- society based of shared ethnicity and some superior to others
Con organic society- gradual evolutionary change rthaer than radical rev
Society inclusive v expclusive
Lib aim progressive inclusive open minded, welcome nat
Con- exclusive hostile immigrration, chauvansim at extreme
Maurras- today fronnt national le pen- if french society to be stabel must be a common culture, demand for cultural purity can lead to bigotry and xenophobia
Progressive nat
Loa limited degree- some strands are lib
Self determination
Views of society- exclusive inclusive
International cooperation
Progressive nat- self determibation
Y- anti an dpost an lib- slef determinationa nd garvey pan africanism or post ghandi
Mazzini self determination for italy from austrian empire
N- con and expan- chauvanistic, scramble for africa, culture volksgueist
Progressve- views of society- exclusive v incluseiv
Y lib- iclsuve shared values
N- lib sturgoehn uinclusive multinat
Anti and post and con mono- garvey oan africanism, mayrras xenophobic jews blamed fr downfall
International cooperation- progessive agree?
Y- progressive lib internat work togethr achieve peace- suprnational un nato- inetrnational peace, uphold international policing
N- con and expand oppose supranational bodies, portectionism, trump oppose globalisation
Anti and post suspicioyus of westp
Loa should be argued
Disagree more than they agree- rather rthan to extent
Twe does nationalism inevitably promote instability and war
Y- emotive on behalf of nation- all willing to fight
Often promotes instability as seen with history- lib self determination and french rev rousseau, brexit instability
Lib internationalism- supranational0 against war- but expan con post may be fearful to suppport- un nato eu
Expan v others- chauvanism
Loa y
Twe does nationalism support self determination for all nations
Lib anti support self determination
Expan v all- chauvanism and empire, nativism
Lib v con- lib internat v con not prioritise other more important issues such as internal unity, cultural valkues opose immigration
Twe dddo diff nat have a common view of human nature
United under the nation- emotional- mazzini, belong to something
Lib v con- rational v romantic, civic v cultural
Exclusive v all- self determination, chauvanism superiority of nations
Twe is nationalism a regressive doctrine
Retrospective all some extent- maxixni, mauras, garvey black pride
Expan v everyone- chauvanism integral v self deternination, superior maurras
Civic v cultural- rational- ethnic emotional, irrational, shared values, maurras herder volskgeist