Nationalism Flashcards
Nationalism qualities
Organic community
Smith- chameleon ideology
Politicla organisation
Governing a territory with boundaries
Soverignty essential denan
Issues laws- have considerable power over its poelp
Can be multinational- two or more nations can exist within
State can be created
Territory- people gov- soevirgnty
Population with similar culture, ideals
May be rormed by factors- race religon lang territory history culture
Territory not essential requiremnt
Nation dooesnt possess strong powers- backed by emotional and morla powers
Nation cannot be multinational
Evolve gradually
Psycho-political construct- subjective
Organic community
People are naturally divided into a collection of nations with distinctive characters and identity
Believe higher loyalty to the nation- instinctual
Critics- nations not organic- hobsbawm nations based on invented traditions, nationalism and device for ruling classes to prevent social rev
Traits of a nation
Lang- herder
Lib nat ocntext
Oldest form- enlightenment 18thc
Rousseau- popular soverignty influenced french rev
19th century- popular self gov linked with principes- empires that nations fought over tend to be autocratic and oppressive
Mazzeni- italy inder a- unite
Beliefs of lib nat
Self determination-
Civic nationalism
Lib internationalsim
Self determination
Oppose all forms foriegn domination opression
Free nations colonial enslavement and democratic
People are capable of reasoned. Thought and are able to make logical decisions for themselves
Civic natinalism
Common pride in values of a nation
Larger state with independance- scotland catalonia
Active participation of its citixens
Joining a nation is straightforward and quick, not based on previous experiences
Ideas that morve towads improving society
Lib internationalism
Soveriegn nations should coopp and create a level of interdependency to avoid international conflict= free trade, eu
All nations respect sovereignty of other staets
Fear powerful states left unchecked may try to dominate weaker ones
Suprnational organisation- un and nato- police international policy
Critics of lib nat
Too rominatic and naiive
Ignore effective power of some forms of nat
Nation state not key to peace- wilson www1 yugoslavia mix ethnicityies led to more conflict
Invasion iraq 2003 usa and uk not respect soveriegnty, bypass un suprnational organsiation
Conservative nationalism qualities
Inward looking
Exclusive nat
May feel threat suprantional orgnaisatioon- nat identity
Integral nat
Inward looking
Little interest self determination
Lead to military expansionsm- mayrras
Exclusive nat
Asserts it takes time to become part of the nation as mermberhsip based on shared history and laws eg brexit
Benefits of nat for social cohesion, patriotyism, national unity-disraeli
Rathwe than civic
Can be more than ethinic
Not using reason and logic- acting on emotions
Herder- volksgeist
Ideas seek to reverse society to former less advanced state
Integral nat
Denies identity of the individ in favour of interests of who is ruling
Critiscs of con nat
Extrene- hostile- bnp uk
Increased fascism ger and italy
Chauvanism- nation is superior to others, threat to survival
Excessive patriotism
Intense emotional attachemnt to symbols like flags or anthems
Nation exploited- consciprtion
Colonise a territory first should recieve preferential treatment
Usa 19thc
Expansionist nat
Agressive and militant- scarmble for africa late 19thc, empire, 20th century ww1 and ww2, ger italy jpn
Chauvanism and cultural superiority- axi against jews
Used to justify exclusion, not self determinaism, racialist
Irrationa nd integral nat- indivd swept awayu on tide of intense patriotisn, make any sacrifice for good of ation
Maurras- trye nationalist places his country above eberything
Imperialism colonial