Nathanna Díospóireachta Flashcards
This is a silly motion in my opinion
Is rún seafóideach é seo, dar liom
Ladies & gentlemen, how could anyone accept rubbish like that?
A dhaoine uaisle, conas go bhféadfadh duine ar bith glacadh le ráiméis mar sin?
Listen to me for a moment and I’ll tell you the facts of the matter
Éistigí liomsa ar feadh nóiméid agus inseoidh mé fíricí an scéil daoibh.
Don’t you forget that
Ná déanaigí dearmad go/nach
We’ve created a direct connection between
Tá dlúthcheangal cruthaithe againn idir
The captain of the other team mentioned that
Luaigh captaen na fóirne eile go/nach
I don’t accept this interpretation of
Ní ghlacaim leis an léamh seo ar
Take it from me that
Glacaigí uaimse é go/nach
Friends, it’s clear to the blind that
A chairde, tá sé soiléir don dall go/nach
But, look my friends,
Ach, féach a chairde,
Think for a moment about
Samhlaigí ar feadh nóiméid ar
Without a doubt, my friends,
Gan aon amhras, a chairde,
It’s unbelievable, isn’t it?
Tá sé dochreidte, nach bhfuil?
The members of the opposition will say that
Déarfaidh lucht an fhreasúra go/nach bhfuil
Believe me!
Creid uaimse é!