Fadhbanna: An Córas Oideachais Flashcards
a mixed school
Scoil mheasctha
a faulty, unbalanced and unfair system
córas lochtach, leatromach agus éagórach
a major vacumn/gap
folús mór
a more understanding system
córas níos tuisceana
a review
a university degree
céim ollscoile
academic ability
Cumas acadúla
ag freastal ar
bad state
because of the disruption by fools
de bharr réabadh na bpleidhcí
building and improvement schemes
scéiméanna tógála agus feabhsaithe
building grants
deontais tógála
clever students
daltaí éirimiúla
communication skills
scileanna cumarsáide
competitive parents
tuismitheoirí iomaíocha
comprehensive school
Scoil chuimsitheach
compulsory subjects
ábhair éigeantacha
continuous assessment
Measúnú leanúnach
discipline problems
Fadhbanna smachta
education crisis
géarchéim oideachais
every minute studying
gach nóiméad ag gabháil don staidéar
expecting big things from young people
ag tnúth le rudaí móra ó dhaoine óga
extra tuition (grinds)
teagasc breise
fair play
cothrom na féinne
gone out of control
Imithe ó smacht
good personal skills
scileanna maithe pearsanta
heavy workload
ualach trom oibre
highly skilled
if I were the Minister for Education
dá mbeinn i m’aire oideachais
improvement grants
deontais feabhsúcháin
in post-primary schools
sna hiarbhunscoileanna
in primary schools
sna bunscoileanna
in the Universities
sna hOllscoileanna
it is a narrow minded outlook
is dearcadh caolaigeanta é
its not healthy
níl sé sláintiúil
law courses
cúrsaí dlí
learning and social skills
scileanna foghlama agus sóisialta
learning difficulties
Deacrachtaí foghlama
learning off by heart / rote learning
ag foghlaim de ghlanmheabhair
modern curriculum
curaclam nua-aimseartha
numeracy skills
scileanna uimhearthachta
PE classes
ranganna corpoideachais
pre-fab classrooms
seomraí ranga réamhdhéanta
pressure from parents
Brú ó thuismitheoirí
remedial students
daltaí feabhais
sense doesn’t come before age
“Ní thagann ciall roimh aois”
special needs assistants
cúntóirí riachtanais speisialta
state funds
ciste an stáit
struggling with
ag strácáil le
student life is a good one
“Is aoibhinn beatha an scoláire”
studying for exams
staidéar le haghaidh scrúduithe
teaching resources
áiseanna teagaisc
that is a better outcome than
sin toradh níos fearr ná
that motivates students
a spreagann daltaí
the amount of ‘A’ grades that you achieve
an méid grádanna ‘A’ a ghnóthaíonn tú
the basic solution to the problem is
is bunréiteach na faidhbe ná
the continuous pressure
an síorbhrú leanúnach
the Department of Education
An Roinn Oideachais
the difficulties of life
deacrachtaí an tsaoil
the European languages
na teangacha Eorpacha
the exam system
Córas na scrúduithe
the facilities in schools
na háiseanna sna scoileanna
the heart of the problem is
is é croílár na faidhbe ná
the learner’s needs
riachtanais an fhoghlamóra
the learners’ mindset
meon na bhfoghlaimeoirí
the Minister for Education
an tAire Oideachais
the mock exams
na triailscrúduithe
the neglect
an fhaillí
the number of obese children is increasing
tá líon na bpáistí murtaill ag méadú
the points system/race
Córas/rás na bpointí
there is a complete ban on
tá cosc iomlán ar
there is great demand for
tá an-éileamh ar
they are at their wits end
bíonn siad i ndeireadh na feide
they are in danger of becoming obese
is baol dóibh chun murtaill
they do it against their will
is i gcoinne a dtola a dhéanann siad é
they get very high marks
baineann siad ardmharcanna amach
to do a comprehensive review of
athbhreithniú cuimsitheach a dhéanamh ar
to encourage creativity
cruthaitheacht a spreagadh
to encourage them
iad a spreagadh
to form a person’s personality
pearsantacht an duine a mhúnlú
to guide our lives
ár mbeatha a threorú
to make training available
traenáil a chur ar fáil
to mould young people
daoine óga a mhúnlú
to progress in life
dul chun cinn a dhéanamh sa saol
to put a scheme in place
scéim a chur i bhfeidhm
toilet facilities
áiseanna leithris
too academic
too narrow
transition year
an idirbhliain
we live in a two tier society
mairimid i sochaí dhéshraitheach
weak students
daltaí laga
widespread investment
infheistíocht forleathan
without appropriate facilities
gan áiseanna cuí
worn out / exhausted
spíonta amach
worried and concerned about
buartha agus imníoch faoi