Nasal Cavity Flashcards
roof of nasal cavity
- frontal bone
- nasal bone
- cribriform plate of ethmoid bone
- body of sphenoid bone
floor of nasal cavity
hard palate:
* palatine process of the maxilla
* horizontal plate of palatine bone
medial wall of nasal cavity
nasal septum:
* perpendicular plate of ethmoid bone
* vomer bone
* cartilage
lateral walls of nasal cavity
- maxilla bones
- lacrimal bones
- ethmoid bones
- inferior nasal conchae
- palatine bones
- sphenoid bones
paranasal sinuses
- frontal
- sphenoid
- ethmoidal air cells
- maxillary
superior, inferior, and middle concha
superior, middle and inferior meatuses
ethmoidal bulla
semilunar hiatus
nerve supply of nasal walls
- branches of the olfactory
- ophthalmic
- maxillary nerves
special sensory supply of nasal cavity
olfactory nerve
what is the pirifrom aperture
the bony opening of the nose
how does the frontal sinus open into the nasal cavity
through the frontonasal duct, into the infundiblum and from there into the semilunar hiatus of the middle meatus
how does the maxillary sinus open into the nasal cavity
into the infundibulum and then into the semilunar hiatus of middle meatus
how does the sphenoid sinus open into the nasal cavity
drains onto posterior roof
innervation of frontal sinus
supraorbital nerve (branch of ophthalmic)
arterial supply of frontal sinuses
anterior ethmoidal artery (branch of internal carotid)
innervation of sphenoid sinuses
posterior ethmoidal nerve (branch of ophthalmic)
arterial supply of sphenoid sinuses
pharyngeal branch of maxillary arteries
how does anterior ethmoidal sinus drain into nasal cavity
into semilunar hiatus in middle meatus
how does middle ethmoidal sinus drain into nasal cavity
into lateral wall of middle meatus
how does posterior ethmoidal sinus drain into nasal cavity
onto lateral wall of superior meatus
innervation of ethmoidal sinuses
anterior and posterior ethmoidal branches of the nasociliary nerve and the maxillary nerve
arterial supply of ethmoidal sinuses
anterior and posterior ethmoidal arteries
where does the nasolacrimal duct drain into
inferior meatus
where does the eustachian tube drain into
nasopharynx at level of inferior meatus
where does the sphenopalatine foramen open
outside: pterygomaxillary fissure
inside: superior meatus
levator palati function
moves soft palate upwards and backwards
levator palati innervation
glossopharyngeal nerve
tensor palati function
tightens palate during swallow
tensor palati innervation
mandibular branch of trigeminal nerve