Narrative PE's & SE's Flashcards
Define: Camera (PE)
Camera refers to the camera/film/video techniques and technologies including: shot selection, movement, distance, angle and focus.
Define: Acting (PE)
Acting refers to an actor’s facial expressions, tone of voice, body language, physical appearance and prior knowledge/associations in the film.
Define: Mis-en-scene (PE)
Mis-en-scene refers to the arrangement of all the visual elements within a shot. This covers: props, setting, location, makeup, shot size, angle, movement, lighting, acting, character and the relationship between the subjects and objects in a frame.
Define: Editing (PE)
Editing is where choices are made regarding the selection and collaborating of different elements of the film.
For example: the visual, sound elements, style, transitions, placement, pace and rhythm of editing.
Define: Lighting (PE)
Lighting refers to the quality, direction and style of light in a film.
Define: Sound (PE)
Sound refers to sound effects, music and dialogue that create a specific feeling or idea contributing to a film.
Define: The opening, development and resolution of the narrative (SE)
The opening, development and resolution of the narrative refers to the narrative possibilities, issues and/or ideas established in the opening sequence/s, their development throughout the film, and their resolution in the closing sequence.
Define: Plot (Storyline) (SE)
The plot refers to the main events in a film; they may interrelate or interconnect with other storylines in the plot.
Define: Character (SE)
Character refers to establishment and development of characters in a narrative, showing their relationships between other characters.
Define: Setting (SE)
Setting refers to the time (year, day) and place that the action occurs.
Define: Cause and effect (SE)
Cause and effect is what propels the story. Like a domino effect, it’s something that happens after an action or event is “pushed”.
Define: Point of View (SE)
Point/s of view refers to whose point of view we, as an audience, are invited to see the movie from.
Define: Structuring of time (SE)
Structuring of time refers to the order and way events in the film are shown to the audience. This refers to temporal ordering (order of events), temporal duration (how long) and temporal frequency (how often).