Narrativ eleme Flashcards
Anyone Can Die
The main characters are not safe.
Most of the time when you finally grasp who the main characters of the story are, you can expect that these characters will survive through the end of the story (or at least until the last episode). Well, This Is Not That Trope.
This is very common in Darker and Edgier works. When the writers want to impress you with their ruthlessness, they may trumpet that Tonight Someone Dies, then kill off a random second-stringer that nobody much cares about. They might even kill off a major character because his actor was leaving anyway, or because they needed a good cliffhanger to convince people to watch the next season. That is also not this trope (although it’s pretending to be).
Anyone Can Die is where no one is exempt from being killed, including pets, children, the elderly, even the main characters (maybe even the hero)! The Sacrificial Lamb is often used to establish the writer’s willingness to kill off important characters early on. To really be the Anyone Can Die trope, the work must include multiple deaths of named characters, happening at different points in the story. Bonus points if the death is unnecessary and devoid of Heroic Sacrifice.
This trope is very helpful in keeping Genre Savvy fans from being Spoiled by the Format. In a kid’s show, of course Alice and Bob are going to survive the raging rapids. In a work of this type however, the danger actually becomes dangerous.
War shows like Mobile Suit Gundam benefit from having a larger cast since there are so many people to kill off. The frequent deaths within a wide cast make the storyline unpredictable, forcing you to wonder who’ll be left standing once the dust settles.
Still, even if all characters are allegedly up for the possibility of a dance with the reaper, the general laws of storytelling (and, more importantly, how actors are contracted) tells us that you can expect the chances of main-character death to increase as you approach the climax of an arc, the final episodes of a season, the final chapters of a book, or the final instalment of a series, even if the work averts Death Is Dramatic. A creator needs to be quite committed to the concept to kill off an important character in a completely plot-irrelevant way.
Note that the character needs to be Killed Off for Real or Character Death for the trope to have the desired effect; it does not work if the writers cheat and bring back the guy later (see Not Quite Dead, Disney Death, and Climactic Battle Resurrection). As such Super Hero Comic Books as a medium have gained a reputation of “Anyone Can Die… until someone wants to use the character in a later story.”
A good way to check if this trope applies is to see if who survives is an important plot point, rather than only how they survive.
Contrast with Tonight Someone Dies, Sorting Algorithm of Mortality and Contractual Immortality. Compare Second Law of Metafictional Thermodynamics. Compare Characters Dropping Like Flies, which is just about lots of people dying, and can overlap with this trope.
See also Kill ‘em All, when everyone will die. Opposite of Nobody Can Die and Plot Armor, where not even situations that should kill people manage to. See also Dwindling Party, where the deaths are evenly spaced rather than near the end. Easier to do in works with Loads and Loads of Characters.
This is Truth in Television because immortality does not exist. According to The Onion, world death rate has been holding steady at 100% every single year for the last five billion years.
Red Shirt is (usually) when the deaths are reserved for nameless extras. This trope tries to upgrade them to Mauve Shirt first.
An object nobody actually uses, and whose nature and identity are basically irrelevant.
MacGuffin (a.k.a. McGuffin or maguffin) is a term for a motivating element in a story that is used to drive the plot. It serves no further purpose. It won’t pop up again later, it won’t explain the ending, it won’t do anything except possibly distract you while you try to figure out its significance. In some cases, it won’t even be shown. It is usually a mysterious package/artifact/superweapon that everyone in the story is chasing.
To determine if a thing is a MacGuffin:
check to see if it is interchangeable. For example, in a caper story the MacGuffin could be either the Mona Lisa or the Hope diamond, it makes no difference which. The rest of the story (i.e. it being stolen) would be exactly the same. It doesn't matter which it is, it is only necessary for the characters to want it. Does it do anything, and if it does, is it ever actually used in story? If the answer to both is yes, it's a Plot Device, not a MacGuffin. For Plot Devices that get the same attention as a MacGuffin, compare Magnetic Plot Device.
If it passes both of these criteria, congratulations: its a MacGuffin!
A common MacGuffin story setup can be summarized as “Quickly! We must find X before they do!”.
The term was popularized by Alfred Hitchcock, who credited one of his screenwriters, Angus McPhail, with the creation of this concept and the name for it, citing a particular school-boy joke:
A man is riding on a train when a second gentleman gets on and sits down across from him. The first man notices the second is holding an oddly shaped package. "What is that?" the first man asks. "A MacGuffin, a tool used to hunt lions in the Scottish highlands." "But there are no lions in the Scottish highlands," says the first man. "Well then," says the other, "That's no MacGuffin".
Hitchcock and Angus McPhail were not the first to formulate this concept. Silent-film actress Pearl White starred in cliffhanger serials (most famously “The Perils of Pauline”) in which the characters spent most of their screen time chasing each other for possession of a roll of film, or some other doodad. This device occurred so often in Pearl White’s serial films that she routinely referred to the coveted object as a “weenie”, using the term precisely as Hitchcock would later use “MacGuffin”.
In academic circles this is sometimes called the Golden Fleece, after the artifact from the myth of Jason and the Argonauts. The Fleece was first mentioned by the Greek poet Simonides, which makes this trope Older Than Feudalism.
Contrast Mock Guffin, for when an object that isn’t really a MacGuffin is mistaken for one.
If you want to start arguing that your favourite series’ most awesome magical thing isn’t a MacGuffin, remember that Tropes Are Tools. Having a MacGuffin is not necessarily bad writing, depending on how it’s handled — concretely defining or giving a central role to the object of a chase can detract from a work, if the point is to focus on the characters.
Accidentally Broke the MacGuffin
The heroes have finally found the MacGuffin. After so much effort and Your Princess Is in Another Castle, they’re going to return it, use it, or whatever they were supposed to do with it.
Then somebody breaks it, making the whole endeavour pointless.
A particularly frustrating form of a Diabolus Ex Machina. The other characters’ reactions usually range from shock to an anger burst. Double points if the MacGuffin can NEVER be replaced. In a story where The Good Guys Always Win, if the villain gets their hands on the MacGuffin, it’s either taken from them or this happens.
This usually happens during the middle of the series, not during a Grand Finale which would change the course of who wins. Often used in a Shaggy Dog Story.
Contrast Dismantled MacGuffin, where the MacGuffin is not broken, but is meant to be put back together. Often leads to No MacGuffin, No Winner. This only refers to objects, so The President’s Daughter (obviously) does not count.
Artifact of Attraction
Everyone wants this, regardless of what it is.
The Artifact of Attraction is an object that goes beyond being merely desirable for its own sake and is supernaturally super desirable. It can cause a group of friends to become paranoid and distrustful, making them stop working together or even come to blows over ownership. Unsurprisingly for an object that can bring about a veritable Hate Plague on those who set eyes on it (or even just know of its existence), the Artifact Of Attraction tends to be a powerful Cursed item, though a few uncursed ones can get this kind of reputation.
Any object can serve as an Artifact of Attraction, but they tend to have a certain je ne sais quoi. They may be a luxury item like a fashionable pair of red shoes and ring, or a perfectly mundane red stapler and warm blanket.
Knowing the Artifact of Attraction is capable of this doesn’t stop the effects it causes, but may give the heroes enough warning to resist the effects long enough to destroy it or give it to the bad guys. Of course, because of its nature no one wants to destroy it, making this kind of curse ideal for preserving an Artifact of Doom and Amulet of Dependency from being destroyed.
Though plenty lethal on its own, the Artifact Of Attraction may be triple enchanted to serve as an Artifact of Death (to up the kill count) and as an Artifact of Doom (to corrupt the hapless holder) and serve as a trifecta of desire, death and corruption.
To neutralize such problems, the heroes can always follow the example of the Hope Diamond and donate it to a museum. That kind of unselfish act often means that the curse is broken while the item is kept in a safe place for everyone to enjoy… and get stolen by villains too dumb to realize Evil Is Not a Toy.
Not to be confused with Apple of Discord, which is not about the object, but a group of friends bickering to the point of coming to blows after a seemingly trivial comment or question (who is fairest, strongest, etc), or with Gold Fever, which is about the mentality that makes normally good people so greedy and paranoid they want to kill their friends and fellow prospectors to possess gold or some other valuable.
Compare Hypno Trinket and Glamour.
Clingy MacGuffin
There’s just no getting rid of this!
Applied Phlebotinum with one specific quirk: you cannot get rid of it. It cannot be removed, lost, given away, buried, thrown in the ocean, blown up, or separated from the owner in any way. It’s usually not intelligent or sentient, but is nonetheless bound to you, for better or worse, till death do you part, or otherwise.
This can be found in Fairy Tales, particularly those where Self-Fulfilling Prophecies are not to be thwarted by a condition such as “You have to get this ring back to marry my daughter.”
The most benign form is an Empathic Weapon that’s a little too empathic. It’s not necessarily something you would want to get rid of, but it can sure make maintaining the Masquerade much harder if your Glowy Sword of Doom simply will not let you leave it at home. Also, if a villain is after it, you can’t easily comply with a demand to hand it over to save a friend. In this case, the only chance they have of getting it is killing you.
The evil version is more like an implacable stalker. From the moment it crosses your path, no matter what you do to get rid of it, it will always be there. If you’re lucky, it will just make you a Weirdness Magnet. If you’re unlucky, it’ll be an Artifact of Doom that will make your life a living hell until you fulfill The Quest to destroy it or seal it away for the next hapless victim.
If a Clingy MacGuffin appears in an ongoing series, expect several episodes about the character’s attempts to get rid of it so that he can lead a normal life. He might even succeed a couple of times but circumstances will always manage to bring the two of them back together because otherwise, there wouldn’t be a show. The character might also come to accept or even enjoy their new life and actively seek to regain the Clingy MacGuffin.
Technically, any comedy in which a hapless person gets something — a paintbrush, a Post-It note, etc — physically glued to their body and can’t dislodge it could qualify as a (non-magical) descendent of this trope. If the attached object is relevant to the plot (e.g. the accidental lipstick stain that can’t be wiped off, sabotaging the protagonist’s romantic chances with his girlfriend), it actually is this trope.
If the MacGuffin is a piece of clothing, it’s a Clingy Costume. If it’s a living thing, it falls into The Cat Came Back. Compare Loyal Phlebotinum, which can be physically separated from the owner but still only works for its Chosen One.
Dismantled MacGuffin
Broken pieces of a broken plot device must be found- and put together again.
A common way to produce Plot Coupons of the ‘Gotta Catch ‘Em All’ variety is for the Precursors to split a powerful Ancient Artifact that was used to defeat the bad guy into three or more parts and, yes, distribute them across the world on a vague premise of it being “too dangerous to ever use again”. Then, when the bad guy raises its head Exty Years Later (and it always does), the heroes must set out to reassemble said artifact.
More generally, someone has split an important object into pieces, and stored those pieces in different locations. Anyone who wants to possess the object must recover and recombine all the pieces.
If the said artifact was disassembled because it possesses an evil will of its own, this overlaps with Sealed Evil in a Can. If it was disassembled because there was a good chance that evil would get their hands on it in the present, this overlaps with Fling a Light into the Future. If the assembled artifact has far stronger (and useful!) properties, it’s due to the Set Bonus. If the pieces end up in the hands of different characters as they search for it, it can lead to a case of Two Halves Make A Plot.
Despite the trope name, the dismantled object might or might not be a MacGuffin. If the object does something after being reassembled, it’s not a MacGuffin. If the plot is about reassembling the artifact but not about using its powers, then it can be a MacGuffin.
Egg MacGuffin
Sometimes, an episode of a series may involve a character discovering an egg of some sort which later hatches. Occasionally, the protagonists may save the egg from a terrible fate: either from being smashed or from being something or someone’s lunch. The egg eventually hatches and the character gains a Pet Baby, Wild Animal.
Usually the baby is a Small Annoying Creature (though it may actually be a gargantuan creature with the mind of a small annoying one) that thinks the first person (usually the discoverer) it sees is its “mama”. Usually the baby may be far too much for the character to handle and they have to somehow find its real parents. A common variant has the egg hatching into something evil.
The trope can get even more unusual when the resulting offspring ends up taking on the characteristics of the hatcher, rather than who actually contributed to the genetics.
If the plot revolves around the unknown origin or result of a different kind of egg, it may be Who’s Your Daddy?. Technically speaking, this is basically what happens in any mammalian or internally fertilised species, where legions of sperm race each other to get to the ovum.
A frequent cartoon scenario has a Talking Animal, or more often a Speech-Impaired Animal, is trying to keep an egg warm without being interrupted or losing the egg in a offbeat chase scene. When the egg hatches, this often results in the (usually male) babysitter being referred to as Mommy.
Compare Egg Sitting, where the egg is just a stand-in for a baby.
Despite the trope name, the egg might or might not be a MacGuffin. The trope’s name is a silly pun on Egg McMuffin, the breakfast sandwich.
Free Sample Plot Coupon
The first Plot Coupon is gotten much more easily than the others.
omething bad happens. Or the main character wants to achieve something, or reach somewhere. Either way, there may be an objective to fulfill in the near future. This objective may be the motivation to start an adventure. Not too long afterward, the character is told about how the objective can be achieved, and it may have to do with the collection of important objects, or the search for characters. This would be the start of a very long and difficult quest, enough to make the quest for the first object or character very difficult on its own.
Fortunately, the first MacGuffin or Plot Coupon appears as soon as the quest starts.
This first encounter is the Free Sample Plot Coupon. It serves as a good motivation to look forward to the remaining objects or characters, which (or who) are genuinely more difficult to find. Now, how the first MacGuffin appears may depend on the plot or the place:
It may be found right next to the main character. Not too shabby. The Quest Giver already has it, and gives it to the hero. If it's an object, whoever holds it will appear instantly. If it's a character, he or she may appear instantly. Or, by some fortunate coincidence, the character may already have had it all along. Or he is the MacGuffin.
Naturally, if the item or character takes a lot of effort to find (if not more than the others), then it doesn’t fit the trope. Not to be confused with This Is Your Premise on Drugs.
Going to See the Elephant
They weren’t trying to start the plot, they were just going on a meaningless trip.
Somewhere, not too far from the hero’s hometown, there is something new and exotic to go see or do. The hero is fascinated with the idea of checking out this new thing, and he and his friends set out on a journey to do just that. Their journey drives the rest of the plot. This differs from characters on a quest, because there’s no overarching need for them to take the trip, other than “let’s go take the trip”. They’re tourists, not heroes out to destroy The One Ring. In addition, the actual object at the end of the journey is utterly unimportant, other than as a prod for the character to take the journey in the first place.
The name of the trope is from a 19th-century expression that meant “to take a trip to see or do something exotic.” In The American Civil War era, it was sometimes used to refer to going to war. Sometimes used as a MacGuffin, making the character go in order to drive the plot, but not always, as it lacks the interchangeability of a true MacGuffin. Often, It’s the Journey That Counts.
No relation at all to the Elephant in the Living Room, which everybody is pointedly trying to ignore. Also has nothing to do with going to see a man about a horse… Also see Road Trip Plot, where the story is about the journey itself.
Hostage for MacGuffin
Give me the Phlebtonium or Ricky gets it!
A variation on the Hostage Situation and Put Down Your Gun and Step Away.
The villains have captured… someone. Anyone. Usually a family member or loved one, but it really could just be the guy down the street, because the main character loves everyone.
The Villains are willing to propose a trade. Give them the superpowered item that will let them conquer the Earth and kill far more people than just their one hostage, or they will kill their hostage.
The good guys not only go through with it, it’s apparent that they would in fact completely honor their side of the deal.
But all hope is not lost, because the villain, halfway through the deal and before completely securing the super-doohickey will doublecross the heroes, usually resulting in their defeat. They could have just taken the Crystal Of Ridiculous Levels Of Power but no, they just had to sneer at the heroes and attempt to kill someone completely irrelevant to their goal. It just goes to show that man’s worst enemy is often himself.
Played straight, this trope often turns into a nasty Straw Vulcan where handing the MacGuffin over is obviously the wrong choice, succeeding only by sheer dumb luck. If it succeeds at all. In Super Sentai, for instance, the villain is likely to blow up a few buildings afterwards, but who cares? The hostage with a human face is saved.
Fortunately, not all heroes are that stupid. If there’s a decoy MacGuffin kicking around, they might be able to pass that off as the real one. If you have a particularly Genre Savvy protagonist or an Anti-Hero, most often time’s they’ll subvert this trope by throwing the item in the air or threatening to destroy it anyway, causing the villain to panic and make a mistake. They can even avert this trope altogether by just shooting the villain or destroying said item on the spot.
Common in videogames; the villains usually let the heroes collect the seven whatevers and then step in with a trade. The games will even tease you with the choice of not doing it, But Thou Must.
See also Friend or Idol Decision. This can be the beginning of an Unhand Them, Villain!.
I’m Dying, Please Take My MacGuffin
You’re given an object by a dying man. It’s a Plot Device!
A minor character has an important MacGuffin or Plot Device, but has been fatally wounded, or is otherwise about to die. This character then hands the object over to the main character(s) before dying. The main character(s) continue the dead person’s mission to get the thing to wherever it’s supposed to get to before the bad guys get it.
A good way to keep the true story a mystery (and to keep the audience interested) is to have the main character be an Unlikely Hero that has NO idea what’s going on or who to trust.
The old bearer may double as a Sacrificial Lamb, and is quite often a Pursued Protagonist. Despite the trope name, the object handed over might or might not be a MacGuffin.
Compare with It May Help You on Your Quest, Plot Coupon, and MacGuffin Escort Mission. See also Almost Dead Guy, who passes on information instead of plot coupons, and Bequeathed Power, when the thing being passed on is some kind of superpower rather than an item. For when the transaction involves human beings, see Take Care of the Kids.
May be a Harbinger of Impending Doom. Contrast Come with Me If You Want to Live.
Sub-Trope of Take Up My Sword, itself a Sub-Trope of Herald. Compare The Chooser of The One.
Living MacGuffin
They say Helen of Troy had a face that could launch a thousand ships: well, the Living MacGuffin has a similar ability to launch a thousand quests in search of them. She may be a heart wrenchingly beautiful princess whose hand can only be won with miraculous feats, a long lost (or left) parent, sibling, close friend or Love Interest, some variation of The Chosen One who is needed for some greater purpose, or any number of typical MacGuffin functions.
In terms of traits, they are usually “desirable” or “questable” for any of a hundred reasons. Common ones include: great beauty, great goodness, kindness and loving or being loved by the hero, being royalty, knowing the answer to an urgent problem, etc. (Thus, they can easily cross over into Mary Sue territory.) Alternately, they may carry the negative trait of having kicked the hero’s dog at one point, and so they want to find them (or a way close to them) for revenge.
See also Damsel in Distress (and Distressed Dude). If the character is kidnapped and held for ransom, see The President’s Daughter. If a character must be moved from point A to B, it’s a Live-Action Escort Mission. For cases where the MacGuffin started out as nonliving and later became a person somehow, you want MacGuffin Girl. Characters who are unimportant when introduced but become important later in the story fall under Chekhov’s Gunman.
A MacGuffin Full of Money
The MacGuffin’s only important because it’s expensive.
A popular subtrope of the MacGuffin concept. Rather than make the MacGuffin be a piece of obscure technology, or the Chosen One brought back to life, it is quite simply a giant pile of cash. Because money has intrinsic and universal value, the viewer can instantly understand why it is that the characters are so determined to retrieve it.
The problem with this trope is that it can’t be generally used to power stories that involve things like the villain seeking world domination. As such, it tends to show up most often in mundane fiction, although a MacGuffin full of money can make characters who would otherwise be normal act kind of insane — compare Gold Fever.
MacGuffin Delivery Service
One group lets another acquire a Macguffin so they can steal it.
The Adventurer Archaeologist has gone through all manner of Death Course hazards and exhausted himself narrowly escaping from certain death, but he has succeeded in retrieving the idol! ….except that he emerges to find his arch-nemesis aiming a gun point blank at him, casually ordering him to hand it over.
The Hero has collected a ragtag band of fellow survivors and enemies of the Evil Overlord, and even ventured deep into the very underbelly of the earth, fighting his way past killer trapped doors and all manner of random encounter beasts to get hold of an artifact of legendary power before the Big Bad gets to it, and thereby safeguard it from his Evil Plan…. but when the team comes struggling up out of the dungeon to return to the surface, half dead and gasping, there’s the Big Bad, confronting them with overwhelming power, fresh as a daisy. He seizes the artifact, and leaves them Only Mostly Dead, and his Evil Plan moves forward.
Sometimes you just have to wonder why the good guys never say to each other, “Hey, I’ve got an idea. Why don’t we hide out near the entrance of the dungeon, get a good night’s sleep, and wait for him to go in and fetch the MacGuffin for us, this time?!” Ah, the magic of Genre Blindness.
This is a subtrope of Unwitting Pawn, where the villain’s goal is unknown to the heroes. In a MacGuffin Delivery Service, the heroes know the villain wants the MacGuffin, and preventing the villain from getting it is, ironically, the reason for the whole quest. Maybe not the only reason, but a major reason throughout the story arc.
Polar opposite of Keep Away. Compare You Can’t Thwart Stage One. Subtrope of Nice Job Breaking It, Hero. A Treacherous Advisor will often ‘hold onto’ the heroes plot coupons for him. Not to be confused with MacGuffin Escort Mission, where the good guys give the heroes a mission to deliver the item somewhere.
MacGuffin Escort Mission
While many important-item stories are about finding or recovering it, this trope is about when it’s in The Protagonists’ hands either from the beginning or by the end of the first act. The rest of the story involves getting it from one place to another.
Compare Live-Action Escort Mission, only that involves people and could just be a few scenes, while this trope could include anything that is one of the main points of the story. Despite the trope name, the item might or might not be a MacGuffin.
Not to be confused with Macguffin Delivery Service, where the villain uses the hero to obtain the item. Contrast Keep Away.
MacGuffin Girl
The plot where the object that everyone is looking for turns out to have been transformed into a girl (with the occasional variation of being a Robot Girl). It’s usually (but not always) a girl, and is usually associated with several of the following tropes or plot elements:
The girl (again, it usually is a girl) initially has no memory or knowledge of what she really is. This leads to the Tomato in the Mirror trope. The hero gets to know her as a person first before discovering what she really is. There is conflict among the good guys over whether to keep the girl or return her to her natural state as a MacGuffin. Some see it as killing her; others don't. Alternately, the good guys all agree to keep her human, but the decision is out of their hands; so they angst over the girl not being able to keep her brief life. The story ends with either a self sacrifice (if the object is vitally important) or with the girl staying a girl (if the object only needs to be used once or is only wanted by the villains).
Compare Spaceship Girl, which could lead to similar stories, but in practice almost never does, and Barrier Maiden/Apocalypse Maiden who is often just as objectified while being wholly human. Likewise, characters who are being sought after merely because they are a lost princess, or an escaped lab experiment, etc., are generally not treated this way, but as The President’s Daughter. Though the princess may be, if her Royal Blood has magical properties.
See Save This Person, Save the World for when the character isn’t anything particuarly special, you just have to ensure that they don’t die. A Living MacGuffin is someone not in danger, but still desirable - like the beautiful princess you want to impress and marry. See also Phlebotinum Girl.
Please do not include characters who are titled like objects (light, key, hope, etc.) but are not objects.
MacGuffin Guardian
ur brave hero has outsmarted the guards, sneaked into the ancient and mysterious crypt and now is about to lay his hands on the object of his long quest and/or about to open the grim-looking gate leading to said object.
But wait! As he approaches, a sudden roar chills the blood in his veins and a towering, nameless creature suddenly appears to stop him. It’s the Guardian!
This happens really often, with any kind of possible keeper. Monsters, Living Statues, Dragons or Demons summoned by portals and runes. It can be tracked back in old myths where a monstrous guardian keeps a treasure or a person, usually for his master. Of course, it doesn’t need to be revealed in that exact way to qualify, but has just to be a monster keeping a treasure. A variation is a monster who guards not an artifact but rather the path/gate which our heroes must take.
Usually the monstrous/inhuman nature of the keeper is justified by its skills: monsters tend to be stronger and more resilient, with hard skin or maybe Combat Tentacles or enhaced senses or Breath Weapon or whatnot.
A combination found so often it is its own subtrope is a dragon guarding a treasure hoard.
Sometimes overlap with Teleporting Keycard Squad, especially if the room appeared totally bare just a moment ago. See also Forgot to Feed the Monster when the spooky guardian is here… and already dead or incapacitated.
Don’t confuse with Threshold Guardians which usually is there to test the hero, while the MacGuffin Guardian is here to eat the hero. It may, however, be the test of said Threshold Guardians.
MacGuffin Location
A MacGuffin doesn’t necessarily have to take the form of an object. This is the case where the MacGuffin is an actual location — a place where everyone’s trying to get to (or get there first), but the actual place doesn’t have any impact on the plot.
This happens quite often in shows featuring races — it often doesn’t matter whether the finish line is in Cairo, New Zealand, or Omaha.
Compare with Going to See the Elephant.
MacGuffin Melee
There is an important Macguffin that two or more characters want. One character manages to get his or her hands on it, and now he or she needs to escape. Unfortunately, now everybody is after his or her ass, and they won’t stop until they get it. In fact, they probably will get it, in which case, the hunter now becomes the hunted, as this character must flee, before the others snatch the Macguffin back from them.
Often the reason the character opt to run instead of fight is due to a time crunch. They can’t afford to take the time to fight, or no-one is strong enough to beat the other without getting badly injured. Perhaps they are evenly matched as fighters, but the object may allow to make the difference. Or maybe there a just so many people involved in the chase, it’s impossible to keep track of all the players. Expect the aforementioned Macguffin to trade owners numerous times. Sometimes one person finally comes out on top, and claims the prize, but often due to all the fighting, it is destroyed either due to someone dropping it by accident, or one person deciding that destroying it is better than letting the enemy claim it.
In some older cartoons, it would often have one character running off with the Macguffin, only to have another character coming from the opposite direction run by, and snatch it out of his or her hands, only to have someone else do the same to them. That is when they don’t just stick out their foot and trip the other character. This is usually done in the more humorous stories.
A Sub-Trope of Chase Fight, with a bit of Cat and Mouse Boss thrown in, with the twist that rather than getting a power up that makes the boss run from you, you claim an object that means now you have to run from him. Will likely either be the result of, or caused by a Mêlée à Trois. Also see Crowd Hockey, particularly for when the melee takes place in crowded areas, As well as Loot Drama. Compare Stolen MacGuffin Reveal, where the MacGuffin is only stolen once (twice, tops).
MacGuffin Title
A work has a title that refers to a specific object. Because the object is so specific in the title, you know without knowing anything else about the story, that, obviously, the heroes will have to quest to find this object, or protect it from the bad guys, or recover it from the forces of evil, or destroy it somehow. This often leads to a Title Drop.
Something of a pet trope for fantasy novels and video games, (especially those with Mad Lib Fantasy Titles, but can occur elsewhere. Sometimes results in an Artifact Title if the series moves on. Can involve a Character Name and the Noun Phrase title, especially if the Noun Phrase in question is nothing more than a MacGuffin itself.
A Sub-Trope of Mad Lib Fantasy Title and Super Trope of Character Name and the Noun Phrase.
Memento MacGuffin
An object which is the embodiment or representation of the solid, happy relationship between two characters, or of an important memory or period in someone’s life. But unlike an ordinary Tragic Keepsake, the Memento Macguffin plays a critical role in the story.
Sometimes it’s as obvious as a piece of jewelry like an engagement/wedding ring, or a wedding video, or a photograph of a beloved, or a prized heirloom. It can also be a love note or just some small gift, such as a stuffed toy. It can even be a location, such as a childhood home or a favorite corner market, an old building imbued with poignant memories or an entire town. Such a memento can represent romantic partners, deep friendships, familial relationships or even esoteric connections. Whatever the item, and whatever the nature of the relationship, there is a symbolic yet very real form of Synchronization between the Memento MacGuffin and the relationship, and because of that, it tends to also be a Number One Dime.
These items tend to give a lot of exposition and, rather than being true MacGuffins, can play a central role in the plot. Unfortunately, they also tend to be rather luckless. On the other hand, if a character deliberately disposes of the item, it’s because It’s All Junk. Also, if the character acquires it through a very sad experience, it’s a Tragic Keepsake that might be held during a Cradle of Loneliness.
If, however, a character’s parents are conspicuous by their absence, or completely unknown, that “treasure” the character carts around with them is probably a specific type of Memento MacGuffin — the Orphan’s Plot Trinket. Expect it to be important.
Mineral MacGuffin
A long time ago, several magical items were created. What were these amazing planet-destroying-if-ever-found-by-the-Big-Bad artifacts? Jewels, of course! They’re shiny and glowy, and geometric, and crystalline. And let’s not forget the allusions to wealth and regency.
Every super powerful Plot Coupon has to be a diamond or gem of some sort. Bonus if it’s been somehow shattered into easily re-assembled pieces. And you, our heroes, in all likelihood Gotta Catch ‘Em All. Bonus bonus points if there’s a Set Bonus. Or just the one in the case of the Crystal Prison. If there are more than one gem, they’ll usually be conveniently Colour Coded by their Elemental Powers, although sometimes they’re only different colors because it looks cool.
That is, cut and polished Green Rocks. You can even slap them on just about anything to give them a power boost… or just to look neat!
There’s probably an entire subtrope one could write for plots in which it turns out the villain wants a jewel not for its monetary value, but because it’s necessary to focus the beam of a giant frickin’ laser. Such gems can even be plucked straight from a mine wall and put into said laser thanks to their All-Natural Gem Polish. Because Tropes Are Not Narrow, anything that isn’t strictly speaking mineral but looks like it may also qualify for this trope.
Mock Guffin
Worthless and/or insignificant object mistaken for something of great value and/or importance.
Our heroes have found a golden helmet, a powerful relic, or magic sword, something of great value, they take it to get appraised only to discover that its actually… junk.
A hapless man finds a briefcase, locked, in the back of his car. Perhaps it is full of money, secret documents or contraband. When he opens it he discovers… it’s full of shredded paper.
An object of absolutely no significance that the protagonist mistakes, either through misunderstanding or excited imagining, as something of great importance, be it a magic sword or mysterious briefcase. Its importance to the overall plot is usually negligible, though an entire side plot can crop up because of it. All it turns out to be is completely worthless, and not plot-relevant like a real MacGuffin would be.
Compare with It’s All Junk, Worthless Yellow Rocks. Not to be confused with All That Glitters or It’s the Journey That Counts, which are often materially worthless but at least impart a valuable lesson. See A MacGuffin Full of Money for a plot device that can end in this.
Its opposite is Grail in the Garbage, where a seemingly worthless object is in fact worth a king’s ransom.
No MacGuffin, No Winner
When a MacGuffin or Plot Device is removed entirely from the equation at the end story with neither side possessing it, resulting in the plot equivalent of a no-score draw with the heroes usually getting the Man Of The Match award. Not like it matters, though. The story has officially gone nowhere.
Occasionally An Aesop: when two children are fighting over something in Real Life, the parents will often punish them by not letting either of them have it. (If it is an item, they will lock it away, sometimes even give it away; if it was an event, they will call it off.) This kind of punishment carries over to television, where the futility of a fight is often demonstrated by having it to turn out to have been in vain, with the goal taken away at the last minute or destroyed by the fighters themselves in the heat of the battle. In-universe, this will often work amazingly well as a lesson where after a few moments of Lying In The Dirt Together, the two former enemies will be inviting each other for drinks, no longer having a reason to fight, the whole business now a shared memory to look back on and laugh at. In real life, not so much — because, of course, it was the other kid’s fault for starting the fight in the first place. Compare Nice Job Breaking It, Rivals.
The lost object is often (but not always) a MacGuffin; it isn’t a MacGuffin if it did something else before being lost. The loss of the object can be Status Quo Is God and Reset Button Ending, in those cases where keeping the destroyed object would have a major effect on the work. If I Can’t Have You is the Love Triangle equivalent. See also Shaggy Dog Story, where the object was never important after all… and Shoot the Shaggy Dog, when the characters’ lives are ruined in the process. If one side can claim a “victory” by doing this, it overlaps with We Win Because You Didn’t.
Compare Judgment of Solomon, when an impartial mediator threatens this in order to resolve the dispute, and No Man Should Have This Power, when one side chooses to destroy the object to prevent the enemy from getting his or her hands on it.
One True Sequence
The good guys and the bad guys are both pursuing a set of MacGuffins or Plot Coupons that are hidden or distributed in what appears to be a random manner. In order for either side to achieve their aims, it is necessary that they get to these objects before the other side does. However, the objects are difficult to locate or reveal — research must be done, or inspiration must strike, before one of the hidden objects can be found.
Strangely, regardless of the differences between their resources and their methods, the good guys and the bad guys always find the same object at the same time and have to fight over it. There’s never a case where the heroes get one while the villains head off in a completely different direction and get another, with no problems for either side. It’s almost as if they’re not random and have to be approached in a predetermined sequence that forces both sides into conflict. But that’s ridiculous, isn’t it?
A common trope in videogames, where, even though the bad guys seem to be everywhere at once, and even though the player can Take His Time, they’ll always close in on a particular MacGuffin just as you do. A common video game variant is discovering the bad guys have had the final MacGuffin in their possession the whole time, forcing you to storm their stronghold and have a climactic battle against their leader. Another has the villains trading a convenient hostage for the items the heroes collected and then storming their castle. Yet another reveals that the villains were just letting the heroes collect the treasures so they could steal them later.
Pirate Booty
In media the goal of every pirate is to plunder shipping for the large wooden chests overflowing with gold, jewels and other valuable trinkets invariably carried by every vessel on the high seas. Mundane cargoes carried in the ships’ holds are completely ignored as cackling buccaneers make off with their ill-gotten riches, which they then buried or hid in a cave on a remote island, with only a Treasure Map to remind them of the location.
The reality of piracy was a lot more pragmatic. Food, fresh water, weapons and ammunition, timber, ropes, and sails were all of more immediate value to the corsair than a chest full of gold (which, if they ever got any, would promptly be spent on food, fresh water, weapons and ammunition, timber, ropes, and sails, with what was left going to drinking and whoring before they got caught and hanged). These things kept their ships and crews operating outside the reach of the law. In addition, very few cargo vessels carried that kind of wealth. Those that did were warships sailing in groups with enhanced security to fend off any pirates that might attempt an attack. (Certain, more mundane-looking cargoes, mind, might be more valuable than we would think of today - fabrics, spices, and certain items made only in certain parts of the world.)
Furthermore, pirate ships probably didn’t have space for huge chests: real pirate ships were often very small and fast, although a few of the more successful and grandiose pirate captains got quite big ships.
Pirates sustained themselves and their vessels by using supplies and cargoes plundered from their victims and selling what they had no use for. This provided the coin for obtaining things they couldn’t steal, paying their crews and spending a raucous night enjoying the pleasures of a seedy port.
But as they say, behind every story is a grain of truth. The idea of pirate gold most likely arose from the “Treasure Fleets” used by Spain to transport large amounts of gold and silver, among other goods, plundered from Mexico and South America. Even today, sunken treasure ships are highly sought after by modern treasure hunters. Additionally, the passengers on ships typically carried money in the form of gold or silver, in small quantities.
The greatest amount of pirate treasure is said to be on the Swedish island Gotland in the Baltic Sea. Though obviously not the Caribbean type of pirates, generations of vikings buried treasure from their raids to eastern Europe and the Black Sea there.
See also Inexplicable Treasure Chests what be buried on a Desert Island in The Spanish Main.
And naar, this be nothin’ to do with tryin’ to get yer hooks on a Pirate Girl’s “hidden treasure”, ye parrrrvarrrrt.
Plot Coupon
You need this many items to continue the storyline as it is.
A thing that a character needs to obtain in order to cash it in later for a Plot resolution.
For example, let’s say that our intrepid hero must steal a key, then find the Treasure Chest of Galumphry that the key will open, then remove the Orb of Power from the chest and use it to banish the Big Bad. The key, the chest, and the Orb are all plot coupons. Extremely common in video games, where collecting these coupons is known as a Fetch Quest, it is often presented as collecting several pieces of a lost artifact or gaining recognition from several factions.
A plot coupon might just as easily be one item in a series of MacGuffins, where the things themselves are not important, it is the seeking of them that moves the story along (indeed, the two terms often get used interchangably). See also Sword of Plot Advancement.
If the items in and of themselves are useless and only become valuable in hindsight, see It May Help You on Your Quest.
If the goal of the mission is to obtain an item that turns out to be less valuable than the finding of it, It’s the Journey That Counts.
Coined by Nick Lowe in a science fiction convention talk, later printed as an article The Well-Tempered Plot Device in the fanzine Ansible and popularized by the Turkey City Lexicon.
Subtropes and Related Tropes:….
The President’s Daughter
When a character, very often a young girl, is sought after by various factions due to her background. She may be a rich heiress held for ransom, royalty held hostage, a Barrier Maiden, or… well, The President’s Daughter.
Generally, those interested in her will want her not for who she is or what she can do, but who she’s connected to or what she represents. Though this is sometimes the case, if the girl is involved in a prophecy or has some extraordinary talent, the various factions will want to possess, control, destroy, or rescue her. It’s distressingly common even for the good guy factions to want to rescue her not for her own good but for what she represents. Expect the more cold-hearted white hats to suggest killing her to avoid a worst-case scenario.
Usually, only the hero will see her as a person and ask her what she wants, and even then, it takes bonding through the course of the story for him to care for her.
Named for the tendency of Presidents to always have daughters,note and they always get kidnapped. Oftentimes, she’ll even do most of the bad guys’ work for them.
For more general kidnapping of women, see Damsel in Distress, which also links to related tropes, and especially Save the Princess, which is simply a Sub-Trope of The President’s Daughter even though it is much more of a Discredited Trope than this larger concept. Compare Living MacGuffin, when the person isn’t kidnapped or otherwise in danger, but (like any other MacGuffin) is intensely sought after. See also MacGuffin Girl, if the girl originally was an inanimate MacGuffin. Expect them to be kept in a Gilded Cage.
Not to be confused with The General’s Daughter, which is when someone is Reassigned to Antarctica for fooling around with said daughter.
Ransacked Room
You’ve got the MacGuffin and the Big Bad knows it. So is he going to send his Mooks after you?
Why not try to search your room first?
This is always intended to be while the character is out — or, at least, asleep. Sometimes, it succeeds in that, and the search is carried out.
There’s two methods. Sneaky, and rushed.
The sneaky way, the character only discovers the search when he returns and finds it subtly changed — maybe he was sneaky as well and planted threads or hairs on doors and such. The sneaky way often combines with planting bugs. The rushed way involves tipping over all furniture, cutting open mattresses, smashing windows, and dumping everything on the floor. Seriously, if the whatever is something small; the mess would be harder to find it in than anything else. Mooks that resort to the obviously ransacked technique may want him to know it's happened, may be Too Dumb to Live, or may resort to it because it's quicker. Sometimes the mess is intentionally created to stop investigators from finding out what's been taken.
It is very, very, very rare indeed for them to find what they are looking for.
On the other hand, the character can be in the room (by day) or wake up (by night) — or return unexpectedly and surprise the searcher. Drama, and often violence, ensues. However, the searcher can, very likely, escape. Easily. On the other hand, Room Disservice sometimes comes into play, if the search is not obvious yet, and the searcher’s position is not obviously comprising.
By the way, the word “ransack” (rarely used in any other context) is from the Old Norse rann “house” and saka “search”.
Super Trope of Faking and Entering
Sound Stone
The Sound Stone is a specific type of MacGuffin which is an instrument, melody, music track, or part of a song which must be used or collected in order to achieve some purpose. Often a Sound Stone instrument must need another Sound Stone melody to work.
Very common in Video Games, especially RPGs. Often a form of Magic Music.
The Trope Namer is the Sound Stone, a plot-critical key item in EarthBound which collects and records eight melodies from around the world.
Stolen MacGuffin Reveal
There’s a MacGuffin everyone is after and the Big Bad has just managed to snatch it right out of the Hero’s hands and is laughing as they make their escape, with The Hero left in a bit of a Heroic BSOD. But wait! The Plucky Comic Relief, team thief, or even a less obviously sneaky character suddenly brightens the mood by revealing that they’ve just done the same — stole the MacGuffin right out from under the villain’s nose as he made his escape, too. Being a cheeky larcenist, the thief may even taunt the retreating villain with it, though they usually replace the stolen MacGuffin with a flawless decoy, worthless rock, mocking note, or other means of taunting the villain. If the MacGuffin is in a case, the thief may do a Satchel Switcheroo.
As the page quote shows, the Stolen MacGuffin Reveal can also be used to other ways, such as removing engine parts to stop a villain in their tracks from getting the MacGuffin or another objective. Also worth noting is that the hero/villain roles can be reversed.
May or may not result in an Everybody Laughs Ending.
Timeline-Altering MacGuffin
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Timeline-Altering MacGuffin
“Sixty years from now, it will be a child’s toy. But today, it’s the most powerful weapon on earth.”
— Vandal Savage, Justice League
The reverse of the Butterfly of Doom, the Timeline-Altering MacGuffin is a nondescript item from the future that, if left in the past, will bring about an Alternate Timeline. This can be something that contains information about the future, such as a history book, for instance. It could also be a future technology that someone in the past decides to reverse engineer. The item will probably become a MacGuffin pretty quickly.
Two Halves Make A Plot
You may know the scene. The hero has half of something, like a letter, a Treasure Map detailing the MacGuffin’s location, or a MacGuffin proper; but without the other half it’s useless or indecipherable. Eventually they casually mention this to a friend or a rival… who then double-takes and pulls out the other half.
The details of this scenario can vary. Usually both characters wind up with the halves independently, having been aiming towards the same goal the entire time. The discovery of the other half can lead them to either quickly start working together (a convenient excuse for a Rivals Team Up), or start fighting each other for the other half. Another variation has the characters receiving the halves at the same time, but due to the passage of time or other circumstances, they are not aware anymore of who has the other half; at least until said owner reveals it.
It doesn’t have to be a map, letter, or MacGuffin; it can be any important clue that’s divided in pieces and worthless if not whole. It also isn’t restricted to just two halves; it can be several pieces in the hands of several characters, making up a “collect the plot coupons” story.
This trope does not refer to an object simply being separated and handed over to different people in full knowledge of who the owners are. There has to be a certain element of surprise, or at least a lack of willingness on who gets each half if the separation is forced.
Related to Dismantled MacGuffin, which can be a good source for these situations.
Chekhov’s Gunman
Earlier-introduced minor character is actually very important.
Any character who is innocuously and unimportantly introduced to the viewer, but who later proves to be important by the end of the episode.
In other words, they’re a human Chekhov’s Gun.
For example, consider a poolboy in the CSI: Crime Scene Investigation mystery of the week who just happened to be at the scene of the crime just before the murder, where other leads overshadow that one until the last five minutes, when suddenly Grissom finds that one piece of evidence that conclusively proves it was him. (Of course, if the poolboy is played by George Clooney, everyone and their mother will know it was him the minute he appeared on screen.)
Or, in an episode with Two Lines, No Waiting, a character that seemed to be a Bit Character in the B plot suddenly becomes a large player in the A plot. On most Cop Dramas, this usually means the two teams are Working the Same Case.
According to Roger Ebert, you can often figure out who the murderer is (in a badly-written murder mystery, at least) by checking the Law of Conservation of Detail: The Chekhov’s Gunman is the only character who doesn’t seem to have any other reason for being in the story (see The Butler Did It). Compare to Narrowed It Down to the Guy I Recognize, which is based more on the actor playing the role than on the character in itself.
In video games, such characters are always obvious because they look conspicuously different from generic NPCs, and usually have a name.
When the Chekhov’s Gunman is hidden by shadows, you’ve got yourself a case of Sinister Silhouettes. If a character in an adaptation is transformed into a Gunman by appearing earlier than in the source work, that’s an Early-Bird Cameo. If a character originally conceived as minor becomes important through later Character Development, that’s a Destined Bystander.
May overlap with The Dog Was the Mastermind. Sometimes used to refer to a writer who constantly uses and/or is particularly skilled with using Chekhov’s Gun or its variants (including the Gunman), such as Eiichiro Oda, author of One Piece, although this isn’t the primary usage.
See also Connected All Along.
Chekhov M.I.A.
If a character related to another major character goes missing at some point in a long-running series, they will appear again.
In any sufficiently long-running series, if a main character’s initial backstory includes a friend, relative, or beloved who is absent but not dead, then that person will eventually show up.
Often in the Pilot of a series, the writers establish characters and their relationships to others and will mention how a friend or loved one mysteriously disappeared without a trace. Because of the Law of Conservation of Detail, this becomes a form of foreshadowing that works better than an Asspull when the writers run out of ideas; they can then return the relative, often through some form of Applied Phlebotinum, or else He’s Just Hiding. The characters will almost Never Say “Die” when it concerns their lost loved ones; they’re simply Missing-In-Action due to the “mysterious circumstances” that took them away.
An uncommon-though-not-unheard-of variant has an established character saying that the MIA character IS dead, but the MIA character later shows up, with the established character’s explanation being something along the lines of “he was/is dead to me,” or else otherwise skewed by the character’s viewpoint.
May even be related to Never Found the Body as someone believed to be dead without proof may show up later.
If the character mentioned early as missing actually is dead, and stays that way, then that’s not a Chekhov M.I.A., that’s a Posthumous Character.
In some cases, Death Is Cheap is to be blamed for this.