Narcotic Drugs & Psychotropic Substances controls Flashcards
What kind of CD controlled under HPA (Therapeutic Products)?
- Psychotropic substances
- Codeine
- Dextromethorphan
Which schedules are important in MDR?
S1, low risk of abuse, least control.
S2, high risk of abuse with medicinal properties.
S3, less risk of abuse compared to those in S2, with medicinal properties, but little entries in this schedule.
S4, highest risk of abuse, little therapeutic properties.
Important authorities under Misuse of Drugs Act
Under the charge of Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), enforced by Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB)
What does trafficking mean?
Refers to selling, giving, administration (to another person), transporting, sending, delivering or distributing.
Important authorities under Misuse of Drugs Regulations
MHA appoints HSA to regulate the laws
Manufacture of CDs under MDR
- Anyone holding CD license can manufacture CD from S1-S4
2. Practitioner, pharmacist or person lawfully conducting retail pharmacy services can manufacture CD in S1-S3
Import of CD
- Person with CD Importer license can import drugs specified in the license
- Anyone can import CD from S1, w/o the need for CD license
Export of CD
- Person with CD Exporter license can export drugs specified in the license
- Anyone can export CD from S1, w/o the need for CD license
Supply of CD
- Person with CD license can supply drugs specified in the license
- Practitioner, pharmacist or person lawfully conducting retail pharmacy business
- Nurse can supply by administration to patients according to instruction from doctor / dentist
- Person in-charge of laboratory engaged in scientific education or research
- Master of Singapore-flagged ship w/o its own doctor (even if sail out also must follow Singapore’s law)
Administration of CD
Anyone can administer CD in S1
- Doctors or dentists
- Person acting under the instructions of doctor or dentist
Possession of CD
Anyone with CD license can possess CD specified in the license
Anyone can possess CD in S1
Anyone that can supply CD from S2-S3 can also possess the corresponding CD
Master of Singapore-flagged ship w/o its own doctor or FOREIGN ship in Singapore’s port can possess S2-S3 as medical supplies
Anyone can possess S2-S3 for administration under instruction from doctor or dentist (PROVIDED the CD is not obtain by fraud from multiple prescribers)
Anyone engaged in legitimate business of transporting and conveying CD
Person in labs engaged in scientific research and education
CNB officer on duty
Documentation of supply of CD from supplier
CD in S2-S3
Wholesale supply require Requisition Order
Retail supply require Prescription
Requisition order for wholesale supply documentation information
- Signed by recipient
- State name, address and profession of recipient
- Purpose for requiring CD
- Total qty supplied of CD
Prescription for retail supply documentation information
- In ink or otherwise indelible
- Prescriber’s name and address
- Dated and signed by prescriber
- Declaration if by use for vet / dentist
Handwritten: - Patient’s name and address
- Dose to be taken (words and figures)
- Form and strength of preparation (words and figures)
- Total qty to be supplied (words and figures)
Only for S2-S3 cos anyone can supply/possess S1
Prescription of CD in instalments
Number of instalments
Interval between instalments
Qty to be supplied in each instalments
CD prescription cannot be repeated.
Cannot dispense CD if
- Before or 30 days after date of prescription
2. Prescriber address not in Singapore
Which CD require CD register (documentation)
S2 and S4
How long should the documents and records of CD be kept?
3 years from the date of transaction
Labelling of CD containers (it is a preparation)
S1 not applicable
Not in dosage unit (liquid): Strength in % and total qty
In dosage unit (tabs): Strength and total qty
Labelling of CD containers (not a preparation)
S1 not applicable
Total qty of CD
Disposal of CD drugs
S2 and S4
Destroyed in presence or accordance to CD inspector
CD inspector will endorse the entry in register regarding date of destruction and qty