Narcotic-Analgesics Flashcards


Narcotic-Analgesics (Opiods)


Sedative and analgesic properties.

pure: Opium, morphine, codeine

Semi-synthetics: herioin, percodan, dilaudid

synthetics: Demerol, Darvon, Methadone

USE: analgesics, treatement for diarrhea, and cough suppressants.

Immediate effect is short-lived rush or sense of euphoria. Follwed by tranquility, drowsiness, apathy, decreased physical activity, and impaired attention/memory.

MODE OF ACTION: Opiod receptors in the spinal cord and various regions of the brain including the amygdala, thalamus, hypothalamus.

HYPOTHESIS: body must produce its own opiod if there are receptors. Endorphins, and enkephalins are such and reduce pain perception, especially emotional responsivity to pain.

SIDE EFFECTS: constricted pupils, decreased visual acuity, sweating, constipation, nausea, vomiting, respiratory depression.

OD: slow/shallow breathing, muscle rigidity, catalepsy, clammy skin, decreased blood pressure/pulse, convulsions, coma, and death.

Chronic Use: tolerance, psychological and physical dependence. Primarly dependence due to euphoria, but these diminish and physical dependence has developed and users continue taking the drug to avoid withdrawal.

Withdrawal symptoms: bad case of the flu, stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting, weakness, fever, muscle and joint pain, sweating and insomnia.

METHADONE: herioin detoxification programs.

Provides a means to satisfying physical dependence w/o providing psychologically-reinforcing positive feelings.

Nearly as addictive as herion, but its withdrawal symptoms are milder and duration of its effects is longer. Also administered orally, so no injection hazards.

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