NANN genetics Flashcards
The science of human biologic
A permanent, hereditary change
in the sequence of the DNA
A doublestranded nucleic acid built of nucleotides
containing a phosphate group, a nitrogenous base (adenine, thymine, guanine, or
cytosine), and the sugar deoxyribose
Structural unit composed of
DNA on a framework of protein. Chromosomes carry genetic information. Each human cell has
23 pairs of chromosomes.
Nonsex chromosome; each
human cell has 22 pairs of autosomes
Sex chromosome
Chromosome that contains the genes determining sex; each human cell has two sex chromosomes (i.e.,
one pair). Based on their appearance, the
chromosomes of males are identified as
XY and those of females as XX
the chromosome constitution of an individual
a sequence of chromosomal DNA that can specify the sequence of aminoacids in a particular polypeptide, inherited form parents
Alternate form of a gene found at the same locus (position) on homologous (the same or similar)
chromosomes. Alleles segregate during meiosis, and an individual receives only one of each pair of alleles from
each parent. Only two alleles can be present in any one individual
Having two identical alleles for a particular gene
Having two different alleles for a particular gene
An individual’s genetic constitution; the alleles present at one locus
The observed biochemical, physiological, and morphological characteristics of an individual (e.g.,
blue eyes, fair skin), as determined by his or her genotype and the environment in which it is expressed
A standard chart that simultaneously displays family relationships and phenotypes. A pedigree is constructed of shapes connected by lines.
cell division
mitosis (one division-used for growth, repair and asexual reproduction) and meiosis (two divisions- use for sexual reproduction)
most frequent cause of all chromosome disorders; occurs when paired chromosomes fail to separate during cell division; example: before fertilization: trisomy or monosomy; after fertilization: mosaicism
three copies of one chromosome are present in one cell
one chromosome from a pair is missing
The presence of any multiple of the basic haploid chromosome number (n) other than the diploid number (2n; e.g., 3n [69 chromosomes], 4n [92 chromosomes])
chromosomal structure abnormalities
deletion, duplication, inversion, nonreciprocal translocation, reciprocal translocation
A missing sequence of DNA or a
missing part of a chromosome
An extra copy of a gene or DNA sequence, usually caused by misaligned pairing in meiosis
A part of a chromosome that has moved from its normal location; the normal sequence may be reversed
nonreciprocal translocation
A piece that has broken off of one chromosome and become attached to another chromosome
reciprocal translocation
Exchange of parts between two chromosomes. If the chromosome exchange does not break any genes,
then the person is healthy and is called a translocation carrier
Autosomal Abnormalities examples
Trisomy 21, 18, 13, Cri du chat
Sex chromosome abnormalities
monosomy X(Turner); XXX syndrome; XXY (Klinefelter syndrome); XYY syndrome
Trisomy 21/ Downs syndrome
most common, maternal age; nondisjunction: FEATURES: Hypotonia, flatted facial profile, poor moro, hyperflex joints, excess skin on the back of the neck, slanted palpebral fissures, dysplasia of pelvis, anomalous auricles, congenital heart defects, transverse palmar crease; GI anomalies: duodenal atresia; IQ 50; males always infertile, age span 49
Trisomy 18/ Edward syndrome
95% aborted; female to male 3:1’ advance maternal age; FEATUREs: severe mental deficiency, congenital heart defects, clenched hands overlapping fingers; severe hypotonia, prominent occiput, single umbilical artery, short sternum; survival average 14.5 days
undescended testis
drooling eyelids
Trisomy 13/ Patau syndrome
FEATURES: severe mental deficiency; congenital heart defects; cleft lip and palete; holoprosencephaly, microcephaly, microphthalmia, deafness, polydyctaly, skin effects of posterior scalp; median survival age 7 days
incomplete development of forebrain and olfactory and optic nerve; Trisomy 13
cri du chat syndrome
deletion on chromosome 5; severe mental retardation, a cat like cry, microcephaly, slow growth, hypotonia, hypertelorism; with support affected individuals attain at level pf 5-6 year old
extreme width between the eyes
Turner syndrome / monosomy X
nondisjunction in paternal meiosis; FEATURES: ovarian dysgenesis with hypoplasia or absence of germinal elements; shield like chest; congenital lymphedema (puffiness); RX: growth hormone, estrogen replacement
XXX syndrome
errors of maternal meiosis; low IQ; above average in statue; sex development usually normal
XXY Klinefelter syndrome
Barr body; FEATURES: IQ 85-90; poor psychosocial development; tall and this statue; hypogonadism and hypogenitalism, infertility; RX: testosterone
XYY syndrome
YY sperm; not dysmorphic but large teeth, prominent glabella and long ears; increased risk for behavioral problems; normal fertility