NAMP Flashcards
Who is in charge of the NAMP?
The chief of naval operations
Objective of the NAMP?
To achieve and continually improve aviation material readiness and safety standards established by the CNO/COMNAVAIRFOR, with coordination from the CMC, with optimum use of manpower, material, facilities, and funds.
Key personnel I’m maintenance operations?
Head of the maintenance department, manages the department and is responsible to the CO for accomplishment of the departments mission?
Maintenance Office (MO)
Responsible for overall production and material support of the department?
Maintenance/ Material Control Officer (MMCO)
Assistant head of the maintenance department?
Assistant Maintenance Officer (AMO)
Senior enlisted advisor for the maintenance department?
Maintenance Master Chief Petty Officer (MMCPO)
Coordinates and monitors the department workload while maintaining liaison with supporting activities and the supply department?
Coordinates temporary assigned duty personnel, inspects spaces, acts as the administrative officer in their absence, liaisons with the operations department, and manages the SE training and licensing program?
Coordinates the Airwing training plan to ensure billet requirements, personnel identification, and assignments are satisfied?
Directs all maintenance in an operational unit on a day to day basis in support if it’s operations and assigned missions?
Ensures personnel assigned to perform QA functions receive continuous training in inspecting, testing, and quality control methods specifically applicable to area of assignment?
Quality Assurance Officer (QAO)
Supply corps officers assigned to a deplorable squadron will be assigned as the ____ for the handling of finances, material requisition ect..?
Material Control Officer (MCO)
The NAMP is founded on what?
The three-level maintenance concept
Three levels of the NAMP
Maintenance performed by an operating unit on a day-to-day basis in support if it’s own operations?
Performed at or by FRC sites to ensure continued flying integrity of airframes and flight systems during subsequent operational service periods?
Enhances and sustains combat readiness and mission capability of supported activities by providing quality and timely material support?
Mission is to maintain assigned aircraft and aeronautical equipment in full mission capable status?
Two types of maintenance described in the NAMP?
Rework and upkeep
What is rework?
The restorative or additive work performed on aircraft, aircraft equipment, and aircraft SE.
What is upkeep?
Preventive, restorative, or additive work performed on aircraft, equipment, and SE by operating units and aircraft SE activities
Upkeep inspections?
Turnaround Daily Special Conditional Phase Acceptance Transfer
Scheduled inspection with a prescribed interval other than daily or phase?
Divides the total scheduled maintenance requirement into smaller packages of the same work content?
Conducted to inspect for defects to a greater depth than a turnaround inspection?
Conducted between flights to ensure the integrity of the aircraft for flight, verifies proper servicing, and detects degradation that may have occurred during previous flight?
Unscheduled events required as a result of a specific over limit, or as a result of circumstances or events which create an administrative requirement?
Performed at the time a reporting custodian transfers an aircraft or support equipment?
Performed at the time a reporting custodian accepts a newly assigned aircraft or support equipment from any source?
What is a more intensive type of maintenance and what level is it performed at?
Rework and D-level
A process to ensure that assets continue to do what their users require in their present operating context?
Reliability centered maintenance (RCM)
Different types of rework modeled after RCM?
Aircraft Service Period Adjustment
Periodic Maintenance Interval
Management is defined as?
The efficient attainment of objectives
Maintenance is defined as?
All actions taken to retain material in a serviceable condition or to restore it to serviceability
Maintenance management is defined as?
The actions necessary to retain or restore material or equipment to a serviceable condition with a minimum expenditure of resources.
Maintenance control is performed at what level of maintenance?
Production control is performed at what level of maintenance?
Two most critical aspects in naval aviation are?
Releasing an aircraft safe for flight and the acceptance of an aircraft
Has the overall responsibility to provide aircrew with the best product available?
Person certifying a safe for flight
Purpose of the monthly maintenance plan ( MMP)?
To provide scheduled control of the predictable maintenance workload.
When is the MMP prepared and distributed by?
The 25th of each month
A hard bound record of equipment, inspections, scheduled removal items, and installed equipment?
Aircraft logbook
Concept of QA?
Fundamentally the prevention of the occurrence of defects.
The achievement of QA depends on?
Prevention, knowledge, and special skills.
Different levels of QA inspectors?
Maintenance personnel assigned to QA?
Quality Assurance Reptesentatives (QAR)
Assigned to production work centers are to inspect all work and comply with the required QA inspections during all maintenance actions performed by their respective work centers?
Collateral Duty Inspector (CDI)
Assigned to production work centers, they function in the same capacity as QARs and must meet the same qualifications?
Programs managed by QA?
Central technical publications library (CTPL)
Maintenance Department/ Division Safety
Provides a central source of up to date info for use by all personnel in the performance of their work?
Central technical publication library
What is auditing?
An assessment of the effectiveness of programs managed within the maintenance department
Conducted to evaluate specific maintenance tasks, processes, procedures and programs?
Special audit
Conducted semi-annually to evaluate the overall quality performance of each work center?
Work center audit
A tool used by QA during audits that provides a standardized objective measurement tool to conduct audits?
Serve as an orderly method of identifying, inspecting, and correcting deficiencies?
May be requested by a work center at any time or when a new supervisor is assigned? Held for 1 year?
Special audits
Evaluate specific programs, providing a systematic and coordinated method of identifying deficiencies and determining adequacy of and adherence to technical publications and instructions?
Program audits
How often shall QA audit programs?
At a minimum of annually
The objective of aircraft confined space program?
To ensure a safe environment is maintained when working on aeronautical equipment fuel cells and tanks.
Naval aviation maintenance reporting program (NAMDRP)
QA maintains a program binder and assists with the reporting of substandard workmanship, improper QA procedures, and deficiencies in material and publications