nailfold periungal erythema and telangiectasia Flashcards
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Associated with connective tissue (collagen-vascular) disease.
Periungual Erythema. Association: Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), dermatomyositis (DM). HIV/ AIDS or hepatitis C virus in ection, scleroderma, hypertrophic pulmonary osteodystrophy, Kawasaki dis- ease,handand ootsyndrome,andmicrovasculitis.Findings:Periungualerythema,edema,alterationso cuticle, and secondary nail changes.
Telangiectasia.Association:Scleroderma,SLE,DM;rheumatoid arthritis.Findings:Linearwiryvessels perpendicular to nail base overlie proximal nail olds (Fig. 32-28); usually bright red; may be black i thrombosed.SLEand DM:arise within erythema.Scleroderma and DM:Enlarged capillaryloops with reduced capillary density and avascular areas.
Cuticle Hyperkeratosis and Hemorrhages. SLEand DM.
Discoid LE
Nail plate adheres to ngertip skin in sclero- derma
etiology and findings in koilonychia
Spoon-shapednails(Fig.32-31).Etiology(moreotenresulting romlocalratherthansystemic actors): hereditaryandcongenital;Plummer–Vinsonsyndrome(iron-de ciencyanemia,dysphagia,andglos- sitis). Findings: In early stages, nail plate becomes attened; later, edges become everted upward and nail appears concave