Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Jeremiah, & Lamentations Flashcards
What time period does the book of Nahum cover?
c. 640-609 B.C.
Nahum is called by God to go to ___ to proclaim to them their impending ___ because of turning from the Lord.
Nineveh, destruction
What is the time period during which Habakkuk ministered?
c. 640-609 B.C.
conversation between one or more persons
Habakkuk complains to God about the ___ he sees around him, and God replies by revealing his plan to ___ Judah through Babylon.
injustice; punish
Habakkuk wonders how God can use an ___ to judge His people, and God explains that He judges all sin ___.
evil nation, at the right time
What is the time period during which Zephaniah ministered?
c. 640-609 B.C.
Day of the Lord
the final day of judgment
Zephaniah declares the coming ___ of all nations.
final judgment
Those who ___ will be blessed and not be destroyed.
turn back to God
What is the time period during which Jeremiah ministered?
c. 627-586 B.C.
feeling remorse for one’s sins and changing one’s behavior
Jeremiah pleads with ___ to repent from their sins but foresees Jerusalem’s destruction at ___.
Judah; the hand of Babylon
Jeremiah assures the people of God that He will ___ them after the ___ and fulfill His ___ to David.
restore; judgement; promise
Jeremiah witnesses the ___ and the ___.
fall of Jerusalem; destruction of the temple
Who is the author of Lamentations?
an expression of grief or sorrow
Lamentations was written as a song to seek ___
God’s forgiveness