Introduction to the Prophets, Amos, & Jonah Flashcards
Who were the prophets?
men called by God to speak for God and guide His people
The focus of the prophets’ message was always to call the people to ___ to their loving God who would accept them and forgive their sin.
repent/turn back
In the Old Testament the writings of the prophets are organized into what two sections?
Major and Minor
What is the time period covered in the book of Amos?
c. 760-739 B.C.
conformity to moral rightness in action or attitude; righteousness
God demands that Israel and even the surrounding nations should treat others ___.
God promises ___ for Israel’s failure to demonstrate justice.
The fall of the Northern and Southern Kingdoms is ___.
What is the time period during which the prophet Jonah ministered?
c. 760-750 B.C.
sympathy for the misfortune of others and a desire to help them
capital city of Assyria
Jonah is commissioned to go to ___ and tell them to turn from their sin, but he flees instead
Jonah was punished by being thrown overboard and swallowed by a ___, in which he stayed for ___ days and nights.
God shows ___ for Nineveh and spares the city when the people repent.