NA107 Flashcards
Do you have to call clearance delivery for VFR flight plan?
No, but must comply with local procedures.
What should you tell tower and who will activate your flight plan?
Initial altitude and direction of flight. Tower will activate flight plans for military, you must activate via FSS when airborne.
If departing from Class B or Class C airspace what should you expect?
Departure instructions from tower.
What should you squawk if no squawk is assigned by Departure?
What should you tell Departure?
Callsign, direction of flight and altitude
What should you change to after out of tower’s airspace?
The appropriate ARTCC sector for traffic advisories and flight following
What are some radar limitations?
Low altitudes limits it as well as terrain
If you do not have ATC flight following and you want to change from VFR to IFR, what should you do?
Attempt to file with FSS and gave them coordinate IFR clearance
How do you change from VFR to IFR with flight following?
Notify ATC and file IFR clearance with them, once clearance is received, tell FSS and cancel VFR
What is dead reckoning?
Flying a specific heading at a specified airspeed for a specified time to arrive at desired location
What do you need to fly DR?
A watch, map and compass. “Clock to chart to ground”
What goes in a doghouse?
Heading, altitude, airspeed, time, fuel
When do you make your next turn if unable to locate your checkpoint using DR?
Based on time.
Where should your primary scan be?
10-2 o’clock
How far away should points to look for be and by when should they be in sight and identified?
2-5 minutes, and identified by 1 minute
What is the funneling method?
Use easy to find landmarks off the sides of the checkpoint to tunnel your vision
What does green shading indicate on contours?
Elevation 2000’ MSL and below.
What does beige to brown shading indicate for contours?
Higher elevation above 2000’ MSL
What does further apart contour lines indicate?
Rolling terrain.
What’s a good reference for the 30 deg distance estimating method?
Canopy rail.
What’s the distance for the 45 deg distance estimating method?
The same as the height.
How can you fix your position?
1) . Flying directly over the checkpoint
2) . Distance and direction from a checkpoint
3) . Establishing aircraft position by direction from two checkpoints
What’s another course correction method?
Aiming for featured in the distance to get to your checkpoint.
How does the proportional method work?
For every second off planned ETA, change IAS by 1 knot and hold this airspeed for the number of minutes equal to your groundspeed in miles/minute.
What is VFR cloud clearance?
3512 BAH (cloud is like a sheep) 3 miles vis 500' below clouds 1,000' above clouds 2,000' horizontally from clouds
What’s a way to estimate your planned fuel requirement?
Multiply lbs/min by time to get to next checkpoint in minutes for fuel requirement.
When must you notify FSS of a change to your arrival time?
If your arrival time is going to change by more than 30 minutes. Format is on inside back cover of IFR Supp