NA105 Flashcards
If you were planning a mission from Laughlin AFB to Randolph AFB, you would consult ______ for Randolph supplementary airfield information
If you wanted to know if your destination has the proper grade fuel available for your aircraft, you would consult the ______.
IFR Supplement
If you are planning your IFR flight to operate at 20,000 feet MSL, you should use a ______ enroute chart.
high altitude
For information on emergency procedures, you would consult the ______.
Flight Information Handbook
Most Air Force VFR missions commonly use what type charts for VFR navigation
Most use TPC, ONC, or JOG charts
What are the obstacle clearances established by MEA indications?
a. 2000 feet in mountainous terrain
b. 1000 feet in non mountainous terrain
c. When not shown on the high chart, MEA is 18,000 feet MSL
What are some reasons you may have to make adjustments to your flight plan?
a. Winds
b. Turbulence
c. Icing
Position reports are not required when in radar contact unless requested by controllers. When you are not in radar contact, how will you know when to transmit a position report?
Position reports are required at all compulsory reporting points, indicated by a filled-in triangle.
Where would you find the formats for flight plan changes and position reports?
The inside back cover of the IFR Supplement
You are IMC and assigned to fly FL 260, your MEA is FL 240, and you requested FL 280. If you experience lost communications, what altitude should you fly?
Fly the highest of: A - assigned, M – minimum IFR altitude (MEA), E -expected. In this case, fly your assigned altitude, FL 260.
If you fly into unexpected hazardous weather, you should transmit a PIREP. Where would you find the PIREP format
Flight Information Handbook, Section C
RNAV Terminal Area Procedures require that aircraft equipment meet certification standards addressed in what publication?
AFI 11-202V3
What are some restrictions on filing GPS-direct routes?
a. Radar monitoring must be available on entire route
b. Route must begin and end at a departure and arrival fix when practical
Which class of airspace covers controlled airspace over nontowered airfields?
Class E (Class D becomes Class E when tower closes)
You are IMC and assigned to fly FL 180, your MEA is 10,000 feet, and you requested FL 200 and were told to expect that altitude. If you experience lost communications, what altitude should you fly?
a. Fly the highest of:
b. A - assigned
c. M - minimum IFR altitude (MEA)
d. E – expected
e. In this case, fly your expected altitude, FL 200.
Which FLIP chart should you reference for a mission at 16,000 feet MSL?
Low altitude chart
NOTAM abbreviation codes would be found in the _____.
Flight Information Handbook
Which chart would you use if you needed more topographical detail than is represented on a TPC or Sectional chart?
A JOG chart
Where can you find a formatted guide for changing flight plans in-flight?
The inside back cover of the IFR Supplement
What condition must be met in order to use GPS for an approach or departure procedure?
Terminal (or better) RAIM must be available