na to VRISKO/vro למצוא Flashcards
I find: אני מוצא
1. usually, ongoing event
2. specific closed event
- den ksero giati den (to) Vrisko
- den (to) Vro tora
you find: אתה מוצא
1. usually, ongoing event
2. specific closed event
2. vris
He, she, it finds היא מוצאת
1. usually, ongoing event
2. specific closed event
- vriski
- vri
You guys find (+polite)אתן
1. usually, ongoing event
2. specific closed event
2. vrite
we find:אנחנו מוצאים
1. usually, ongoing event
2. specific closed event
- vriskoume
- vrOUME
They find: הם מוצאים
1. usually, ongoing event
2. specific closed event
- vriskoun
- vrOUN
I found: אני מצאתי
1. usually, ongoing event
2. specific closed event
- (se) vriska ksana
- Evriska
You found:מצאת
1. usually, ongoing event
2. specific closed event
- (me) Vriskes ksana
- Evriskes
He, she found: הוא לא מצא
1. usually, ongoing event
2. specific closed event
- (me) Vriske
- (to) Evriske
you guys found (+polite) מה מצאתם?
1. usually, ongoing event
2. specific closed event
- giati den to VrisKATE
- kanal
We found לא מצאנו
1. usually, ongoing event
2. specific closed event
- vrisKAME
They found גם הם לא מצאו
1. usually, ongoing event
2. specific closed event
- den (to) Vriskan?
- Evriskan
I can’t find it
2. tora
den boro na (to) vo
why can’t he find it?
1. בד”כ
2. שים לב לשנות פועל בהתאם לגוף
giati den broi na (to) vri
you haven’t found it?
1. exis
2. Er
den (to) exis vri?
I didn’t find them
1. mix
2. s-pl
- den TOUS vrika
- den ta vrika
did you find them?
1. mix
2. s-pl
- TOUS vrikes?
- ta vrikes?
we didn’t find them
1. mix
2. s-pl
- den TOUS vrikame
- den TA vrikame
I found it in ancient Greek
יו-ריקה בשורוק
I found it in Cyprus
ivra עיברה
did you find it?
to Vrikes?
I would have found it if…
1. ta to ixa
2. Er, present, ongoing
ta to ixa vriski
you should have found it
1. ta eprepe na to exis
2. Er, present, closed
ta eprepe na (to) exis vri
That : Pou or Oti
which = pou
what = oti
אם אפשר להחליף את המילה האנגלית “דאת” במילה “וויץ’” אזי נשתמש במילה פו. אחרת זה תמיד אוטי.
נראה לי שהם כבר אכלו
I think that (not possible which and therefore not “pou” but “Oti” ) they ate already
Nomizo OTI fagane idi
do you think, that they ate before?
Nomizis, OTI Fagane prin?
I thought that they had eaten already
- have eaten - Exoun Fahee
- had eaten - Ixane Fahee
- open version - I was thinking…
Nomiza OTI Ixane Idi