N2 L3: 1/23 も構わず (8/22/24 R) Flashcards
Without worrying about the due date of her paper, all she is doing is hanging out with friends.
迫る: せまる: Approaching
Without worrying about the danger, she rescued a cat that was drowning in the lake.
溺れる: おぼれる: to drown
救出する: きゅうしゅつ: to rescue
Without worrying about the siren, there are people who are not willing to evacuate.
避難する: ひなん-する: to evacuate
Yumika continued eating without worrying about sensing a salty taste and ended up getting sick.
The neighbors are bothersome people who listen to music loudly without worrying about it being late at night.
深夜: しんや: late at night