N Flashcards


net (n./a./v.)

  1. the system that allows millions of computer users around the world to exchange information
  2. something used for catching fish, insects, or animals which is made of threads or wires woven across each other with regular spaces between them
  3. the thing that players must hit the ball over in games such as tennis
  4. the thing behind the posts that players try to kick or hit the ball into in games such as football or hockey
  5. something used for keeping things out, for example insects or birds, which is made of threads woven across each other with regular spaces between them
  6. very thin material made from fine threads woven together, with small spaces between
  7. the net amount is the final amount that remains after all the other amounts have been taken away
  8. to earn a particular amount of money as a profit after tax has been paid
  9. to succeed in getting something, especially by using your skill
  10. to hit or kick the ball into the net in sport
  11. to catch a fish in a net
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