B Flashcards
1.a man who has never been married
band (n./v.)
- 流行乐乐队
- a group of people formed because of a common belief or purpose
- a flat narrow piece of something with one and joined to the other to form a circle
- (异于周围)带状物,条纹
1.to put people or things into different groups, usually according to income, value or price
- only with great difficulty or effort
- almost not
- used to emphasize that something happens immediately after a previous action
- used before amounts or numbers to emphasize that they are surprisingly small
beam (n./v.)
1.a line of light shining from the sun, a lamp etc;
a line of light, energy etc that you cannot see
2.a long heavy piece of wood or metal used in building houses, bridges etc
3.a wide happy smile
- to smile very happily
- 发送(无线电或电视信号)
- to send out a line of light, heat, energy etc
bearing (n.)
- to have an effect or influence on something, or not have any effect or influence
- the way in which you move, stand, or behave, especially when this shows your character
- a direction or angle that is shown by a compass
- 轴承
- to start to exist
- a living thing, especially a person
- the most important quality or nature of something, especially of a person
belief (n.)
- the feeling that something is definitely true or definitely exists
- the feeling that something is good and can be trusted
- an idea that you believe to be true, especially one that forms part of a system of ideas
beneath (adv.)
- in or to a lower position than something, or directly under something
- covered by sth
- used to say that someone’s real character or feelings are not shown because their appearance or behaviour is different
- not good enough or suitable for someone
- in a lower, less important rank or job than someone else
besides (adv.)
1.used when adding another reason
beyond (prep./n.)
- on or to the further side of something
- later than a particular time, date etc
- more or greater than a particular amount, level, or limit
- outside the range or limits of something or someone
- used to say that something is impossible to do
- used to mean ‘except’ in negative sentences
1.whatever comes after this life
bid (n./v.)
- an offer to pay a particular price for something, especially at an auction
- an offer to do work or provide services for a specific price
- an attempt to achieve or obtain something
- a statement of how many points you hope to win in a card game
- to offer to pay a particular price for goods, especially in an auction
- to offer to do work or provide services for a specific price, in competition with other offers
- to say how many points you think you will win in a game of cards
- to greet someone
- to order or tell someone what to do
bill (n./v.)
- a written list showing how much you have to pay for services you have received, work that has been done etc
- a list showing how much you have to pay for food you have eaten in a restaurant especially
- a written proposal for a new law, that is brought to a parliament so that it can be discussed
- a programme of entertainment at a theatre, concert, cinema etc, with details of who is performing, what is being shown etc
- a bird’s beak
- a printed notice advertising an event
- 帽舌
- 警察
1.to send someone a bill
blunder (n./v.)
- a careless or stupid mistake
- to move in an unsteady way, as if you cannot see properly [+ about/around ]
- to make a big mistake, especially because you have been careless or stupid
- to enter a place or become involved in a difficult situation by mistake [+into/in ]
blunt (a./v.)
- not sharp or pointed
- speaking in an honest way even if this upsets people
- to make a feeling less strong
- to make the point of a pencil or the edge of a knife less sharp
very good, attractive or fashionable
board (n./v.)
- a group of people in a company or other organization who make the rules and important decisions
- used in the name of some organizations
- on a ship, plane, or spacecraft
- the meals that are provided for you when you pay to stay somewhere
- [plural 复数] the stage in a theatre
- examinations that you take in the US when you formally ask to be accepted as a student at a college or medical school
- to get on a bus, plane, train etc in order to travel somewhere
- to stay in a room in someone’s house that you pay for
- to stay at a school at night as well as during the day
boost (v./n.)
- to increase or improve something and make it more successful
- to steal something
1.something that gives someone more confidence or that helps something increase, improve or become successful
bore (v./n.)
- to make someone feel bored, especially by talking too much about something they are not interested in
- to make a deep round hole in a hard surface
- if someone’s eyes bore into you, they look at you in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable
- something that is not interesting to you or that annoys you
- someone who is boring, especially because they talk too much about themselves or about things that do not interest you
bother (v./n.)
- to make the effort to do something
- to make someone feel slightly worried, upset or concerned
- a part of your body bothers you, it is slightly painful or uncomfortable
1.trouble or difficulty that has been caused by small problems and that usually only continues for a short time
bond (n./v.)
- an official document promising that a government or company will pay back money that it has borrowed, often with interest
- something that unites two or more people or groups, such as love, or a shared interest or idea
- [plural 复数] something that limits your freedom and prevents you from doing what you want
- the way in which two surfaces become attached to each other using glue
- the chemical force that holds atoms together in a molecule
- a written agreement to do something, that makes you legally responsible for doing it
- if two things bond with each other, they become firmly fixed together, especially after they have been joined with glue
- to develop a special relationship with someone
bound (a./v./n.)
- to be very likely to do or feel a particular thing
- to feel that you ought to do something, because it is morally right or your duty to do it
- if two people or groups are bound together by something, they share a particular experience or situation that causes them to have a relationship
- a bound book is covered on the outside with paper, leather etc
- to run with a lot of energy, because you are happy, excited or frightened
- if a country or area of land is bounded by something such as a wall, river etc, it has the wall etc at its edge
1.the limits of what is possible or acceptable
brace (v./n.)
- to mentally or physically prepare yourself or someone else for something unpleasant that is going to happen
- to push part of your body against something solid in order to make yourself more steady
- to make something stronger by supporting it
- to make your body or part of your body stiff in order to prepare to do something difficult
- something that is used to strengthen or support something, or to make it stiff
- a system of metal wires that people, usually children, wear on their teeth to make them grow straight
- a metal support that someone with weak legs wears to help them walk
- two long pieces of material that stretch over someone’s shoulders and fasten to their trousers at the front and the back to stop them falling down
- one of a pair of signs { } used to show that information written between them should be considered together
bracket (n./v.)
- one of the pair of signs ( ) put around words to show extra information
- a piece of metal, wood, or plastic, often in the shape of the letter L, fixed to a wall to support something such as a shelf
- to consider two or more people or things as being similar or the same
- to put brackets around a written word, piece of information etc
- a large group of soldiers forming part of an army
- an insulting word for a group of people who have the same beliefs
- a group of people who are organized to do something