A Flashcards
- an arrangement for a meeting at an agreed time and place, for a particular purpose
- when someone is chosen for a position or job
- a job or position, usually involving some responsibility
absolute (a./n.)
- complete or total
- used to emphasize your opinion about something or someone
- definite and not likely to change
- not restricted or limited
1.something that is considered to be true or right in all situations
abstract (a./n./v.)
- based on the general ideas or principle rather than specific examples or real events
- 抽象派的
- 抽象画
- a short written statement containing only the most important ideas in a speech, article etc
- 写…摘要
- to remove something from somewhere
- to go somewhere with someone
- to play a musical instrument while someone sings a song or plays the main tune
- if a book, document etc accompanies something, it comes with it
account (n.)
- a written or spoken description that says what happens in an event or process
- an arrangement in which a bank keeps your money safe so that you can pay more in or take money out
- a statement that shows how much money you owe for things you have bought from a shop
- to admit or accept that something is true or that a situation exists
- to publicly announce that you are grateful for the help that someone has given you
- to let someone know that you have received something from them
address (n./v.)
1.a formal speech that someone makes to a group of people
- if you address an envelope, package etc, you write on it the name and address of the person
- if you address a problem, you start trying to solve it
- to speak to someone directly
- if you address remarks, complaints etc to someone, you say or write them directly to that person
- 称呼作
- a statement in which you admit that something is true or that you have done something wrong
- permission given to someone to enter a building or place or to become a member of a school, club etc
- the process of allowing people to enter a university, institution etc or the number of people who can enter
- the process of taking someone into a hospital for treatment, tests or care
- the cost of entrance to a concert, sports event, cinema etc
- to agree unwillingly that something is true or that someone else is right
- to say that you have done something wrong, especially something criminal
- to allow someone to enter a public place to watch a game, performance etc
- if people at a hospital admit someone, that person is taken in to be given treatment, tests or care
- to take someone else’s child into your home and legally become its parent
- to start to deal with or think about something in a particular way or
- to use a particular style of speaking, writing or behaving, especially one that you do not usually use
- to formally approve a proposal, amendment etc, especially by voting
- to choose a new name, country, custom etc especially to replace a previous one
advance (n./v./a.)
- forward movement or progress of a group of people-used especially to talk about soldiers
- 预付款
- 前进,推进
- 预支
- to do something that will help you achieve an advantage or success for yourself or someone else
- to make someone feel strong emotions
2. to pretend to have a particular feeling, way of speaking etc
alternative (a./n.)
- an alternative idea, plan etc is different from the one you have and can be used instead
- deliberately different from what is usual, expected or traditional
1.something you can choose to do or use instead of something else
1.if things are a particular time apart, they do not happen at the same time but have that much time between them
appeal (n./v.)
- an urgent request for something important
- a formal request to a court or to someone in authority asking for a decision to be changed
- a quality that makes people like something or someone
- 上诉;申诉
- if someone or something appeals to you, they seem attractive and interesting
- a formal, usually written, request for something such as a job, place at university, or permission to do something
- the particular purpose for which a machine, idea etc can be used or a situation when this is used
- 应用程序
- when you put something such as paint, liquid, medicine etc onto a surface
- attention or effort over a long period of time
- to have an effect on or to concern a particular person, group or situation
- 应用,运用
- to make something such as a piece of equipment operate, usually by pushing or pressing something
- 涂,敷
approach (v./n.)
- to ask someone for something or ask them to do something, especially when you are asking them for the first time or when you are not sure if they will do it
- to begin to deal with a situation or problem in a particular way or with a particular attitude
- a method of doing something or dealing with a problem
- a request from someone, asking you to do something for them
- a road, path etc that leads to a place, and is the main way of reaching it
appropriate (a./v.)
- to take something for yourself when you do not have the right to do this
- to take something, especially money, to use for a particular purpose
- if a problem or difficult situation arises, it begins to happen
- to get out of bed or stand up
- if something arises when you are moving towards it, you are gradually able to see it as you move closer
- not real or not made of natural things but made to be like something that is real or natural
- an artificial situation or quality exists because someone has made it exist, and not because it is really necessary
- artificial behavior is not sincere-used to show disapproval
- one part of a situation, idea, plan etc that has many parts
- the direction in which a window, room, front of a building etc faces
- the appearance of someone or something
1.to calculate the value or cost of something
1.to give a particular time, value, place etc to something