Myofascial Release I Flashcards
Cervical Traction

C-Spine Bilateral Forearm Fulcrum Forward Bending
- Arms crossed under pts head
- Hands placed (palm down) on shoulders
- Repeatedly flex neck
- Repeat 2-3x

C-Spine: Unilateral Forearm Fulcrum Forward Bending
- Use one arm to place on pt’s shoulder and cradle occiput
- Use opposite hand to rotate and sidebend head towards and away from your elbow
- Repeat 2-3 min
- Re-evaluate for TART

C-Spine: Contralateral Traction, Supine
- Caudal hand on cervical paravertebral muscles on opposite side from you
- Superior hand rests on pt forhead to prevent excessive rotation

C-Spine: Cradling with Traction (Supine)
- fingers placed under neck
- engage soft tissue with anterior and lateral force
- move cephalad along soft tissues

Head and C-Spine: Subocciptal Release
- Finger pads on suboccipital region
- Apply pressure:
Kneading: rhythmic pressure (2 min)
Inhibition: constant inhibitory pressure (30 sec)

Thoracic: Prone Pressure
- Thumb pads on paravertebral muscles on opposite side from you
- Keep elbows “straight-ish”, engage soft tissues and create perpendicular stretch

Thoracic Prone Pressure with Counterpressure
- Place thumbs over thoracic paravertebral muscles (opposite directions)
- Engage tissues while moving hands in the direction they’re facing

Thoracic Subscapular Stretch
(Prone or Lateral Recumbent)
- Take pt’s arm on side being treated, and place it behind their back
- place fingers around scapula
- pull scapula away from rib cage, engage tissues ventrally (gentle and upward motions!)

Upper Thoracic with Shoulder Block
(Lateral Recumbent)
- pt lateral recumbent
- stand on side facing pt
- Inferior hand passes under pt arm, contract paravertebral muscles
- Superior hand applies counterforce on anterior part of shoulder
* drape pt hand over your arm
- Use both hands to engage tissues (pull it up) *use finger pads

Thoracic and Lumbar Myofascial Release
(Lateral Recumbent)
- Patient in lateral recumbent, you face them
- finger pads placed on paravertebral muscles
- Engage muscle w/ ventrolateral force

Lumbar: Prone Pressure
- Hands on opposite side that you are standing
- Keep elbows straight
- Use own body weight to engage soft tissues with ventral force

Lumbar Prone Pressure with Counterleverage
- Grasp ASIS on other side of pt using inferior hand
- Place other hand (thenar and hypothenar eminence) on paraspinal muscles
- Pull on ASIS and apply pressure on lumbar muscles
- Repetive rhythmic fashion
- Treat tighter portions, then move after muscle release

Lumbar Paraspinal Perpendicular Stretch
Lateral Recumbent
- Face pt
- finger pads on paravertebral muscles
- Stabilize pt knee against thigh
- Engage tissues with ventral force, move out laterally

Hip Myofascial Release
( supine)
- flex hip and knee to 90 degrees
- Indirect: move hip to position of laxity, apply compression along femur
- Direct: move hip into restrictive barrier, apply compression/traction until tissue release is perceived
* Re-evaluate*

Superior Popliteal Space/ MFR
- put fingerpads on sides of popliteal space
- Test motions:
internal/external rotation
- Follow release until there is so much creep
- Re-evaluate