Myofascial Release Flashcards
What plane is Flexion/Extension around?
Saggital Plane
What plane is Sidebending around?
Coronal Plane
What plane is Rotation around?
Transverse Plane
What does INR stand for?
Integrated Neuromuscular Release
What are the 3 activating forces (neuromuscular releases) for a Thoracolumbar INR Prone procedure?
Leg Extension/Flexion
Arm Abduction
Note that for MFR, use inhalation/exhalation
For INR use Leg extension/flexion and Arm abduction
What is the Vertebral Artery Provocative test?
When the patient is standing or seated, the patient will turn their head to look over their shoulder and up
If the patient becomes dizzy or nauseated, then this is a positive test
If none of the above, then this is a negative test
What are the 3 activating forces for a cervical MFR/INR test?
Inhalation/Exhalation (MFR)
Eye and Tongue (INR) Arm abduction (INR)
Describe the position of the patient during a cervical MFR/INR. What are you assessing?
Patient is supine
We are assessing the 3 areas of the cervical muscles for any TART findings
What are the 3 activating forces for a Hip MFR/INR test?
Inhalation/Exhalation (MFR)
Knee/hip Flexion/Extension (INR)
Knee Abduction (INR)
For the Hips, describe the positions the patients are in to assess for MFR/INR procedures.
Note that this is for the ROM’s and there are 7 of them (2 flexions)
Flexion- patient is supine and their knee is locked. Bring each leg as high as it will go (90˚)
Flexion- same as above, but bend the knee
Abduction- self explanatory
Adduction- Take each leg and cross them at the ankles to see how far they will go (20-30˚)
External Rotation- twist the patients thigh outwards at the knee
Internal Rotation- twist the patients thigh inwards at the knee
Extension- While the patient is prone, extend each leg. Make sure to grab the knee with your inferior hand and with your superior hand make a fist and inhibit their gluteus maximus
Describe the knee MFR/INR.
slide 24
Describe the Ankle MFR/INR. What are the 2 activating forces?
Slide 27
Inhalation/Exhalation- MFR
Dorsiflexion/Plantarflexion- INR
Describe the Plantar Fascia MFR/INR procedure.
With the patients foot in your hands, make an X with your thumbs and move each thumb upwards and out
Describe the Glenohumeral and Scapular MFR/INR procedure.
Grab the proximal humerus inferiorly nead the axilla and superiorly placing your thumb and 5th digit on the humerus and digits 2-4 on the scapula
What are the 4 activating forces for the glenohumeral and scapular MFR/INR procedure?
Inhalation/Exhalation (MFR)
Flexion/Extension (INR)
Internal Rotation/External Rotation (INR)
Abduction/Adduction (INR)
Describe the Elbow MFR/INR procedure.
Grasp the radioulnar area near the radiohumeral joint with the one hand positioned inferiorly to the joint and the other superiorly
What are the 2 activating forces for the Elbow MFR/INR procedure?
Inhalation/Exhalation (MFR)
Pronation/Supination (INR)
Describe the wrist MFR/INR procedure.
*Note this is called the sunburn wrist procedure
Grasp the wrist proximal to the wrist joint with the superior hand and grasp the wrist distal to the joint with the inferior hand
Twist the wrist joint
What are the 4 activating forces for MFR/INR?
Inhalation/Exhalation (MFR)
Wrist Flexion/Extension (INR)
Radioulnar Deviation (INR)
Clenching and Unclenching Fists (INR)
Describe Still’s Wrist MFR/INR procedure.
Grasp the wrist anteriorly/posteriorly using the thenar and hypothenar eminences
What are the activating forces for Still’s Wrist MFR/INR?
Inhalation/Exhalation (MFR)
Wrist Flexion/Extension (INR)
Radioulnar Deviation (INR)
Clenching and Unclenching Fists (INR)
Describe the Popliteal Space MFR/INR procedure.
Physician uses finger pads to grasp the medial and lateral aspects of the hamstrings, which create the popliteal space
What are the 2 activating forces for the popliteal space MFR/INR?
Inhalation/Exhalation (MFR)
Knee flexion/Relaxation (INR)
Internal and External Rotation (INR)