Knee OSCE Flashcards
Valgus Test

Varus Test

Anterior Drawer Test

Lachman’s Test

Posterior Drawer Test

McMurray’s Test

Apley’s Grind Test- Compression

Apley’s Grind Test- Distraction

Patella- Femoral Grinding Test

How would you assess for an Internal/External Rotation of the Tibia on the Femur?

External Rotation Tibiofemoral Somatic Dysfunction

Internal Rotation Tibiofemoral Somatic Dysfunction

How do you assess for Flexion/Extension of the tibia on the femur?

Extended Tibiofemoral Somatic Dysfunction

Flexed Tibiofemoral Somatic Dysfunction

How do you assess for Abduction/Adduction of the tibia on the femur?

How do you assess for a Proximal Fibular Head Dysfunction?

Proximal Fibular Head Dysfunction
Posterior Fibular Head

Proximal Fibular Head Dysfunction
Anterior Fibular Head