My Last Duchess Flashcards
Why is it written in the “Dramatic Monologue” style?
As it allows us to separate how the Duke views himself and how the Duke is perceived by the outside world, as well as what he has unintentionally revealed to the Count’s agent.
What is the poem based on?
A Duke who is talking with the Count’s negotiator to marry the Count’s daughter., and giving him a tour of his palace.He stops at a portrait of the last duchess of ferrara, and continues to speak- revealing lots about the situation and much more than he intends.
What was marriage like in the 16th century?
Marriages were arranged and based on wealth, trade or common peace- not love.
What quote indicates that the Duke had a part in her death?
The euphemism “I gave commands; then all smiles stopped together” is very menacing and indicates he had her killed.
What is Robert Browning’s intention for the poem?
To present the inner thoughts of the persona (Duke).
How would you describe the Duke?
Manipulative, controlling, jealous and arrogant.
Why is the Duke in the poem, placed in Renaissance Italy?
As it allowed Browning to explore themes that would be thought of as “taboo” in the Victorian era (e.g. adultery), but using Dramatic Monologue to distance himself from the poem.
Why was Browning fascinated by the Renaissance period?
As he grew up in the Victorian era where there are very strict rules and expectations to uphold and where human morals were thought to be extremely important which is very different from the artistic “rebirth” period of the Renaissance.
How is the Duke’s continued need for control shown?
Due to his extensive anger shown due to his wife disobeying him, and due to his appreciation of art where he continues to mention the famous artists “Fra Pandolf”. (Trying to impress the agent and show off) the Duke is also shown as vain and shallow due to his name dropping, as it shows the value he places on objects such as artworks, that can be controlled
What themes are present in the poem?
Control(power), Adultery, Sexuality
How is the theme of sexuality shown in this poem?
The Duchess can be thought of as blushing in this poem as it describes her cheeks as having a “spot of joy” The Duke wonders what Fra Pandolf may have said to get such a reaction from the duchess. The Duke believes that she should be more dignified and not so “easily impressed” by flattery. It may also have been suggested that the painter went further than flattery to make her blush- Duke may suggest adultery. (Again shows jealousy due to lack of control)
Why is the Duke angry that his gift was deemed “equal”
As he had given her his “nine-hundred-years-old name” which she seemed to value the same as a bough of cherries. In his opinion his give is an honour, but she disregards it as equal. This angers the Duke as he thrives off power, which she does not give him.
How does Browning want us to view the Duchess?
He wants us to feel sympathy for the Duchess as she , in our eyes, simply wanted to show kindness and be generous to everyone. He wnats us to view us as “innocent”.
How does the poem show that the Duke got what he wanted?
As it is shown that the Duke now can control the Duchess as she is a painting, covered by a curtain, by which he controls who sees her or not.
What are the key images of the poem?
The painting of the Duchess, the statue of Neptune and the images of nature that surround the Duchess.
How is the painting of the Duchess shown to be a key image?
Due to the significance of the artists name, we presume Fra Pandolf was a talented painter hence why the Duke wants to show off the name. The painting also shows the Duchesses ability to control the life of the Duke after her death as she clearly still affects him even after her death.
How is the Duchesses influence shown throughout the poem?
Her influence is shown, due to his re-telling of her story (which is indicated to have happened more than once “and seemed as they would ask me”). He effectively brings her back to life each time he tells it.
Give a quote that shows the Duke as controlling
“his fair daughters self as I avowed, at starting is my object” He views his wife to be as an object which he can own. This shows his obsession to constantly be in power by having the control of a human being.
How does the statue of Neptune show the Duke’s obsessive nature and desire for control?
It reveals to both us and the agent, his desire to be “God-like” and own and control everything. The image of this links to his previous marriage where he is the master of the sea and he wished he could have mastered the “taming of a sea-horse” who is represented by his wife as he strongly desires to control and “tame” her.
What are the main structural elements in this monologue?
Rhyming couplets, enjambment and iambic pentameter.
What is the effect of the rhyming couplets
They help explore the content- the duke’s personality is exhibited through the rhyming couplets
What is the effect of the rhyming couplets
They help explore the content- the duke’s personality is exhibited through the rhyming couplets. The couplets may also suggest the Duke’s desire to be part of a couple (Husband and wife).
What is the effect of the enjambment?
This technique helps Browning mimic real speech- we don’t pause/ stop what we’re saying when we get to the edge of the page. It also shows the Duke as a performer and allows him to mimic other by imagining what he said to the Duchess. This form shows the force of his personality as it allows him to hide from the reader and the agent the horrific truth of what the Duke has done.
What is the effect of Iambic Pentameter?
They help explore the content- the duke’s personality is exhibited through iambic pentameter. The rigid rhythm shows the controlled nature of the Duke’s world.
What effect is created due to the contrast of enjambment and Iambic pentameter?
The enjambment contrasts the strict rules of the rhyming couplets and iambic pentameter, the conflict allows the truth of the Duke’s character to be shown and his skill to craft a dramatic monologue.
What does the lack of literary devices show us about the poem?
The lack of literary devices demonstrates the strangeness of reality
The poet has used Ellipsis(when information is missed out) Why?
The poet has missed out information (Ellipsis), as it gives the phrases such as “Her looks went everywhere”
a sarcastic tone, where we can imagine the look on the Duke’s face as he is saying it. The look he gives suggests a “you know what I mean” tone to his voice, which links into the hidden meaning of the poem and the character of the Duke.
How does the Duke try and make himself seem superior to the agent?
As the Duke refers to him as “Sir” which, whilst being polite to uphold his status, belittles the agent and tries to make the agent seem inferior to the Duke as his title is less impressive/ high up than himself.