Blood Brothers Flashcards
Why is “Tell me it’s not true say it’s just a story” such an important quote?
This quote, along with the two dead bodies on stage at the start of the play, immediately engages the audience and we have a lot of extreme emotions here and want to know what’s happened.
What does the quote “By the time I was twenty-five, I looked like forty-two” show?
Willy Russel wants to make us aware of the hard life Mrs Johnstone has had, by implying that the working class troubles she has had to face have impacted upon her looks.
“Myself, I believe that an adopted child can become ones own” What does this make us feel?
This makes the audience feel sympathy for Mrs Lyons as her husband is clearly against adoption and she is clearly desperate for a child to love.
How does this quote reflect the whole play? “There’s shoes upon the table an’ a joker in the pack. The salts been spilled and the looking glass cracked”
The narrator says this to enforce the idea of superstition, also the looking glass cracking supposedly seems to bring 7 years bad luck and the twins seem to meet every 7 years.
“He’d sleep every night in a bed of his own”
Mrs Lyons is trying to persuade Mrs Johnstone to give her one of her children and attempting to guilt trip her to get what she wants. This shows to the audience that she is relentless and is willing to use any means to get herself a child.
“But a debt is a debt and must be paid”
This foreshadows the tragic ending of the two deaths and is used to distance ourselves from the play.
What is the use of the narrator in the play for?
To distance yourself from the characters and to remind us that things are definitely going to go wrong in this play.
What does “The devils got your number” mean?
This means that the devil knows what the women have done and the association with the devil implies that what the women did was evil.
What technique is used when Mickey says “Will you be my blood brother Eddie?”
Irony as we, the audience, are aware that they are actually fraternal brothers.
What does “You’re…you”re a fuckoff!” show us about Eddie?
That whilst he admires the rebellious streak that Mickey has, he clearly still lacks an understanding for what it means.
“You don’t wanna end up in court again do y’a?” What theme does this show?
This theme presents that differences in class, as when the police man returns Mickey home he threatens Ms Johnstone, whereas we know when returning Eddie home he says to simply “Dock his pocket money”.
“No-one gets off without the price being paid”
Again refers to no deal coming without a consequence, foreshadowing the boys’ deaths.
Why does Mrs Lyons act the way she does towards Mrs Johnstone as the play progresses?
“You ruined me”
It shows her increasing paranoia as she believes that Mrs Johnstone has the power to destroy her family. She is worried that Eddie discovers the truth about who his real mother is.
What does the quote “…only a sign of the times” reference?
The quote refers to the economic crisis that was happening at the time, and also further reflects the dampened and depressing mood for somebody who is in the working class.
“Well how come you got everything I got nothin’?” What does this quote represent?
This quote represents the class difference and how “unfair” life was between classes and people were not allowed the same opportunities.
“Why didn’t you give me away?”
Mickey thinks that if he had been given away he would have had the better life and turned out like Edward.
How is the relationship between Mickey and Sammy presented?
It seems that Mickey is always in the shadow of Sammy. Sammy gets to play by the big houses and Mickey has a lot of admiration for Sammy, which seems normal at the beginning.
What is the bond like between Mickey and Eddie at the start of the play?
It is clear Mickey admires Eddie and cherishes their friendship. They have a very close bond, hence why they become blood brothers. He is devastated when Eddie moves away.
What quote from Act 2 shows the desperation that Mickey has to keep up his lifestyle?
“…crawl back to that job for half the pay and double the hours”.
What causes Mickey to first get frustrated with Eddie in Act 2?
Eddie has a lack of understanding for Mickeys situation because he has grown up not realising how privileged or lucky he has been compared to Mickey who was never given the opportunities that Eddie was.
What does Mickey do because of his desperation to get a job?
Mickey agrees to help Sammy on a job, where he is the lookout. This results in Mickey going to prison despite it being Sammy’s plan and Sammy managed to escape.
What effect does the contrast between the characters Mickey and Eddie have?
The contrast between Mickey and Eddie is a comic contrast.
How is Eddie shown to be a naive character?
Eddie doesn’t understand the differences between the classes or the difference in upbringing that him and Mickey had.
How is Mrs Johnstone presented as superstitious?
She overreacts when Mrs Lyons places her new shoes on the table saying “take them off” (which is out of character bearing in mind she is emplyed by Mrs Lyons) and “the shoes…the shoes…”. These ellipses show how she is genuinely frightened what will happen.
How is Mrs Johnstone presented as loving?
“I love the bones of every one of them” she also “cradles” Edward and often hugs and kisses Mickey.
How is Mrs Lyons shown to be manipulative?
Mrs Lyons uses her wealth and her knowledge of Mrs Johnstones superstition to manipulate her into giving her one of the children. This shows her selfishness and how she will not be a good mother as she clearly cares for herself more than others and is comfortable with lying to her husband and future son.
What is the superstition that Mrs Lyons made up to scare Mrs Johnstone?
She made up that if twins who have been parted meet again, “…they shall both immediately die”
Give a quote that suggests how the deal between Mrs Johnstone and Mrs Lyons has created problems for many people.
“The price she’ll pay for just being there” suggests that Linda is going to suffer even for “just being there” due to the pact.