where do vesicles traffic?
between PM, early endoscope and trans Golgi network
what does the early endoscope mature into, and how does the membrane change?
matures into multi vesicular body (MVB) and the late endosome
membrane switches from Rab5 to Rab7
what does the late endosome mature into?
matures into the lysosome
what happens in the lysosome?
macromolecules are degraded to monomers
what are the tethers to endosomes?
Rab5 and CORVET
what are tethers to lysosomes?
Rab7 and HOPS
what do the tethers do?
bring vesicles close to endosomes
how does the membrane mature and switch from Rab5 to Rab7?
Rab5 at endosomes activates Rab7
Rab5 effector and tether (CORVET) is a GEF for Rab7
Rab7 effector is a GAP to inactivate Rab5
As Rab5 vesicles fuse with early endosome more and more Rab7 is activated and less and less Rab5 stays active
membrane becomes late ebdosome
how does the clustering of tethers happen?
Rab5 effectors have GEF or PI kinase activity on early endosome
GEF activity produces more Rab5-GTP in local area of membrane
PI-phosphates provide additional binding sites for vesicle tethers
cluster of tethers form landing site for vesicle
does not change membrane thickness or lipid content
what are SNARE proteins?
family of membrane proteins that carry out vesicle fusion
how does targeting and fusion happen?
rabs and tethers can recruit SNAREs to fusion site
v-SNARES on vesicles recognise partner t-SNAREs on target membranes
complexes form after tethering
unique combination of v and t-SNARES determine targeting specificity
what is the conformation of v-SNAREs?
monomers with single TM helical domain
not stably folded
what is the conformation of t-SNAREs?
trimers with combinations of TM and peripheral subunits
partially stable 3-helix bundle
what do v and t SNAREs form together?
a stable tetramer
4-helix bundle
what does the folding process of SNAREs do?
pulls membranes close together
generates physical string like a spring
not dependent on ATP or GTP
what is the fusion model?
- SNARE complexes form in a ring around the vesicle contact site
- the SNARE TM anchors are bent and strained, exerting a force that holds the membranes together
- the outer and inner layers of the membranes fuse
- the strain in the SNARE complex is relieved
how does SNARE dissociation happen?
after fusion the SNARE complex is stable, unstrained and inactive
an AAA-family ATPase (NSF) dissociates v and t SNAREs, which are essential for the continuation of vesicle trafficking
t SNAREs become active again
v SNAREs are recycled back to their donor membrane by vesicles
what does NSF do?
NSF binds SNARE complex through adaptor protein (alpha SNAP)
NSF twists and pulls during ATP hydrolysis
multiple cycles of ATPase unwind the SNARE helices
what mediates endocytosis?
CCVs mediate endocytosis from PM to early endosome
where are some PM proteins transported?
transported to recycling endosome, for exocytosis back to PM
where are lysosomal proteins trafficked?
trafficked from trans-golgi to endosome, their receptors are trafficked brack
how does receptor recycling work?
Extracellular ligands are bound by transmembrane PM receptors, transported to early endosome for sorting
pH of early endosome is lower than the extracellular space, causing ligands to separate from receptors
– changestheaveragecharge on proteins, interactions are weakened
Empty receptors are recycled back to PM
Free ligands progress to lysosome
what is retrograde traffic and how does it work?
- Retrograde traffic of proteins from endosomes to PM or trans-Golgi
– extracellular receptors to PM
– receptors that bring proteins to the
lysosome are returned to Golgi - Involve membrane tubules or tubular vesicle, not round coated vesicles
- Requires the Retromer protein complex
how does endosome maturation happen?
Some TM proteins are marked for endocytosis by modification with mono-ubiquitin at PM
– not poly-ubiquitin
– recognition by CCV adaptors
– if ubiquitin is removed, proteins are
recycled to PM
– ubiquitin not removed is a signal for lysosomal degradation
* Early endosomes mature into MVBs by invaginating and pinching-off membrane
* MVB contents cannot be recycled to PM anymore
how are MVB formed?
- MVB invagination: a series of ESCRT protein complexes shape and pinch off vesicles into the lumen of an endosome
- ESCRT-0 binds PI(3)P and collects mono-Ub cargo proteins, provides binding site for ESCRT-I
- ESCRT-I and II form the neck of the bud
- ESCRT-III forms oligomers to pinch off the bud to form vesicle
what happens in the lysosome?
- MVBs fuse with vesicles containing proteases and other enzymes to become lysosomes
- After the ER, the lysosome is the final site of protein degradation in the secretory pathway
- Lysosome lumen is highly acidic pH 5
– normalproteinsunfold
– lysosomalenzymesaremostactiveat low pH - Low pH is maintained by an ATP- dependent proton pump
- Final breakdown products are returned to cytosol by small-molecule transporters
what are the four paths for lysosome degradation?
how does autophagy work?
- Large-scale digestion of cytosol and membranes
- Upregulated during starvation to release free amino acids
- Lipids and proteins are transported through cytosol to form phagophore vesicle
- Phagophore grows to enclose contents in an autophagosome
– doublemembrane
– largerangeofsizes - Autophagosome fuses with lysosome to digest contents
how does homotypic fusion work?
- In some fusion events, donor and target membranes are the same – fusionofCOP-IIvesiclesintovesicular-tubularclusterthat
becomes cis-Golgi
– re-formationofERandGolgiaftercelldivision - Both membranes have identical v- and t-SNAREs, already in
complexes and inactive - SNAREs must be separated by NSF to allow new fusion