Mutations Flashcards
What are mutations?
Any change in the genetic composition of an organism.
Why does a mutation occur
-could occur by chance
-could occur as a result of mutagens
What are mutagens
-physical or chemical agents that cause mutations.
When can gene mutations be transferred to children
Only mutations that occur in the sexual organs can be passed on
What are the 2 types of mutations
-Gene mutations
-chromosomal mutations
What are gene mutations?
-A change in the nucleotide sequence
When can gene mutations occur?
They can occur during:
- DNA replication
- Transcription of DNA and RNA
- Crossing over during prophase of meiosis
What are the four types of gene mutations?
A change in the nucleotide sequence.
As a result…
As a result the code for protein synthesis changes and forms a faulty protein.
What happens in substitution?
-One nitrogenous base is replaced by another
-results in the alterations of one amino acid
-point mutation
What happens in deletion?
-one or more nitrogenous bases are lost
-results in a frame shift
- all base triplets are altered and consequently all the amino acids are
What happens during insertions?
-one or more nitrogenous bases are inserted
-all base triplets are altered and consequently also the amino acids.
-frame shift
How does a chromosomal mutation occur?
- it occurs when Meiosis doesn’t proceed properly which results in changes in one chromosome number or structure.
What is Aneuploidy?
- extra chromosomes or missing chromosomes in a cell.
Give examples of Aneuploidy.
- Down syndrome - 47 chromosomes.
- Turner Syndrome - only one sex chromosomes (XO)
- Klinefelter syndrome- extra sex chromosomes (XXY)
How does Down syndrome occur?
Occurs during the production of eggs during Meiosis when chromosomes number 21 doesn’t separate during Anophase 1