must-know verbs Flashcards
je suis
I am

I have

je vais
I go (somewhere)

je viens
I come (from somewhere)

je vois
I see

je peux
I can (am able to)

je veux
I want to

je fais
I make or do (something)

je mets
I put (something somewhere)

je prends
I take (something)

je dis
I say

je dois
I must

je sais
I know

In European languages, verbs have different endings based on the subject. What ending is mostly used for verbs where the subject is “je”?
Look at the cards again before you look below!!
Most verbs end is “s” A few irregular verbs end in “x” Both s and x are silent at the end of a word.
How do you say:
I have some cats

j’ai des chats

How do you say:
I am a cat

je suis un chat

How do you say:
I put the pants…

je mets les pantalons…
I take the money (argent)
je prends l’argent

I go to the (au) palace
je vais au palais

I come with (avec) a cat
je viens avec un chat

I see a hedgehog (hérisson)
Je vois un hérisson

I want a cat
je veux un chat

I can fly
je peux voler

I must jump (sauter)
je dois sauter

I know everything (tout)
je sais tout