grammar: Ranger's apprentice Flashcards
l’assiette à laquelle Will avait à peine touche
The plate that Will had barely touched
il ne parvenait pas à avaler
He couldn’t manage to swallow
il avait tendence à examiner
He had the tendency to (tended to) examine….
il etait le seul à craindre le Grand Choix
He was the only (one who had) to fear …
quel Maitre va vouloir de lui
what Master will want him?
Nous serions stupides de ne pas l’être
de ne pas être anxieux
We would be stupid not to be (afraid)
Jenny s’était mise à glousser
Jenny had started to giggle
il n’y avait aucun risque
There was no risk
afin de participer aux travaux
so they could take part in the work
les orphelins qui n’étaient pas choisis
the orphans that were not chosen
il était rare que cela arrive
it was rare that that happened
plus que tout autre
more than anything else
un sort qui l’effrayait
a fate that scared him
tu ferais mieux de manger
you would do well to eat
Horace avait entendu Will confier qu’il souhaitait….
Horace heard Will confide that he wished…
Horace a fait de sa vie un enfer
Horace made his life a hell
le plus souvent possible
as often as possible (the most often possible)
cela ne faisais qu’aggraver les choses
this did nothing but aggravate matters
il n’avait cessé d’ésperer que…
he hadn’t stopped hoping that àéè
avant qu’Horace ne puisse l’attraper
before Horace could catch him
Will n’avait pas encore appris que…
Will had not yet learned that…
n’était pas forcément une bonne idée
was not necessarily a good idea
d’en avoir un
to have one of them
ne put s’empêcher de glousser
couldn’t keep from laughing
avant même qu’Horace puisse…
even before Horace could…