how many mL in 1 tsp
how many mL in 1 tbsp
how many mL in 1 fl oz
30 mL (approx), 29.57 mL (actual)
how many oz & mL in 1 cup
8 oz = 240 mL (approx), 236.56 mL (actual)
how many oz & mL in 1 pint
16 oz = 480 mL (approx), 473 mL (actual)
how many mL in 1 quart
2 pints = 960 mL (approx), 946 mL (actual)
how many mL in 1 gallon
4 quarts = 3840 mL approx), 3785 mL (actual)
how many pounds in 1 kg
2.2 lb
how many grams in 1 oz
28.4 g
how many grams in 1 pound
454 g
how many mg in 1 grain
65 mg (approx), 64.8 (actual)
mEq to mmol for monovalent ions
mEq to mmol for divalent ions
how many cm in 1 in
2.54 cm
how many cm in 1 m
100 cm
CBC fish bone diagram
going zigzag left to right: WBC, Hgb, Hct, Plt
BMP fish bone diagram
going zigzag left to right: Na, K, Cl, HCO3, BUN, SCr, Glucose
X g / 100mL
X mL / 100mL
X g / 100g
percentage strength formula
percentage strength = 100 / ratio strength
ratio strength formula
ratio strength = 100 / percentage strength
PPM to percentage strength formula
move decimal left 4 places
percentage strength to PPM formula
move decimal right 4 places
specific gravity formula
SG = weight of substance (g) / weight of equal volume of water (g)
SG = g/mL
dilution & concentration formula
- for changing strength or quantity
Q1C1 = Q2C2
alligation formula
*use proportions to calculate amount of high% and/or low% required
osmolarity formula
mOSmol/L = [weight of substance (g/L) / MW (g/mole) ] * (# of particles) * 1000
isotonicity formula
E = [(58.5) * (i) ] / [(MW of drug)*(1.8)]
moles formula
mols = g / MW
millimoles formula
mmol = mg / MW
milliequivalents formula
mEq = (mg * valence) / MW
mEq = mmols * valence
enteral nutrition calories for protein
4 kcal/g
enteral nutrition calories for carbs
4 kcal/g
enteral nutrition calories for fats
9 kcal/g
parenteral nutrition calories for proteins
4 kcal/g
parenteral nutrition calories for dextrose
3.4 kcal/g
parenteral nutrition calories for lipids
ILE 10% = 1.1 kcal/mL
ILE 20% = 2 kcal/mL
ILE 30% = 3 kcal/mL
determining fluid needs formula
when weight >20kg: 1500mL + (20mL)(weight in kg - 20)
*can estimate using 30-40 mL/kg/day (TBW)
total energy expenditure formula
TEE = BEE * activity factor * stress factor
grams of nitrogen from protein
nitrogen (g) = protein intake (g) / 6.25
corrected calcium for albumin <3.5
*not needed for ionized Ca
Ca corrected (mg/dL) = serum Ca + 0.8(4 - albumin)
BMI formula
BMI (kg/m2) = weight (kg) / [height (m)]^2
BMI = [weight (lbs)] / [height (in)]^2] * 703
underweight BMI
normal BMI
overweight BMI
obese BMI